Monday, January 17, 2022

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Sage Kakabhusundi meets Sage Lomasha


Chapter - 111 - Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj –Sage Kakabhusundi meets Sage Lomasha

Sage Kakabhusundi speaks “Oh! Garuda, whenever I recollect the advice of my preceptor, my love for Lord of Raghu would bourgeon, I kept singing in praise of Lord Rama and it provided me great strength to me. Once, I met Sage Lomasa who was seated under the Banyan tree located in Mount Meru, I reverentially greeted the Sage, and appealed to him to describe the glories of Lord Sri Ramachandra. Sage Lomasha enquired the purpose of my visit to him, I have explained my qualms, repeatedly prostrated before him, and requested to describe the method of worship of Sagunaswaroopa of the supreme Lord. Oh! Khagapathi, after listening to my polite request, Sage Lomasha described the virtues of Lord Rama, Lord of Raghus. The illustrious Sage Lomasha is a Bhramajjyani, he began to explain the nature of the supreme Bhramam which is pure, unblemished, omnipresent, reside as a soul in the Jeeva causes the functioning of mind intellect, Chiththa, Ahamkara, Prana, Karma, and Gnanendhriyas, invisible and incomparable, free from attributes of Rajasik, Sathvik, and Thamasik, has neither birth nor death, eternal and supreme bliss. The compassionate sage Lomasha spoke “Oh! Bhramin, the Veda emphasize that Jeevathma is Paramathma, you are that supreme Bhramam, you are not different from that Bhramam, like the ripples on the water. You have no separate existence, you are not independent, you are dependent on that Sacchidhananda Swaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam” In this way, Sage Lomasha taught me about the Nirguna Bhramam/attributeless Bhramam in different ways, but it did not appeal to my heart. I have repeatedly prostrated at the lotus feet of the Sage Lomasha and requested “Oh! Mahathma, kindly describes the methods of the worship of Lord Rama who is the Supreme Bhramam personified as the son of King Kosala. Oh! Prabho, my mind takes immense pleasure in the worship of Lord Rama, like the fish in the crystal-clear water, how can I keep myself away from the worship? Oh! Prabho, kindly be gracious to teach me the worship of Lord Rama, so that I can behold the marvelousness of the supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra with the worship at his lotus feet, after that, I would be back to listen to the lecture about the attributeless Bhramam.” Sage Lomasha described the glorious legends of Lord Sri Hari, and concluded with the virtues of attributeless all-pervasive Bhramam, which was not appealed to me, I had a series of discussions with the Sage that roused resentment in him. Oh! Garuda, it is quite natural that the passion incites in the heart of enlightened soul, the constant friction on the sandalwood causes to ignite the fire.”


Guru Ke Bachana  Surathi Kari Ramacharana Manulaga | Raghupathi Jasa  Gavatha Phirau Cchana Chana Nava Anuraga || Mreu Sikhara Bata Cchaya Muni Lomasa  Aasana | Dhekhi Charana  Siru Nayau Bachana Kaheau Athi Dheena || Suni Mama Bachana Bineetha  Mridhu Muni Kripala Khagaraja | Mohi Sadhara  Poocchath Bhaye Dhvija  Aayahu Kehi Kaja || Thab Mei Kaha Kripanidhi Thumha Sarbagya Sujana | Saguna Bhrama Avaradhana Mohi Kahahu Bhagavana ||

Thab Muneesa  Raghupathi Gunagatha | Kahe Kacchuka  Sadhara Khaganatha || Bhramagyana  Ratha Muni Bigyani | Mohi Parama Adhikari Jani || Lage Karana Bhrama Upadhesa | Aja Adhvaitha  Aguna  Hridhayesa || Akala Aneeha  Anama Aroopa | Anubhava  Gamya  Akhanda Anoopa || Mana Gotheetha  Amala Abinasi | Nirbikara  Niravadhi Sukharasi || So Thau Thahi Thohi Nahi Bhedha | Bari Beechi Iva Gavahi Bedha || Bibidhi Bhanthi Mohi Muni Samujjava | Nirguna Matha Mama  Hridhaya Na Aava || Puni Mei Kaheau Nayi Padha  Seesa | Saguna Upasana Kahahu Muneesa || Ramabhagathi Jala Mama  Manameena | Kimi  Bilagayi Muneesa  Prabeena || Soyi Upadhesa  Kahahu Kari Dhaya | Nija Nayananhi Dhekhai Raghuraya || Bhari Lochana  Biloki Avadhesa | Thab  Sunihau Nirguna Upadhesa || Muni Puni Kahi Harikatha Anoopa | Khandi Saguna Matha  Aguna Niroopa || Thab Mei Nirguna Matha  Kara Dhoori | Saguna  Niroopaau Kari Hada  Bhoori || Uththara  Prathiuththara Mei Keenha | Muni Thana Bhaye Krodha  Ke Cheenha || Sunu Prabhu Bahuth Avagya Kiya | Upaja Krodha  Gyaninha  Ke Hiya || Athi  Sangarshana  Jau Kara  Koyi | Anala  Pragata  Chandhana The  Hoyi ||

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