Thursday, July 8, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – King Janaka eulogizes the splendor of Rama


Chapter – 334– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– King Janaka eulogizes the splendor of Rama


Kosalapathi King Dhasharatha and Janaka remained in the embrace of each other, showered great respect and love to the King Janaka and his entire family and relatives. King Janaka bowed before the Sages of Kosala, and received their blessings, he embraced sons-in-law with great affection and felt each of them are the essence of virtue, beauty, amiability, and goodness. King Janaka with folded hands spoke to Rama in a sweet tone “Oh! Rama, how can I describe your splendor, Oh! Prabho, you reside in the lotus-like hearts of Sages, Rishis, and Mahatmas, Oh! Prabho, you reside as Swan in the Manasarovar-like heart of Lord Shambhu. Oh! Prabho, the virtuous and fortunate Jeeva, Yogis, undertake extreme austerities/Shamadhamadhi and Tapasya, and get rid of impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, and constantly contemplate and meditation upon you and perceive the omnipresent Bhramam resides as a soul in the Jeeva, immerses in the Bhramanandha/supreme bliss. Oh! Prabho, you are that all-pervasive Bhramam which is indestructible Purusha, free from afflictions, pure, eternal bliss is beyond the perception of mind and intellect.”


Kosalapathi Samadhi Sajana Sanmane  Sab Bhanthi | Milani Paraspara Binaya Athipreethi Na Hridhaya Samathi ||

Muni Mandalihi Janaka Siru Nava | Aasirabadhu Sabahi San Pava || Sadhar Puni Bhete Jamatha | Roopaseela Gunanidhi Sab Bhratha || Jori Pankeruha Pani Suhaye | Bole Bachana Prema Janu Jaye || Rama Karau Kehi Bhanthi Prasamsa | Muni Mahesa Mana Manasa Hamsa || Karahi Joga Jogi Jehi Lagi | Kohu Mohu Mamatha Madhu Thyagi || Byapaku Bhrahmu Alakhu Abinasi | Chadhanandhu Nirguna  Gunarasi || Mana Sametha Jehi  Jan Na  Bani | Tharaki Na Sakahi Sakala  Anumani || Mahima  Nigamu Nethi Kahi Kahayi | Jo Thihu Kala Yekarasa Rahayi ||

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