Saturday, January 22, 2022

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The significance of the practice of devotion


Chapter - 122- Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj –The significance of the practice of devotion

Sage Kakabhusundi speaks “Oh! Garuda, I have named a few of the illnesses of mind and body, finally, the Jeeva die of any of these diseases. I shall describe how to get rid of a few of the illnesses with the austerities, vows, celibacy, religious and spiritual practices, Tapasya, Japam, spiritual wisdom, fire sacrifices, charities, meditation, contemplation, Shamadhamadhis, etc. that would reduce the mental and physical afflictions to a great extent. There is no creature on the Earth free from the affliction from love or joy, fear, desolation, grief, anxiousness, etc. I have mentioned a few mental illnesses, the fortunate ones could get noticed the same, and get rid of them, even though they get noticed and take actions to prevent them, unfortunately, cannot get rid of it completely. The Jeeva's accumulated interests and sins of several births called genetic disorders contribute to various kinds of mental illnesses, Oh! Garuda, even the Sages, Mahathmas, and noble souls are not free from it. The devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Rama, and the grace of Lord would eradicate the afflictions completely, along with the faith in their preceptor who is the physician to remove the mental illnesses and by sincerely following his advice to get rid of interest in worldly matters, such as desire, lust, ego, anger, jealousy, pride, arrogance, and ignorance. The human body is the vehicle to practice devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra, and Lord of Raghu is a life-giving herb to Jeeva, hence the worship of Lord with the body and mind would destroy the mental and physical afflictions, otherwise, all the efforts would go in vain. The illnesses of the mind get cured once the Jeeva achieve dispassion, it would enhance reasoning ability, and the weakness like the interest in worldly matters, sensual pleasures, is the appetite would disappear. The bathing in the pure waters of the wisdom of supreme knowledge/Paramarththa Thaththvam, all the material and immaterial things have fleeting nature/Prakrithi is destructible, and the soul/Purusha is indestructible, brings firm devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Rama. Oh! Garuda, the illustrious Sanakadhis, Maharishi Narada, and Rishis and sages constantly contemplate upon the supreme Lord Sri Hari and achieve that Supreme Bhramam, for that it requires pure love and devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Rama. The Veda, Scriptures, and Rishis highly speak about the practice of devotion as the superior instrument to achieve bliss and get rid of the sufferings and grief of worldly existence. The practice of devotion would make even the impossible possible, the devotees would experience bliss, like the fire from the mass of ice  it would destroy the interest in worldly matters, and the sufferings and grief of Samsara as well."

Yek Bhyadhi Basa Nara  Marahi Ye Asadhi Bahu Bhyadhi | Peedahi Santhatha Jeeva Kahau So Kimi Lahai Samadhi || Nema dharma Aachara Thapa Gyana  Jagya  Japa Dhana | Bheshaja  PUni Kotinha Nahi Roga  Jahi Harijana ||

Yehi Bidhi Sakala Jeeva  Jaga Rogi | Soka Harsha  Bhayapreethi Biyogi || Manasa Roga  Kacchuka Mei Gaye | Hahi Sab Ke Lakhi Biralenha  Paye || Jane The  Ccheejahi Kacchu Papi | Nasa Na  Pavahi Jana  Parithapi || Bishaya  Kupaththa Payi Ankure | Munihu Hridhaya Ka Nara  Bapure || Ramakripa  Nasahi Sab Roga | Jau Yehi Bhanthi Banai Samyoga || Sadhguru Baidhya Bachana  Biswasa | Samjama Yaha Na  Bishaya Kai Aasa || Raghupathi Bhagathi Sajeevana Moori | Anupana Shradhdha  Mathi Poori || Yehi Bidhi Bhalehi So Roga  Nasahi | Nahi Tha  Jathana Koti  Nahi Jahi || Jania  Thab Mana Biruja  Gosayi | Jab Ura Bala Biraga Adhikayi || Sumathi Cchudha  Badayi Nitha Nayi | Bishaya  Aasa Dhurbaltha  Gayi || Bimala Gyana  Jala Jab So Nahayi | ThabRaha Ramabhagathi Ura Cchayi || Siva Aja  Suka Sanakadhika  Naradha | Je Muni Bhrama Bichara  Bisaradha || Sab Kara Matha Khaganayak Yeha | Karia  Ramapadha Pankaja  Neha || Shruthi Purana  Sab Grantha  Kahahi | Raghupathi Bhagathi Bina Sukha  Nahi || Kamada Peeda  Jamahi Baru Bara | Bandhyasutha  Baru  Kahuhi Mara || Phoolahi Nabha Baru Bahubidhi Phoola | Jeeva Na  Laha  Sukha Hari  Prathikoola || Thrisha  Jayi Baru  Mrigajala  Pana | Baru Jamahi Sama Seesa  Bishana|| Andhakaru  Baru Rabihi Nasavai | Rama Bimukha  Na Jeeva Sukha  Pavai || Hima The  Anala Pragata  Baru Hoyi | Bimukha Rama Mukha  Pava Na  Koyi ||

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