Saturday, January 8, 2022

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Lord Rama describes the nature of the Jeeva who is dear as his life


Chapter -87 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Lord Rama describes the nature of the Jeeva who is dear as his life


Lord Rama spoke “Oh! Kakabhusundi, who does not love a sincere servant, an ardent devotee? Listen to me carefully, I shall describe an interesting note described by the Veda and scriptures.  A father has nine sons and each of them has different qualities, virtues, and nature. One of them became learned, another one became spiritual seeker, another one undertook austerities, Japa, Thapa, etc. the fourth one became wealthiest, the fifth one became warrior, the sixth one became noble and highly generous, the seventh one has deep knowledge in different fields, and the eighth one is pious, but father loves all his sons dearly. The ninth son was too devoted to his father by word, mind, and deed; hence his father was too attached to him, obviously loved that son dearly as his life. Oh! Kakabhusundi, in this way, all the animate and inanimate things in the Universe are created by me with the influence of my inseparable Maya, hence all are dear to me, I am equally fond of them. Although, whoever devoted to me by word, mind, and deed, leaving interest in worldly matters, richness, fame, money, wealth, possession, children, wife, relatives, and companion, and free from the impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara,  are dearer as my life.”

Suchi Suseela  Sevaka  Sumathi  Priya Kahu Kahi Na  Laga | Shruthi Purana  Kaha Neethi Asi Savadhana  Sunu Kaga ||

Yek Pitha Ke  Bipula Kumara | Hohi Prithaka  Gunaseela  Aachara || Koau Panditha Koau Thapasa  Gyatha | Koau Dhanavantha  Sura Koau Dhatha || Koau  Sarbagya Dharmaratha  Koyi | Sab Par  Pithahi Preethi Sama  Hoyi || Koau Pithu Bhagatha Bachana  Mana Karma | Sapanehu Jana Na Dhoosara  Dharma || So Sutha Priya  Pithu Prana  Samana | Jadhdhyapi So Sab Bhanthi Aayana || Yehi Bidhi Jeeva Charachara Jethe | Thrijaga Deva Nara  Asura Samethe || Akhila Biswa  Yaha Mora  Upaya | Sab Par  Mohi Barabari Dhaya || Thinha Maha Jo Parihari Madha Maya | Bhajai Mohi Mana  Bacha Aru  Kaya ||


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