Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Rama and Lakshman follows Maharishi Vishwamithra - killed the female demon Thadaka – Rama and Lakshman receives the sacred hymns of Bala and Athibala


Chapter – 202– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– Rama and Lakshman follows Maharishi Vishwamithra -  killed the female demon Thadaka – Rama and Lakshman receives the sacred hymns of Bala and Athibala


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, King Dhasharatha embraced and kissed the children and entrusted to Maharishi Vishwamithra. The children returned to their mother’s chamber and prostrated before them, and stood with the Sage waiting for his further command. The Paramathma Parambhramam incarnated as Rama and Lakshmana, the lions among the men, the protector of the Universe, essence of wisdom, compassion and virtues, the ultimate cause of the Universe gladly followed the Sage to remove the fear of demons and protect his fire sacrifices. The Supreme Lord Rama who has beautiful eyes resembles blue lotus flower petals, great physique of Thamala Vruksha, charming appearance, attired in yellow silk garment, wrapped in a blue robe on the waist, wielded in bow and arrows, and the one has the appearance of freshly formed dark clouds and the other one has fair complexion followed the Sage Vishwamithra who was immersed in various thoughts “Once again, the supreme Lord has proved himself as the ocean of mercy, beloved of twice-born, leaving his lovely parents and stately pleasures, followed me without any hesitation” thus the three of them proceeded towards the dense woods. Soon the female demon Thadaka of dreadful appearance confronted them with a boisterous roar. Sage instructed Rama to kill her, immediately Lord Rama shot an arrow on her chest and killed Thadaka was achieved liberation. They continued journey through the dense woods, and hiking mountains for several days, on their way, Sage Vishwamithra taught Rama and Lakshmana the sacred hymns of Bala and Athibala to wave off hunger and thirst, to maintain their vigor and physique to fight against enemies.”


Saupe Bhoop Rishihi Sutha Bahubidhi Dheyi Aseesa | Janani Bhavana Gaye Prabhu Chale Nayi Padhaseesa || Purushasimha Dhoau Beera Harashi Chale Muni Bhayaharana | Kripasindhu Mathidheera Akhila Biswa  Karana Karana ||


Aruna Naya Ura  Bahu Bisala| Neela Jalaja Thanu Syama Thamala || Katipata Peetha Kase Bara Bhaya | Ruchira Chapa Sayaka Dhuha Hatha|| Syama Gaura Sundhara Dhoau Bhayi | Biswamithra Mahanidhi Payi || Prabhu Bhramanyadeva Mei Jana | Mohi Nithi Pitha  Thajeau Bhagavana || Chale Jatha Muni Dheenahi Dhekhayi | Suni Thadaka Krodhakari Dhayi || Yekahi Bana Prana Hari Leenha | Dheena Jani Thehi Nijapadha Dheenha || Thab Rishi Nija Nathahi Jiya Cheenhi | Bidhdhyanidhi Kahu Bidhdhya Dheenhi || Jathe Laga Na Chudhdha Pipasa | Athulitha Bala Thanu Theja Prakasa ||


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