Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – The nectar-like speeches of Rama


Chapter – 299– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– The nectar-like speeches of Rama


Rama spoke passionately “Oh! Dear Bharatha, you are devoted by mind, words, and deed to me, there is no brother like you in this Universe, how can I keep silent without praising your virtues in the assembly of sages, Rishis, and noble souls? How can I recount the virtuous of my younger brother? You are incomparable and eloquent, Oh! Dear Bharatha, the illustrious clan of Surya, known for truthfulness and virtues, and our father’s fame are well known in the three worlds, you have elevated yourself to the noble status of our clan, you have thoroughly understood the seriousness of the situation, and respect for elders, preceptors, and noble souls, you have considered your foes and companions as neutral, you are well aware of the duties and responsibilities of us, and what’s advisable for you and me, and what we have to do at this critical moment. Oh! Thatha, I have utmost faith in you, still, I would like to quote something appropriate to the situation. Oh! Dear brother, we have not assigned the duties and responsibilities towards our preceptors, and subjects of our Kingdom in the absence of our father. If the sun sets before the hours of dusk, who would not suffer? In the same manner, the demise of our father the illustrious King Dhasharatha brought extreme agony and hardship to the Kingdom and its people. Fortunately, King Janaka and Sage Vashishta protected the Kingdom of Ayodhya and its people from further calamities.”


Karama Bachana Manasa Bimala Thumha Samana Thumha Thatha | Guru Samaja Laghu Bandhu Guna Kusumaya Kimi Kahi Jatha ||

Janahu Thatha Tharani Kulareethi | Sathyasandha Pithu Keerathi Preethi || Samau Samaju Laja Gurujana Ki | Udhaseena  Hitha Anahitha Mana Ki || Thumhahi Bidhitha Sabahi Kara Karamu | Aapana Mora Paramahitha Dharamu || Mohi Sab Bhanthi Bharosa Thumhara | Thadhapi Kahau Avasara Anusara || Thatha Thatha BinuBath Hamari | Kevala Gurukula Kripa Sambhari || Natharu Praja Parijana Parivaru | Hamahi Sahitha Sabu Hotha Khuaru || Jau Binu Avasara Athava Dhinesu | Jaga Kehi  Kahahu Na Hoyi Kalesu || Thasa  Uthapathu Thatha Bidhi Keenha | Muni Mithilesa Rakhi Sabu Leenha ||

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