Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Saptharishis conversation with Bhavani


Chapter – 89– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – Saptharishis conversation with Bhavani


The Saptharishis spoke “Oh! Bhavani, we have already cautioned you about Maharishi Narada who wants to influence everyone to conduct Tapasya, not to believe his predictions. You did not like our advice, all your austerities and vows gone in the drain, Lord Mahesha burned the Kamadeva into ashes.” Devi Bhavani smiled and replied “Oh! Mahathma, you have well said, you have noticed Lord Shambhu burnt the God of Love recently, you did not notice the Vairagya/renunciation of that Lord, and in your opinion, Lord Shambhu was smitten with love all his life and lately crushed the pride of Kamadeva. Oh! Mahathma, in my knowledge the Lord of Lords Mahadeva is a supreme ascetic, absolute Bhramam, pure, unblemished, dispassionate, free from dualities, sufferings of worldly existence, and unconquerable, hence I have fallen in love with him by my word, mind, and deed. Oh! Mahathma, the supreme Lord Shambhu will fulfill my desires, and all my austerities and vows will be answered very soon. The inner meaning of the phrase Lord Hara burnt the Kamadeva has to be understood in an appropriate manner, I think the Lord Kamadeva has taken away that wisdom from you. Oh! Mahathma, the ice cannot withstand the fire, would melt away in seconds, in the same manner, Kamadeva is frost cannot come closer to that supreme Lord Mahadeva who resembles colossal fire, whatever get into contact with it would perish.”


Kaha Hamara Na Sunehu Thab Narada Ke Upadhesa | Ab Bha Joot Pan Jareau Kamu  Mahesa ||

Suni Boli Musukayi Bhavani | Uchitha Kahehu Munibar Bigyani || Thumhare Jan Kamu Ab Jara | Ab Lagi Sambhu Rahe  Sabikara || Hamare Jan Sadha Siva  Jogi | Aja Anavadhya Akama Abhogi || Jau  Mei  Siva Seye Asa Jani | Preethi Sametha Karma Man Bani || Thau Hamara Pan Sunahu Muneesa | Karihahi Sathya Kripanidhi Esa || Thumha Jo Kaha Hara Jareau Mara | Soyi Athi Bad Abibeku Thumhare || Thatha Anala Kara Sahaja Subhau | Hima Thehi Nikata Jayi  Nahi  Kau || Gaya Sameepa So  Avasi  Nasayi | Asi  Manmatha Mahesa Ki Nayi ||

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