Monday, May 17, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The splendor of Lord Kamadeva – The turmoil caused by the presence of Lord Kamadeva, the excessive lust, desire and passion broke all the norms in the world


Chapter – 84– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The splendor of Lord Kamadeva - The turmoil caused by the presence of Lord Kamadeva, the excessive lust, desire, and passion broken all the norms in the world


Rishi Yajjavalkya speaks “ Oh! Mune, Lord Kamadeva wielded in the magnificent bow and flower arrows of white lotus, Ashoka flower, Mango flowers, Jasmine and blue lotus, arrived with his celestial associates at the spot where Lord Mahadeva was immersed in deep trance, soon his warriors flee into different directions with fear and took shelter in the scriptures hidden in the mountain caves. The arrival of Lord Kamadeva created huge chaos in the world, righteousness and moralities disappeared, Jeeva drenched in lust and desires forgot the knowledge of ‘self, the noble-souls wondered what will happen if it continued for a longer period of time? Who will protect the Jeeva from falling out of moralities and righteousness? Who will protect the Jeeva from the unconquerable Lord Kamadeva who is the consort of Devi Rathi? The living creatures in the Universe gone out of control due to their excessive lust and desire on the opposite gender, males, and females persuaded by the lust approached crazily abandoning all the norms in the society, even the trees and creepers wrapped in attraction towards each other, trees bend down their branches to approach the creepers, not to mention about the living beings. The water-course, rivers gushed towards to meet their consort King of the ocean that created sudden flood and damages, the ponds rivers, lakes and ponds merged together and took great pleasure in it, that caused huge destruction. All the creatures on the Earth, including the demons, birds, animals lost their sense and drenched in lust, finally, the whole world became under the seize of Lord Kamadeva, drenched in lust and desire forgot to keep up the norms. The Chakravaha birds famous for decorum forgot to see day or night, the deities, humans, Kinnara, demons, serpents, spirits, etc. became the slaves of passion, lust, and desire. The Siddhas, Yogis, Munigans who have abandoned the interest in worldly matters, gave up their austerities and penances, drenched in passion and lust. Thus, Lord Kamadeva created huge turmoil on the Earth.”

Bhageau Bibeku Sahaya Sahitha So  Subhat Sanjuga Mahi Mure | Sadhagranth Parbath Kandharinhi Mahu Jayi Thehi Avasar Dhoore || Honihara Ka  Karathara Ko  Rakhavara Jaga Kharbharu Para | Dhuyi Maya Kehi Rathinatha Jehi Kahu Kopi Kara Dhanu Saru Dhara ||

Je Sajeeva Jaga Achara Chara Nari Purusha Asa Nama | The Nija Nija  Marajadh Thaji Bhaye Sakala Basa Kama ||

Sab Ke Hridhaya Madhana Abhilasha | Latha Nihari  Navahi Tharu  Sakha || Nadhi Umagi Ambudhi Kahu Dhayi | Sangama Karahi Thalava Thalayi || Jaham Asi Dhasa  Jadanha Kai Barani | Ko Kahi Sakayi Sachethan Karani || Pasu  Pacchi Nabha Jala Thalachari | Bhaye Kamabasa Samaya Bisari || Madhana Andha Byakula Sab Loka | Nisi Dhinu Nahi  Avalokahi Koka || Deva Dhanuja Nara Kinnara Byala | Pretha Pisacha Bhootha Bethala || Inha Kai Dhasa Na Kaheau Bakhani | Sadha Kama Ke Chere Jani || Sidhdha Biraktha Mahamuni  Jogi | Thepi Kamabasa Bhaye Biyogi ||

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