Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Sage Kakabhusundi explains the Paramarththa – The human body is the vehicle to attain the Sacchidhananda Swaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam/ Godhead


Chapter -96 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Sage Kakabhusundi explains the Paramarththa - The human body is the vehicle to attain the Sacchidhananda Swaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam/ Godhead


Sage Kakabhusundi speaks “Oh! Pannagari, the Veda, scriptures, Nigamagama Shastras, Santh, Mahathma, and noble souls highly emphasize the ‘Love and kindness to fellow creatures as Supreme noble character’.  Oh! Khagapathi, the silk clothes are woven out of the silk thread produced by the silkworms are highly praised, likewise, all the creatures are born with impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, should strive to achieve devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Rama, thereby get rid of impurities and sufferings of worldly existence. The human body is the vehicle to strive to achieve the final object of pure love and devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari by word, mind, and deed. The wise and learned never admire the Jeeva hostile to Lord Rama, even if he is Lord Bhrama. Oh! Garuda, I have achieved the firm devotion and love at the lotus feet of Rama while I was in the body of crow, and it is deeply rooted in me, hence I dearly love to keep myself in the form of a crow.  Although I have attained the boon of Icchamrithyu/death at one’s wish, I do not want to abandon the body of the crow, because it is the tool to achieve that Sacchidhananda Swaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam, and worship my beloved Lord Rama. The Veda and scriptures highly praise that the veneration of supreme Bhramam is capable only with the bodily frame. Oh! Garuda, I was besieged with the Maya of Mayapathi for some time, I have been indifferent to Lord Rama, hence I was been into troubles constantly, hence I did not get the serenity of the mind. Oh! Garuda, I have practiced Japa, Thapa, Yoga, austerities, performed charities, fire sacrifices, Shamadhamadhi in several births, and I have been indulged in material interest too, but I was never happy before as I am now. Oh! Khagapathi, I could recollect my previous births with the grace of Lord Shambhu, hence I am free from the delusion.”

Pannagari Asi Neethi Shruthi Sammatha Sajjana Kahahi | Athi Neechahu San Preethi Karia Jani Nija Paramahitha || Pat Keeta The Hoyi Thehi The Patbar Ruchira | Krimi Palayi Sabu  Koyi Parama Apavana Pranasama ||

Swaratha Sancha Jeeva Kahu Yeha | Mana Krama Bachana Ramapadha Neha || Soyi Pavana Soyi Subhaga Sareera | Jo Thanu Payi Bhajia Raghubeera || Rama Bimukha Lahi Bidhi Sama Dhehi | Kabi Kobidha Na Prasamsahi Thehi|| Ramabhagathi Yehi Thana Ura Jami | Thathe Mohi Paramapriya Swami || Thajau Na Than Nija Iccha  Marana | Thana Binu Bedha Bajana Nahi Barana || Prathama Moha Mohitha Bahutha Bigova | Rama Bimukha Sukha Kabahu Na Sea || Nana Janama Karma Puni Nana | Kiye Joga  Japa Thapa Makha Dhana || Kavana Joni Janameau Jaha Nahi | Mei Khagesa Bhrami Bhrami Jagamahi || Dhekheau Kari Sab Karama Gosayi | Sukhi Na Bhayau Abahi Ki Nayi || Sudhi Mohi Natha Janama Bahu Keri | Sivaprasadha Mathi Moha Na  Gheri ||

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