Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Lord Rama never tolerates pride in his devotees which is the root cause of grief and attachment


Chapter - 74– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Lord Rama never tolerates pride in his devotees which is the root cause of grief and attachment


Sage Kakabhusundi speaks “ Oh! Garuda, the ignorant Jeeva drenched in the impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, strongly attached to the worldly matters, richness, possession, money, wealth, fame, children, wife, companion, and relatives constantly hurled into the Thapathrya/Adhidheivik, Adhibhauthik, and Adhyathmik does not understand the greatness of Lord Sri Ramachandra. The attributeless aspect of Bhramam is easily understandable, but the same Bhramam personified as the son of Kosala, which is beyond destructible Prakrithi is not easily understandable. Oh! Garuda, even the mind of an ascetic gets bewildered listening to the various amusements of Lord Sri Ramachandra, who performed various tasks and acted like an ordinary human. Oh! King of birds, I have narrated the exploits of Lord Rama according to my intellect, I shall describe how did I fall prey to the formidable Maya of Mayapathi. Oh! Garuda, mere listing to the exploits of Lord Sri Ramachandra would provide me extreme bliss, hence I shall describe all those which provides immense delight to me, I shall tell you the truth, Rama never tolerates pride in his devotees, which is the root cause for all the grief and attachment to worldly matters. Lord Rama is compassionate and kind as a mother to her child,  the mother opens up the heat blisters and removes the puss out of it without taking notice of the pain and cries of her infant.”

Kama Krodha Madha Lobha Ratha Grihasaththa Dhukharoopa | The Kimi Janahi Raghupathihi Mooda Pare Thama Koopa || Nirgunaroopa  Sulabha Athi Saguna  Jana Nahi Koyi | Sugama Agama Nanacharitha  Suni Muni Mana Bhrama Hoyi ||

Sunu Khagesa  Raghupathi  Prabhuthayi | Kahau Jathamathi Katha Suhayi|| Jehi Bidhi Moha Bhayau Prabhumohi | Soau  Sab Katha  Sunavau Thohi || Ramakripa Bhajana Thumha Thatha | Hariguna Preethi Mohi Sukhadhatha || Thathe Nahi Kacchu  Thumhahi Dhuravau | Paramarahasya Manohara Gavau || Sunahu Rama Kara Sahaja Subhau | Jana Abhimana Na Rakhahi Kau || Samsritha  Moola  Soolapradha  Nana | Sakala Soka  Dhayaka  Abhimana|| Thathe Karahi Kripanidhi Dhoori | Sevaka Par  Mamatha Athi Bhoori || Jimi Sisu Thana Bhrana Hoyi  Gosayi | Mathu Chirava  Kadina  Ki Nayi ||

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