Monday, May 17, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The deities appeal to Lord Kamadeva to create an obstacle in the Tapasya of Lord Shambhu– The overinfluence of Kamadeva caused to flee the righteousness from the Earth


Chapter – 83– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The deities appeal to Lord Kamadeva to create an obstacle in the Tapasya of Lord Shambhu – The overinfluence of Kamadeva caused to flee the righteousness from the Earth


The deities collectively appealed to Lord Kamadeva to create an impediment on the Tapasya of Lord Mahadeva undertaken for several thousands of years, Lord Kamadeva smiled at the request of the deities and spoke “Oh! Deities, I do not think the task you have handed to me would bring auspiciousness to me. I don’t see any progress from the hostility against the mighty Lord Shambu. Anyway, I shall carry out the work assigned to me for the welfare of the world, deities, and Sages who are the guardian of the welfare on the Earth, abandoning their own welfare and happiness were always sung in praise by the Veda and Puranas.” Lord Kamadeva was reverentially prostrated before them and left with his celestial companions, all his way he was thinking about the upcoming inauspiciousness involved in the task, and the end results of hostility towards Lord Mahadeva which could bring definite destruction. Soon, Kamadeva remembered the promise to deities, forgot all the virtues, the whole world became under the seize of Kamadeva, the army of wisdom and intellect disappeared from the Earth, the religious vows, self-control, spiritual wisdom, piety, kindness, morality, recitation of Veda, Yoga, meditation everything vanished from the Earth under the powerful influence Lord Kamadeva. The Jeeva’s were excessively affected by passion, lust, and desire, hence, forgot righteousness, moralities, and disciplines, thereby created huge havoc on the Earth.


Suranha Kahi Nija  Bipathi Sab  Suni Man Keenha Bichara | Sambhu Birodha Na Kusala Mohi Bihasi Kaheau Asa Mara ||

Thadhapi Karab Mei Kaju Thumhara | Shruthi Kaha Parama Dharama Upakara || Para Hitha Lagi Thajayi Jo Dhehi | Santhatha Santh Prasamsahi Thehi || Asa Kahi Chaleau Sabahi Siru Nayi| Sumana Dhanusha Kara Sahitha Sahayi || Chalath Mar Asa  Hridhaya Bichara | Siva Birodha Dhruva Maranu Hamara || Thab Aapan Prabhau Bisthara | Nija Bas Keenha Sakala Samsara || Kopeau Jabahi Baricharakethu | Cchan Mahu Mite Sakala Shruthi Sethu || Bhramacharja Bhratha Sajam Nana | Dheeraja Dharama Gyana Bigyana|| Sadhachara Japa Joga Biraga | Sabhaya Bibeka Kataku Sabu Bhaga ||


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