Sunday, May 23, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The Ramacharitha is a powerful ax that would cut off the wickedness and impurities of mind in the Kali era


Chapter – 108– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The Ramacharitha is a powerful ax that would cut off the wickedness and impurities of mind in the Kali era


Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Devi, Ramakatha is divine cow Kamadhenu, which fulfills all the desires of the worshiper whoever takes pleasure in it. The association of Santh Mahatmas represents the abode of the deities, hence who wouldn’t be interested in it? The legend of Rama would remove delusion and ignorance in the Jeeva, like the sounds of clapping hands scares away the birds. The Ramacharitha is a powerful ax that would cut off the wickedness and impurities of mind in the Kali era. Oh! Girija, carefully listen to the beautiful Sri Ramacharitha/ legends of Rama comprises the birth of supreme Lord Hari as a son of King Dhasharatha and Devi Kaushalya, the various childhood amusements, passionate sports, marvelous legends, endless virtues which were highly eulogized by the Veda and scriptures. Oh! Devi, the Ramakatha is Anantha/eternal as Lord Rama whose virtues are endless, I shall narrate all those legends according to the capacity of my intellect. Oh! Uma, you have raised brilliant questions that were approved by the intellectuals, saints, and Mahatmas. Oh! Bhavani, I don’t approve of your qualms which were uttered under the influence of delusion, and inability to perceive that supreme Bhramam incarnated as the son of King Dasaratha/Awadhakumara.”


Ramakatha Suradhenu Sama  Sevatha Sab Sukha Dhani | Sathasamaja Suraloka Sab Ko Na  Sunai  Asa  Jani ||

Ramakatha Sundhara Kara Thari | Samsaya Bihaga  Udavanihari || Ramakatha Kali Bitapa Kudari | Sadhara Sunu Girirajakumari || Ramanama Guna Charitha Suhaye | Janama Karama Aganitha Shruthi Gaye || Jatha  Anantha Rama Bhagavana |Thatha Katha Keerathi Gunagana || Thadhapi Jatha Shrutha Jasi Mathi Mori | Kahihau Dhekhi Preethi Athi Thori || Uma Prasna Thava Sahaja Suhayi| Sukhadha Santhasammatha Mohi Bhayi || Yeka Bath Nahi Mohi Sohani | Jadhapi Moha Basa Kahehu Bhavani || Thumha Jo Kaha Rama Koau Ana | Jehi  Shruthi Gava Dharahi Muni Dhyana ||

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