Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda –Sage Kakabhusundi describes the Paramarththa Thaththva


Chapter - 117- Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj –Sage Kakabhusundi describes the Paramarththa Thaththva

 Sage Kakabhusundi speaks “Oh! Garuda, no one knows the secret ways of Lord Raghupathi, whoever comes to know by the grace of Lord would never fall, a victim of Maya of Mayapathi, not even in their dreams or never get soaked in the interest of worldly matters, such as wealth, richness, fame, money, wife, children, companion and relatives, etc. Oh! Garuda, listen to me, whoever listens or reads the disparities between wisdom and Bhakti/devotion would develop perpetual devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Rama. Oh! Thatha, without the knowledge of the concept of Bhakti, it is impossible to understand the Paramarththa Thaththva, that is ‘Eswara Amsa, Jeeva Abinashi”/ Jeevathma is the essence of Paramathma. The supreme Bhramam/Paramathma is eternal, pure, unblemished, changeless, free from afflictions, has neither birth nor death, inseparable from Maya but free from the persuasion of Maya. The Sacchidhananda Swaroopa Parmathma is indestructible Purusha, inseparable from the destructible Prakrithi/Maya, who is a charmer influence all the animate and inanimate things in the Universe. The Jeeva under the influence of Maya, drenched in worldly matters dance to her tunes, like the monkey to its Master, and a caged parrot. Jeevathma is the minuscule particle of Paramathma which is supreme bliss, soaked in Maya of infinite Shabdha/sound, Sparsha/touch, Rasa/taste, Roopa/appearance, Gandha/smell, remains ignorant, unless and until the Jeeva get rid of the Maya it cannot unite with the Paramathma. The Vedas and scriptures described countless ways to remove the knot of the Jeeva from the Maya, but everything gets harder due to the Jeeva's excessive ignorance, lust, desire, ego, jealousy, pride, anger and arrogance, hence the unfortunate never came to know the inseparable bond of Jeevathma with the Parmathma or never tries to unite with the Bhramam."  

Sage Kakabhusundi continues "Oh! Khagapathi, the fortunate Jeeva with the grace of Lord Sri Hari, resembles a cow, the pieties /Sathvik nature resides in their hearts,  it consumes on the green grass-like austerities, Japa, Thapa, Yoga, vows, observance of celibacy, Shama, Dhama, Sathyam, Dhaya, Dhanam, Shaucham, Astheyam, Ahimsa, Yama, Niyama, Arjjavam, purity of mind and body, contentment, etc. In this way it possesses innumerable virtues engages in religious and spiritual practices recommended by Veda and Shastras, as a result, the milk like an abundance of meritorious rewards flows from its bosom. Once, the cow gives birth to a calf, it would automatically get tied with the rope of love with its calf, the self-control resembles the rope tied on the leg of cow while milking, and the pot represents faith, the person who milks the cow symbolize pure mind. Oh! Garuda, after receiving an abundance of milk from the cow resemble righteousness, it should keep for boiling in the blazing fire of desirelessness, the milk boiled should be kept for cooling, and the process resembles the contentment and forbearance,  after adding a little bit of curd with the cooled milk. The curd is churned in a mud pot resemble cheerfulness, with the help of chord and wooden stick resemble self-control  truthfulness and pleasing nature,  the end result will be the pure  butter resemble dispassion.”


Yaha Rahasya  Raghunatha Kara  Begi Na Janayi Koyi | Jo Janayi Raghupathi Kripa Sapanehu Moha Na HOyi || Aurau Gyana Bhakthi Kara Bhedha Sunahu Suprabeena | Jo Suni Hoyi Rama Padhapreethi Sadha Abicchina ||

Sunahu Thatha Yaha Akatha Kahani | Samujjatha Banayi Na  Jayi Bakhani || Eshwara Amsa Jeeva Abinasi | Chethana Amala Sahaja Sukharasi || So Mayabasa  Bhayau Gosayi | Bandhyo Kari Marakata KI Nayi || Jada Chethanahi Granthi Pari Gayi | Jadhapi Mrisha Chootatha Kadinayi || Thab The Jeeva Bhayau Samsari | Choota Na Granthi Na Hoyi Sukhari || Shruthi Purana Bahu Kaheau Upayi | Choot Na  Adhika  Adhika  Arujjayi || Jeeva Hridhaya Thama Moha Biseshi | Granthi Choot Kimi Parayi Na Dhekhi || Asa Sanjoga Esa Jab Karayi | Thabahu Kadhachith So Niruarayi || Sathvik Shradhdha Dhenu Suhayi | Jau Harikripa Hridhaya Basa Ayi || Japa Thapa Bratha Jama Niyama Apara | Je Shruthi Kaha Subha Dharma Achara || Theyi Thrina  Haritha  Charai  Jab  Gayi | Bhava  Baccha Sisu Payi Penhayi || Noyi  Nibriththi Pathra  Biswasa | Nirmala Mana Aahira Nijadhasa || Parama Dharmamaya Paya Dhuhi Bhayi | Avatai Anala  Akama Banayi || Thosha Marutha Thab Cchama Judavai | Dhrithi Sama Javanu Dheyi Jamavai || Mudhitha Mathai Bichara Mathani | Dhama Adhara  Raju Sathya  Subani || Thab Mathi Kadi Leyi Navaneetha | Bimala Biraga Subhaga Supuneetha ||

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