Chapter -94 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara
Kanda – Garuda requests Sage Kakabhusundi to describe the reason for his appearance as a crow to worship Lord Sri Rama
Garuda repeatedly prostrated before Sage
Kakabhusundi, and spoke gentle words with folded hands “Oh! Prabho, ocean of
mercy, kindly consider me as your sincere servant, Oh! Kripasindhu, Oh! Wise, kindly
clear my qualms born out of my ignorance. Oh! Sarbagya, you are the knower of
all, you are kind and compassionate, you are wise and intelligent, you are
amiable, and storehouse of virtues, and a fervent devotee of Lord Sri
Ramachandra, kindly narrate why did you assume the appearance of a crow? And how
did you get to know about the exploits of Lord Rama/Sri Ramacharitha Manas? Oh!
Prabho, I have heard from Lord Shambhu that even the Mahapralaya could not cause
destruction to this beautiful Lake of Sri Ramacharitha. Oh! Prabho, Lord
Shambhu never utter a word in futile, therefore the predictions of Lord Shambhu
never go to waste. The Universe and its
animate and inanimate things are perishable, including Naga, deities, humans, etc.. meets their death at the end of Yuga, the ‘Time’ factor is unconquerable,
has a stronghold on all the animate and inanimate things in the Universe, hence
all the animate and inanimate things are perishable.”
Thahi Prasamsi Bibidhi Bidhi Seesa Nayi Kara
Jori | Bachana Bineetha
Saprema Mridhu Boleau Garuda
Bahori || Prabhu Apane Abibeka The
Boojjau Swami Thohi | Kripasindhu Sadhara Kahahu Jani Dhasa Nija Mohi ||
Thumha Sarbagya Thagya Thama Para | Sumathi
Suseela Sarala Aachara || Gyana Birathi Bigyana Nivasa | Raghunayaka Ke Thumha Priya
Dhasa || Karana Kavana Dheha Yaha Payi | Thatha Sakala Mohi Kahahu Bujjayi ||
Ramacharitha Sara Sundhara Swami |
Payahu Kaha Kahahu Nabhagami || Natha Suna Mei Asa Siva Pahi | Maha Pralayahu Nasa
Thava Nahi || Mudha Bachana Nahi Eswara
Kahayi | Soau More Mana Samsaya Ahayi || Aga Jaga Jeeva Naga Naradeva |
Natha Sakala Jagu Kala Kaleva || Anda Kataha Amitha Layakari | Kalu Sadha Dhurathikrama Bhari ||
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