Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The mendicant advises the King about the terrible consequences of the curse of twice-born/Bhramin and preceptor


Chapter – 160– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The mendicant advises the King about the terrible consequences of the curse of twice-born/Bhramin and preceptor


The wicked mendicant replied “Let it be!” and added cunningly “If you reveal the meeting with me in the forest to others, it would bring troubles to you, hence the risk is yours. Oh! King, I warn you, do not share the piece of information I have shared with you to none, if so, it would bring destruction to you and your entire clan, make sure the conversion took place between us remain confidential forever, do not invite trouble for you. Oh! Prathapbhanu, if you reveal the information about our conversation or receive the curse of twice-born, you cannot achieve auspiciousness, on the other hand, the destruction of you and your clan is definite. Oh! Rajan, remember the eternal truth, the wrath of Hari and Hara can be get eliminated, not of the twice-born.” King Prathapbhanu fell at the feet of the wicked mendicant and spoke “Oh! Noble one, kindly advise me who can remove the curse of the twice-born, I have heard the preceptor only can remove the curse of a twice-born, if the Jeeva becomes ungrateful and disrespectful to one’s own preceptor, no one can save him from the destruction. Oh! Ascetic, I am certain that if I did not follow your words, I would perish with my entire clan, I am not worried of anything other than the curse of twice-born, hence I sincerely wish to keep away myself from that sin.”


Yevamasthu Kahi Kapatamuni Bola Kutila Bahori | Milab Hamara Bhulaba Nija Kahahu Tha  Hamahi Na Khori ||

Thathe  Mei Thohi Barjau Raja | Kahe Katha Thava Parama Akaja || Cchate Shravana  Yaha Paratha Kahani | Nasa Thumhara  Sathya Mama Bani || Yaha Pragate Athava  Dhvijashrapa | Nasa Thora Sunu Bhanuprathapa || Aana Upaya Nidhana Thava Nahi | Jau  Hari Hara  Kopahi Man Mahi || Sathya Natha  Padha Gahi NripaBhasha | Dhvija  Guru Kopa Kahahu Ko Rakha || Rakhayi Guru Jau Kopa Bidhatha | Guru Birodha Nahi Koau Jagathratha || Jau Na  Chalab Hama Kahe  Thumhare | HoauNasa Nahi Soch Hamare ||

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