Thursday, May 27, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Maharishi Narada tormented by the cupid of Love with a desire to marry the princess Vishamohini, praying to Lord Hari


Chapter – 126 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – Maharishi Narada tormented by the cupid of Love with a desire to marry the princess Vishwamohini, praying to Lord Hari


Maharishi Narada was completely tormented by the cupid of love, could not contemplate upon the Lord, immersed in various thoughts “How did I influence Vishwamohini who is the epitome of loveliness, fortune, fame, and wealth, to choose me as her wedded husband? How can I impress her? Definitely, she would select the most charming and attractive young one as her wedded husband, but I haven’t possessed any of those qualities in me, how did I achieve the loveliness to persuade her? Whom I could rely on to achieve a charming appearance and a complete transformation in my look? How could I get the Jayamala/garland of the wedding, adorned around my neck? I don’t have the qualities in me to achieve the princes as a wedded wife, hence I should seek help from Lord Hari who is the most charming and compassionate, and I would request him to gift me his loveliness so that I could achieve Vishwamohini in this race. Lord Hari is my beloved Lord; he can’t leave me unnoticed.” Maharishi Narada engaged in meditation praying to Lord Hari, soon Lord Hari appeared before him, Narada felt immensely pleased watching the mesmerizing appearance of the Lord, wished to have the same appearance for him to impress the princess. Maharishi Narada described all that happened to him while returning from Sri Vaikunda and his meeting with King Sheelanidhi and his beautiful daughter Vishwamohi who has stolen his heart. Lord Hari was smiled at heart after listening to the Sage.  Further, Narada pleaded “Oh! Prabho, kindly be gracious to me, offer all your loveliness to me to achieve Vishwamohini as my wedded wife. Oh! Prabho, I am your sincere servant, kindly fulfill my desire.” Lord Vishnu stunned watching the influence of Vishnumaya that put the Sage Narada in deep distress, slowly the compassionate Lord Hari began to speak.


Yehi Avasar  Chahia Parama  Sobha Roopa Bisala | Jo Biloki Reejjai Kuari  Thab Melai Jayamala ||

Hari San Mangai Sundharathayi | Hoyihi Jatha Gaharu Athi  Bhayi || Mere Hitha Hari Sama Nahi Koau | Yehi Avasar Sahaya Soyi Hoau|| Bahubidhi Binaya Keenahi Thehi Kala | Pragateau Prabhu Kauthuki Kripala || Prabhu Biloki Muni Nayana Judane| Hoyi Hi Kaju Hiya Harshane || Athi Arathai Kahi Katha Sunayi | Karahu Kripa  Kari Hohu Sahayi || Aapan Roopa Dhehu Prabhu Mohi | Aana Bhanthi Nahi  Pavai Auhi || Jehi Bidhi Natha Hoyi HithaMora | Karahu So Begi  Dasa Mei  Thora || Nija Maya  Bal Dhekhi Bisala | Hiya Hasi Bole Dheenadhayala ||

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