Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Bharatha declares himself as impure to survive without Rama in the Kingdom of Ayodhya

Chapter – 172– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Bharatha declares himself as impure to survive without Rama in the Kingdom of Ayodhya


Bharatha spoke solemnly “ Oh! Mahathma, are you expecting goodness to the country and its people from crowning a wretched person like me, that too son of Devi Kaikeyi who is wicked and deceitful, hostile to Rama? I shall pronounce the truth, a virtuous only could be a wise and courageous ruler. The moment you perform the coronation of me as the King of Ayodhya, the Earth would merge in the Pathaloka. There is no grave sinner like me who caused the exile of Lord Rama and Devi Sita to leave to woods. The noble King Dhasharatha exiled Rama from the Kingdom of Ayodhya, immediately he left his mortal coil at the pain of separation from Rama and ascended to the abode of deities. I am unfortunate, I am the root cause for all the evils in the family, and still, I am sitting quietly and listening to your talks without any shame. Even though I found the palace is gloomy without Rama, I have survived till now proves my inability to practice devotion at the lotus feet of Rama who is the essence of love, alas! my heart is hungry for stately pleasures and fame. I have no words to express the impurity of my heart.”

Kaikayi Sua Kutilamathi  Rama Bimukha Gathalaja | Thumha Chahath Sukhu Mohabasa Mohi  Se Adhama Ke Raja ||

Kahau Sanchu Sab Suni Pathiahu | Chahia Dharamaseela Naranahu || Mohi Raju Hadi Dhehahu Jabhi | Rasa Rasathala Jayihi Thabahi || Mohi Samana Ko Papanivasu | Jehi  Lagi Siyarama Banabasu || Raya Rama Kaha Kananu Dheenha | Bicchurath Gamanu Amarapura Keenha || Mei Sadu Sab Anarath Kara Hethu | Baita Bath Sab Sunau  Sachethu || Binu Raghubeera Biloki Abasu | Rahe Prana Sahi Jaga Upahasu || Rama Puneetha Bishaya Rasa Rooke | Lolupa  Bhoomi Bhoga Ke  Bhooke || Kaha Lagi Kahau Hridhaya Kadinayi | Nidhari Kulisu Jehi Lahi  Badayi ||

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