Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – The people of Ayodhya and Mithila assembled before the illustrious Bhramins, preceptors, and Sages


Chapter – 272– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– The people of Ayodhya and Mithila assembled before the illustrious Bhramins, preceptors, and Sages


During the early hours of daybreak, the King of Nimis, Janaka, and Rama took ablutions, soon the members of the two families followed them to have a holy dip in the river Payaswini, after that they all assembled under the shade of Peepal tree, all of them were emaciated with grief and exhaustion of long journeys. The illustrious Bhramins of Mithila and Ayodhya, preceptors Sage Vashishta, Vamadeva, and Shathanandha the priest of King Janaka took a seat on the altar and started giving lectures on various legends, which is full of wisdom, dispassion, and devotion, for the people of Mithila and Ayodhya to get rid of grief of worldly existence. The illustrious Sage Vishwamithra highly praised the assembly of Sages and advised “Oh! Noble souls, all of you have spent several hours without a meal, it is almost past noon, the Lord of Raghu wishes all of you have something to satiate your appetite.” The King Janaka replied “Oh! Mune, it is not advisable to have a usual meal at this moment” all the sages assembled were highly pleased with the idea of King Janaka, soon all assembled men were departed to perform midday sun worship after receiving the permission from the Sage.


Dhoau Samaja Nimiraju Nahane Pratha | Baite Sab Bata Bitapa Thara Man Maleena Krisa Gath ||

Je Maheesura Dhasaratha  Purabasi | Je Mithilapathi Nagaranivasi ||Hamsa Bamsa Guru Janaka Purodha | Jinha Jaga Magu Paramarathu Sodha || Lage Kahana Upadhesa Aneka | Sahitha Dharama Naya  Birathi Bibeka || Kausika  Kahi Kahi Kathapurani | Samujjayi Sab Sabha Subhani || Thab Raghunatha Kausikahi Kaheau | Natha Kali Jala Binu Sabu Raheau || Muni Kaha Uchitha Kahatha Raghurayi | Gayau Beethi Dhin Pahara Adayi || Rishi Rukha Lakhi Kaha Therahuthiraju | Iha Uchitha Nahi Asana Anaju || Kaha Bhoopa Bhala Sabahi Sohana | Payi Rajayasu Chale Nahana ||

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