Friday, July 23, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Manthara insists the queen Kaikeyi to ask for the boon promised by the King


Chapter – 22– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Manthara insists the queen Kaikeyi to ask for the boon promised by the King


Devi Kaikeyi replied “Oh! Manthara, I shall sincerely follow your suggestions, if needed I would throw myself into well, or even I would forsake my son and husband. Oh! Lady, if you are giving me a bit of advice to get rid of my anguish and grief, why should I refrain from following it?” Manthara realized that the sacrificial animal is already before her, all that she needs to pierce it with the knife, the queen Kaikeyi who resembled the sacrificial animal nibbling on the grass, without knowing the impending danger. Devi Kaikeyi was listening to the most agreeable words of Manthara, although it would heave the queen to painful consequences. Manthara enthusiastically served the queen with the devious plans as if feeding on honey mixed with the poison, she continued to speak “Oh! Devi, you have detailed to me about an interesting incident that took place several years ago and told me about a couple of promises given to you by the King, whether you remember it or not. Oh! Devi, it is the right moment to get your desires fulfilled, ask for the boon promised to you by the King, and get rid of the pain and anguish. Oh! Devi, ask the King to perform the coronation of Bharatha as the King of Ayodhya, and exile Rama to the woods, thus steal the happiness of all the queens. Oh! Devi, remember my word, do not ask for a boon, until and unless the King swear on Rama and promises to offer them, or he may change from his words. Oh! Devi, make sure our plans get succeeded before the daylight arrives, so cherish my words dearer than your life.”

Parau Koopa Thua Bachana Para Sakau Pootha Pathi Thyagi | Kahasi Mora Dhukhu Dhekhi Bada Kasa Na  Karaba Hitha  Lagi ||

Kubari Kari Kabooli Kaikeyi | Kapata Choori Ura Pahana Deyi || Lakhayi Na Rani Nikata Dhukhu Kaise | Charayi Haritha Thina  Balipasu Jaise || Sunatha Bath Mridhu Antha Kadori | Dhethi  Manahu Madhu  Mahura  Dhori || Kahayi Chori Sudhi Ahayi Ki Nahi | Swamini Kahihu Katha Mohi Pahi || Dhuyi Baradhana Bhoopa San Thathi | Magahu Aaju Judavahu Cchathi || Suthahi Raju Ramahi Banabasu | Dhehu Lehu Sab  Savathi Hulasu || Bhoopathi Ramasapatha Jab Karayi | Thab Magehu Jehi Bachanu Na Darayi || Hoyi  Akaju Aaju Nisi Beethe | Bachanu Mora  Priya Manehu Ji The ||

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