Friday, January 7, 2022

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Sage Kakabhusundi was overwhelmed by the Maya of Mayapathi

Chapter -82 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Sage Kakabhusundi was overwhelmed by the Maya of Mayapathi


Sage Kakabhusundi describes the infinite Bhramanda witnessed in the stomach of infant Rama “Oh! Garuda, each Bhramanda has distinctive nature and marvelous was beyond description. Oh! Garuda, during my visit to the infinite Bhramanda I haven’t seen my beloved infant Rama, it was my illusion I have witnessed the exceedingly beautiful and graceful infant Rama in all those Bhramanda. Oh! Garuda, I have been wandering several Yugas in the infinite Bhramanda, after that, I have returned to my hermitage and spent some time.  During my stay in the hermitage, I have heard the birth of Lord Sri Hari as the son of King of Kosala once again, I have rushed to the city of Ayodhya to witness the birth and the celebration took place with regard to the birth of the infant Rama and his three brothers, which I have already described to you. The infinite Bhramanda I have witnessed in the stomach of infant Rama was beyond description. Once again, I have become the victim of the Maya of Mayapathi, who is gracious and wise, I have witnessed the infinite Bhrmanda in less than an hour, I was completely astounded and lost in the maze.”


Bhinna Bhinna  Mei Dheekha  Sabu Athi  Bichithra  Harijana | Aganitha Bhuvana Phireau Prabhurama  Na Dhekheau Ana || Soyi  Sisupana  Soyi Sobha  Soyi Kripala Raghubeera | Bhuvana Bhuvana  Dhekhatha Phirau Preritha  Moha Sameera ||

Bhramatha Mohi  Bhramanda Aneka | Beethe Manahu Kalpa Satha  Yeka || Phiratha Phiratha  Nija Ashrama  Aayau | Thaha Puni Rahi Kacchu Kala  Gavayau || Nija Prabhu Janma  Avadha Suni  Payau | Nirbhara Prema  Harashi Udi Dhayau || Dhekheau Janma Mahothsava  Jayi | Jehi Bidhi Prathama Kaha  Mei Gayi || Rama Udhara  Dhekheau Jaga  Nana | Dhekhatha Banayi Na Jayi Bakhana || Thaha Puni Dhekheau Rama Sujana | Mayapathi Kripala Bhagavana || Karau Bichara  Bahori Bahori | Moha Kalila Byapitha  Mathi Mori || Ubhaya  Dhari Maha Mei Sab  Dhekha | Bhayau Bhramitha Manamoha  Bisesha ||


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