Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Phalashruthi


Chapter - 131- Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj –Phalashruthi

Sant Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Ignorant Jeeva, who has not achieved liberation from the sufferings and grief of worldly existence and the sufferings of repeated cycles of birth after worshiping Lord Sri Rama who is Pathithapavana/purifier of the distressed soul? The Ganika/prostitute, Ajamila/twice-born who has lived with the prostitute in the Jungle, the hunter/Valmiki, the King of bird/Jatayu, the elephant/Gajendra, and several distressed souls have attained liberation from worldly existence, even the Kola, Bhila, Yavanas, Kiratas, Chandalas, and grievous sinners have attained liberation from the grief of worldly existence just remembering the sacred syllable ‘Ra Ma’. Oh! Rama, I shall surrender at your lotus feet. Whoever listens or recites, would get rid of the accumulated sins of several births, get freed from the impurities of lust, desire, ego, anger, pride, jealousy, ignorance, arrogance, etc., and ultimately achieve the abode of Lord of Raghu's at ease. Whoever sincerely read and listen, and keep the sacred Chaupai/verses in their hearts would get freed from ignorance and arrogance. Oh! Jeeva, who is kind and compassionate, wise, charming, and propitious as Lord Sri Ramachandra? Who is dispassionate and eternal bliss as Lord Rama? No deity is compassionate as Lord Rama, I affirm that this  dull-witted Tulsi achieved the serenity of mind with the grace of that compassionate Lord Rama."

Payi  Na Kehi Gathi Pathitha Pavana Ramabhaji Sunu Sad Mana | Ganika Ajamila Byadha  Geedha  Gajadhi Khala Thare  Ghana || Aabheera  Jamana Kiratha Khasa  Swapachadhi Athi Aghroopa  Je | Kahi Nama Baraka  Thepi Pavana Hohi  Ramanamami The || Raghubamsa  Bhooshana  Charitha Yaha Nara Kahahi Sunahi Je Gavahi | Kalimala Manomala Dhoyi Binu Shrama  Rama Dhama Sidhavahi || Sath Panch Chaupayi  Manohara Jani Jo Nara  Ura Dharai | Dharuna Abidhya  Pancha Janitha Bikara  Sreeraghubara Harai || Sundhara Sujana Kripanidhana Anatha Para  Karapreethi Jo | So Yek Rama Akama Hitha  Nirbanapradha  Sama Ana  Ko || Jaki Kripa Lavalesa  The Mathimandha Tulasidasahau | Payo Parama Bishramu Rama Samana Prabu Nahi Kahau ||

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