Sunday, January 16, 2022

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Lord Mahadeva's teachings - Ananyabhakthi as a boon - The significance of the worship of Bhramin, Santh, Mahathma and noble souls


Chapter - 109 - Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj –Lord Mahadeva's teachings - Ananyabhakthi as a boon - The significance of the worship of Bhramin, Santh, Mahathma and noble souls

 Sage Kakabhusundi speaks “Oh! Garuda, the above-mentioned verses was known as Rudrashtakam, the sacred eight verses sung in praise of Lord Shambhu by the Bhramin/my preceptor, whoever recite or listen would achieve the grace of Lord Shambhu. Soon a heavenly voice was reverberated inside the shrine after listening to prayers of the wise and devoted “Oh! Bhramin, ask for a boon”. The twice-born was sunk into extreme bliss, with tears overflowing and folded hands requested “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Dheenadhayala, if you are pleased with my prayers, kindly bless me with the perpetual devotion/Ananyabhakthi at your lotus feet. Oh! Prabho, this unfortunate and ignorant Jeeva keeps falling into various Yonis/taking several births, due to the influence of your Maya. Oh! Merciful Lord, kindly be gracious to this ignorant Jeeva, do not be angry with him. Oh! Shankara, kindly be gracious to him, Oh! Prabho, you are kind to your devotees, kindly turn your curse to become a blessing for this Jeeva, so as to achieve the fruitfulness of the life. Oh! Kripanidhana kindly blesses him.”


Sage Kakabhusundi continues “Oh! Khagapathi, the supreme Lord Mahadeva was so kind and compassionate to the appeal of twice-born, which was full of devotion. Lord Shambhu spoke “Yevamasthu! So be it! Oh! Bhramin, this Jeeva committed a grievous sin on his preceptor, so I had to curse him to keep up the sanctity of the Shashthras,  I am pleased with your devotion, hence I have decided to offer a marvelous boon to him. Oh! Sadhu, whoever has the nature of forgiving, and kindness, are dear to me and Kharari Lord Rama as well. Oh! Bhramin, my curse pronounced will not go in vain, he has to take several births in different Yonis, but I can assure you that none of the sufferings and grief of worldly existence won't affect him.” Oh! Garuda, the compassionate Lord Shambhu turned towards me and spoke “Oh! Shudra, listen to me carefully, in each birth you will have the qualities of devotion, because you have been born in Ayodhya, the sacred land of Lord Raghupathi, and you have worshiped me so long. Hence, the miraculous power of the birth on the sacred land Ayodhya and my grace would bring an abundance of devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra in your heart. Oh! Jeeva, listen to my words, the worship of Bhramin is the definite means to please Lord Sri Hari. The disrespect to a twice-born/Bhramin, Santh Mahathma, noble souls, devotees of Lord Sri Hari is disrespect to Lord Sri Hari. Oh! Jeeva, whoever keeps hostility against the devotees of Lord Hari and me, may defeat the weapon of Lord Indra, my powerful trident, and Lord Sri Hari’s discus but they could not withstand the wrath of the Brahmin. Oh! Jeeva, always remember my teachings in your heart, nothing is impossible to achieve. I shall offer one more boon to you, that you will have unconditional access to the whole Universe.”

Rudrashtakam Idham Proktham Biprena  Harathoshaye | Ye Padanthi Nara Bhakthya  Thesham Shambhu: Praseedhathi ||

Suni Binathi Sarbagya  Siva Dhekhi Bipra Anuragu | Puni Mandhira  Nabhabani Bhayi Dhvijabhara  Bara Magu || Jau Prasanna Prabhu Mo  Para Natha Dheena  Para Nehu | Nija Padha Bhagathi Dheyi Prabhu Puni Dhoosara  Bara Dhehu || Thava Maya  Basa Jeeva  Jasa Santhatha Phirayi Bhulana || Thehi Para Krodha Na  Karia  Prabhu Kripasindhu Bhagavana || Sankara Dheenadhayala Ab Yehi Para Hohu Kripala | Sapa Anugraha  Hoyi Jehi  Natha  Thorehi Kala ||

Yehi Kara Hoyi  Parama Kalyana | Soyi Karahu Ab Kripanidhana || Bipragira Suni Parihitha Sani | Yevamasthu Ithi Bhayi Nabhabani || Jadhapi Keenha Yehi Dharuna Papa| Mei Puni Dheenhi Kopa Kari Sapa || Thadhapi Thumhari Sadhutha  Dhekhi | Karihau Yehi Para  Kripa Biseshi || Cchamaseela  Je Para  Upakari | The Dhvija Mohi Priya Jatha  Kharari || Mora Shrapa Dhvija Byarththa  Na Jayihi | Janma Sahasa  Avasya Yaha Payihi || Janamatha Maratha Dhusaha Dhukha Hoyi | Yehi Swalpau Nahi Byapihi Soyi || Kavaneau Janma Mitahi Nahi Gyana | Sunahi Soodra Mama Bachana  Pravana || Raghupathipuri Janma  Thava Bhayau | PUni Thai Mama  Seva  Mana  Dhayau || Puri Prabhava Anugraha More | Rama Bhagathi Upajihi Ura Thore || Sunu Mama Bachana Sathya Ababhayi | Harithoshana Bratha Dhvija Sevakayi || Ab Jani Karahi Bipra  Apamana | Janesu Santha Anantha Samana || Indhra Kulisa  Mama Soola Bisala | Kaladhanda Hari Chakra Karala || Jo Inha Kara Mara Nahi Marayi | Bipradhroha Pavaka So Jarayi || Asa Bibeka  Rakheahu Manamahi | Thumha Kaha Jaga Dhurllabha Kacchu Nahi || Aurau Yek  Asisha Mori | Aprahitha Gathi Hoyihi Thori ||



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