Monday, July 26, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Manthara advises Devi Kaikeyi to take shelter in the Kopagriha/chamber specially made for the women to stay while grieving

Chapter – 23– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Manthara advises Devi Kaikeyi to take shelter in the Kopagriha/chamber specially made for the women to stay while grieving


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, the wicked hunch-back after setting the malicious plan in queen Kakikeyi’s mind, spoke to her fervently “Oh! Devi, take shelter in the Kopagriha/a special chamber to stay while the queens are unhappy and grieving, as I have advised, manage the whole affairs discreetly, do not believe the King and his sweet words easily.” Devi Kaikeyi praised the intelligence of the hunchback again and again, “Oh! Manthara, I have no trustworthy companion like you in this whole world. You have saved me from sinking in the deep ocean of grief, you have protected me from drowning, like the log in the river. If the Almighty Lord is favorable to me, he would fulfill my wishes tomorrow, Oh! Dear, I will protect you like an apple of my eyes in all my life.” Thus, Devi Kaikeyi repeatedly praised the shrewdness of Manthara and retired to the Kopagriha. The scheme resembled the seed, which was conceived by the servant maid Manthara served the purpose of heavy downpour, on the soil like the mind of Devi Kaikeyi, the water like the willingness of the queen to dance to the tune of Manthara’s words were already deep-rooted in the mind of the queen, began to sprout with the desire to ask for two boons, such as performing the coronation of Bharatha as the King of Ayodhya, and exile Rama to the woods, which was well enough to bear the fruit of calamities in the royal family. Devi Kaikeyi entered in the dark and untidy chamber/Kopagriha with a heart full of resentment, and lay on the floor. Alas! it was her bad luck, she was destined to take pleasure in the luxuries of the Kingdom, unfortunately, she was betrayed by her own wicked mind to take shelter in the dark and gloomy chamber, while the whole palace and the Kingdom were rejoicing at the upcoming coronation of Rama as the King of Ayodhya. Alas! nobody was aware of the conspiracy of Devi Kaikeyi and Manthara conceived together.”


Bada Kudhathu Kari  Pathakini Kahesi Kopagriha Jahu | Kaju Savarehu Sajaga Sabu Sahasa Jani  Pathiahu ||

Kubarihi Rani  Pranapriya Jani | Bar Bar Badi  Budhdhi Bakhani || Thohi Samahitha Na Mora  Samsara | Bahe Jatha Kayi Bhayisi Adhaara || Jau Bidhi Puraba Manorathu Kali | Karau Thohi Chakha  Poothari  Aali || Bahubidhi Cherihi Aadharu Dheyi | Kopabhavana Gavani Kaikeyi || Bipathi Beeju  Barasha Rithu Cheri | Bhuya Bhayi Kumathi Kakikeyi Keri || Payi Kapata Jalu  Ankura Jama | Bara Dhoau Dhala Dhukha Phala Parinama || Kopa Samaju Saji  Sabu  Soyi | Raju Karatha Nija Kumathi Bigoyi || Raura Nagara Kolahalu Hoyi | Yaha Kuchali Kacchu Jan Na Koyi ||

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