Monday, June 14, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Rama absorbed at the thoughts of the loveliness of Devi Janaki


Chapter – 230– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– Rama absorbed at the thoughts of the loveliness of Devi Janaki


Rama reiterates “How can be Devi Sita compared to the moon who is born from the salty ocean, undergoes eclipse caused by the demons Rahu and Kethu, grow weak and has several dark spots on it, cannot be compared with the loveliness of the Janakanandhini who is the epitome of beauty, virtues, wisdom, and fortune. The moon undergoes the process of waxing and waning, afflicted by the demon Rahu, and constantly pushes the Chakravaha into despair, and causes to wither the lotus flower in the night. Moon has several impurities and faults in it; hence I cannot compare its beauty with the splendor of Devi Janaki. If anyone does that would reap the fruits of grave sin. Vidhehanandhini is incomparable and beyond description.” Thus, Rama was engrossed in various thoughts about the beauty of Devi Janaki, the night has advanced without his knowledge, Rama arrived in the chamber of the preceptor, prostrated before him, and withdrawn to his chamber. Rama woke up at the early break of dawn, looked at his brother, and spoke “Lakshman, the early hours of the sun has brought delight to the lotus flowers, Chakravaha, and to the whole world.” Lakshman began to speak gently with folded hands.

Janamu Sindhu PUni Bandhu Bishu Dhin Malina Sakalanka |Siya  Mukha Samatha Pava Kimi Chandhu Bapuro Ranka ||

Ghatayi Badayi Birahini Dhukhadhayi| Grasayi Rahu Nija Sandhihi Payi || Koka Sokapradha Pankaja Dhrohi | Avaguna Bahuth Chandhrama Thohi || Baidhehi Mukha Patathara Dheenhe | Hoyi Dhoshu Bada Anuchitha Keenhe|| Siya  Mukhachabi Bidhu Byaja Bakhani | Guru Pahi Chale Nisa Badi Jani || Kari Muni Charana Saroja Pranama | Ayasu Payi Keenha Bishrama || Bigatha Nisa Raghunayaka Jage | Bandhu Biloki Kahana Asa Lage || Uyayu Aruna  Avalokahu Thatha | Pankaja Koka Loka  Sukhadha || Bole Lakhanu Jori Juga Pani | Prabhu Prabhau Soochak MridhuBani ||

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