Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The Sage Kakabhusundi explains the easiest ways to attain the grace of Lord Sri Rama


Chapter -95 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – The Sage Kakabhusundi explains the easiest ways to attain the grace of Lord Sri Rama


Garuda speaks “Oh! Prabho, how did the ‘Time’ factor did not influence you? Oh! Kripalu, is that the power of your Yoga or Thapa? Or the depth of spiritual knowledge? Oh! Prabho, all my misapprehensions, and delusions have disappeared the moment I have visited your hermitage. Oh! Prabho kindly explains all that to me.”

Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Uma, the crow Kakabhusundi was highly pleased to listen to the amiable words of Garuda and began to speak affectionately. ‘Oh! Garuda, Oh! Enemy of serpents, you are extremely fortunate, and intelligent, all your questions are very pleasing to me. All your questions asked were reminded of my previous births, Oh! Garuda, I shall describe them elaborately, kindly listen to them attentively with utmost reverence. Oh! Khagapathi, the piousness of performance of Shamadhamadhi/Sathyam, Dhaya, Shamam, Dhamam, Shaucham, Dhanam, Astheyam, Ahimsa, Arjjavam, austerities, vows, penance, Yoga, Japa, Thapa, Yaga, charity, observance of celibacy, meditation, contemplation, etc. are the FRUITS of devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra, without this none could attain serenity of mind. Oh! Garuda, I have attained the fruitfulness of devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Rama with the appearance of a crow, hence the body of crow is dear to me, and it is obvious that we all love the character that brought the ultimate object in our lives.”


Thumhahi Na Byapatha Kala Athi Karala Karana Kavana | Mohi So Kahahu Kripala Gyana Prabhava Ki Jogabala || Prabhu Thava Aashrama Aaya Mora Moha  Bhrama Bhaga | Karana Kavana So Natha Sab Kahahu Sahitha  Anuraga ||

Garuda Gira Suni Harasheau Kaga | Boleau Uma Parama Anuraga || Dhanya Dhanya Thava Mathi Uragari | Prshna Thumhari Mohi Athi Pyari || Suni Thava Prasna SaPrema  Suhayi | Bahuth Janma Kai Sudhi Mohi Ayi || Sab Nija  Katha Kahau Mei Gayi | Thatha Sunahu Sadhar Mana Layi || Japa Thapa Makha Sama Dhama Bhratha Dhana | Birathi Bibeka Joga  Bigyana || Sab Kar Phala Raghupathi Padha Prema | Thehi Binu Koau Na  Pavayi Chema || Yehi Thana Ramabhagathi Mei Payi | Thathe Mohi Mamatha Adhikayi || Jehi The Kacchu Nija Swaratha Hoyi | Thehi Para Mamatha Kara Sab Koyi ||

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