Saturday, September 11, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – The villagers on pathways admire the virtues and blamelessness of Bharatha


Chapter – 216– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– The villagers on pathways admire the virtues and blamelessness of Bharatha


The women assembled began to praise the virtues, amiability, nobility of Bharatha “Oh! Dear friends, Bharatha was entrusted with the ruling of the Kingdom of Ayodhya by his father, even though he is conducting a journey barefoot to the woods to take back Lord of Raghu, Rama to Ayodhya, he is living on fruits and rooted vegetables like a hermit, who can be equal to Bharatha? whoever listens or speaks about Bharatha’s love and devotion to his brother would dispel the grief of worldly existence. Oh! Dear friends, Bharatha is most venerable, words are not adequate to praise his virtues and discipline. It is no wonder that he has inherited all those virtues of Lord Rama. Oh! Dear friends, whoever behold the beauty and loveliness of Bharatha and Shathrughna would achieve the fruitfulness of their lives. The sinful Devi Kaikeyi does not worth the virtuous Bharatha as her son.”  Someone said “Devi Kaikeyi should not be blamed for all those mishaps; it was the willingness of Almighty Lord. The Veda and scriptures emphasize that the women are born with the impurities, they are not allowed to perform any Vedic rites, hence who will dwell in the region of the wretched village located in the accursed region, like the women? Oh! Friends, all these should be taken into notice before imposing blame on Devi Kaikeyi.” In this way, the villagers of their way rejoiced at heart witnessing Bharatha and the people of Ayodhya, like the auspicious Kalpatharu sprung on the desert.

Chalatha Payadhe Khatha Phala Pitha Dheenha Thaji Raju | Jatha Manavana Raghubarahi Bharatha Sarisa Ko Aju ||

Bhayapa Bhagathi Bharatha  Aacharanu | Kahatha Sunatha Dhukha Dhooshana Haranu || Jo Kicchu Kahab Thora  Sakhi Soyi | Ramabandhu Asa Kahe Na Hoyi || Hama Sab Sanuja Bharathahi Dhekhe | Bhayinha Dhanya Jubathi Jana Lekhe || Suni Guna Dhekhi Dasa Pacchithahi | Kaikeyi Janani Jogu Suthu Nahi || Koau Kaha Dhooshanu Ranihi Nahina | Bidhi Sabu Keenha Hamahi Jo  Dhahina || Kaha HamaLoka Bedha  Bidhi Heeni | Laghu Thiya Kula Karathoothi Malini || Basahi Kudhesa Kugav Bubama | Kaha YahaDharasu Punya  Parinama || Asa Anandhu Achiriju Prathi Grma | Janu Marubhoomi Kalapatharu Jama ||

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