Monday, July 26, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Devi Kaikeyi reminds the King about the boons promised several years ago


Chapter – 28– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Devi Kaikeyi reminds the King about the boons promised several years ago


Devi Kaikeyi began to speak in an affectionate tone “ Oh! Rajan, kindly do not prompt me to ask for boons, you won’t give anything. You have promised me to give a couple of boons several years ago, yet I am doubtful whether you could keep up your promise.” King Dasaratha smiled at her innocently and said “Oh! Dear, I have understood the whole thing now. You are tricky, fond of acting angry, in fact, you have kept the boons in reserve, you haven’t asked about it. Honestly, I have completely forgotten about my promise to you, as usual. Oh! Devi, do not blame me for that, you can ask for the boons now. It has been the regular practice among the race of Raghu’s that they never fail to keep up their promises, if it needs, they willingly sacrifice their lives to keep up the promises. Oh! Devi, multitudes of sins cannot match a lie, as millions of tiny Gunja seeds cannot be compared with the mountains.  The Veda and scriptures, Manusmrithi emphasizes that truthfulness is the root of all virtues, I have sworn the above in the name of Rama, the Lord of Raghu who is the embodiment of beauty, truthfulness, kindness, and virtues.” Devi Kaikeyi smiled at heart thinking that her conversation with the King is moving in the right direction as she was desired, she has opened up the subject matter at a convenient moment.

Magu Magu Pai Kahahu Piya Kabahu Na Dhehu Na Lehu| Dhena  Kahehu Baradhana Dhuyi Theau Pavath Sandhehu ||

Janeau Maramu Rau Hasi Kahayi | Thumhahi Kohab Paramapriya Ahayi || Yathi Rakhi Na Magihu Kau | Bisari Gayau Mohi Bhora Subhau || Jootehu Hamahi Dhoshu Jani Dhehu | Dhuyi Kai Chari Magi  Maku Lehu || Raghukula Reethi Sadha  Chaliayi | Prana Jahu Baru Bachanu Na Jayi || Nahi Asathya Sama Pathaka Punja | Giri Sama Hohi Ki Kotika Gunja || Sathyamoola Sab Sukritha Suhaye | Sukritha Saneha Avadhi Raghurayi || Bath Dudayi Kumathi Hasi Boli | Kumatha Kubihaga  Kulaha Janu  Kholi ||

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