Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Devi Kaikeyi continues to hurt the King

Chapter – 35– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Devi Kaikeyi continues to hurt the King


King Dhasharatha could not control his grief, fell on the ground, hit his head with both hands, and sobbed “Oh! Rama, Oh! Rama, Oh! Rama, Oh! Raghunatha!” soon all his limbs became motionless, lost his speech, voices were broken, lips were dried, felt miserable like the fish out of the water. Thus, the wish-fulfilling tree/Kalpatharu was thrashed by an untamed female elephant, Devi Kaikeyi burdened him with the sword-like toxic words, “Oh! Rajan, if you were not intended to fulfill the promises given to me, why did you encourage me to ask for the boon? Oh! Emperor on the Earth, how could you do that to me? You were so kind to the distressed and poor, and you had the reputation of being generous and enjoyed the fame, yet you are miserly to me? Is it possible to remain unhurt while playing the role of a hero? Oh! Rajan, either keep up your promise and follow my words, do not wail like a woman, it does not suit you. A noble person does not show interest in wealth, richness, money, fame, possessions, life, wife, sons, etc. An honest, Viraktha/renounced person considers the material pleasures as straw, takes no interest in it.”

Dhekhi Byadhi Asadha Nripu Pareau Dharani Dhuni Matha | Kahatha Parama Bachana Rama Rama Raghunatha ||

Byakula Rau Sithila Sab Gatha |Karini Kalpatharu Manahu Nipatha || Kandu Sukha Mukha Aava Na  Bani | Janu Padinu Dheena Binu Pani || Puni Kaha Katu Kadora  Kaikeyi| Manahu Dhaya Maha Mahura Dheyi || Jau Anthahu Asa Karathabu Raheau | Magu Magu Thumha Kehi Bala Kaheau || Dhuyi Ki Hoyi Yek Samaya Bhuala | Hasab Dadayi Phulaub Gala || Dhani Kahauab Aru Kripanayi | Hoyi Ki Khema Kusala Rauthayi || Cchadahu Bachanu Ki  Dheeraju Dharahu | Jani Abala Jimi Karuna  Karahu || Thanu Thiya Thanaya Dhamu Dhanu Dharani | SathyaSandha Kaha Thrina Sama Barani ||

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