Friday, January 7, 2022

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Sage Kakabhusundi desires for perpetual devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Rama


Chapter -84 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Sage Kakabhusundi desires for perpetual devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Rama


Sage Kakabhusundi speaks “Oh! Garuda, the compassionate Lord watching me in distress, spoke words like nectar “Oh! Kakabhusundi, I have highly pleased with your devotion, you can ask for a boon, you can ask for anything you wished to achieve, ask for Ashtasidhdhi, or wealth, or Gyana, or Bibeka, or Birakthi,  or Vigyana, or virtues or Moksha which is difficult to achieve even after several thousand years of Tapasya, I am highly pleased with you, hence ask for anything you wish that pleases your mind.” Upon hearing the kind words of Lord Rama, I have immersed in various thoughts “The supreme Lord Sri Rama is absolute Bhramam, otherwise, he won’t offer me boons, but he did not offer the perpetual devotion at his lotus feet as a boon, without devotion at the lotus feet of the Lord, the rest of the boon such as wealth, fame, richness, money, wisdom, virtues, etc. would be worthless, it would be an extravagant meal without salt in it.” Oh! Garuda, I have replied to the Lord “Oh! Prabho, there won’t be no happiness without devotion and adoration at your lotus feet, Oh! Antharyami, you are the knower of all, you are kind and affectionate to your devotees, kindly bless me with the boon close to my heart.”

Suni Saprema  Mama Bani  Dhekhi Dheena  Nijadasa | Bachana Sukhadha Gambheera  Mridu Bole  Ramanibasa || Kakabhusundi Magu Bara  Athi Prasanna  Mohi Jani | Animadhika  Sidhi  Apara Ridhi Moccha Sakala  Sukha khani ||

Gyana Bibeka Birathi  Bigyana | Muni Dhurllabha Guna  Je Jaga  Nana || Aaju Dheau Sab Samsaya Nahi | Magu Jo Thohi Bhava Mana Mahi || Suni Prabhu Bachana Adhika  Anurageau | Mana Anumana  Karana Thab Lageau || Prabhu Kaha  Dhena Sakala  Sukha Sahi | Bhagathi  Aapani  Dhena Na Kahi || Bhagathi  Heena Guna  Sab Sukha  Yese | Lavana Bina  Bahu Binjana Jaise || Bhajana Heena  Sukha Kavane  Kaja | Asa  Bichari  Boleau  Khagaraja || Jau Prabhu Hoyi Prasanna  Bara Dhehu | Mo Para  Karahu Kripa  Aru Nehu || Mana Bhavatha  Bara Magau Swami | Thumha Udhara  Ura Antharjami ||

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