Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Sage Bharadhwaja instructs Bharatha and the people of Ayodhya to stay in his hermitage


Chapter – 206– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Sage Bharadhwaja instructs Bharatha and the people of Ayodhya to stay in his hermitage


The illustrious Sage Bharadhwaja requested Bharatha “Oh! Dear Bharatha, be my guest for today, kindly accept the fruits, rooted vegetables, and flowers we offer.” Bharatha could not respond for a while he was already distressed, soon he remembered the significance of the command of the preceptor and elder’s opinion, he prostrated at the lotus feet of the Sage and spoke with folded hands “Oh! Prabho, your command is my foremost duty.” Sage Bharadhwaja was highly pleased with the amiability of Bharatha, soon he called for his disciple and instructed “Bharatha ought to stay with us tonight, hence arrange for fruits and rooted vegetables.” They prostrated before the Sage and replied “Sure Mune, we will make all the arrangements for his comfortable stay in the hermitage.”, and they began to make arrangements for their guests. Sage Bharadhwaja was remembered he had invited Bharatha who is most venerable as a deity, hence there should not be a place for any fault, soon he immersed in meditation and invoked the Ashtasidhdhi, the Ridhdhi and Siddhis/the supernatural powers obtained with the extreme penance and austerities appeared in divine forms before the Sage revealing their honor to follow the instructions of the Sage.

Kari Prabhodhu Munibara  Kaheau Athithi Premapriya Hohu | Kandhamoola Phalamoola Hama Dhehi Lehu Kari Cchohu ||

Suni Muni Bachana Bharatha Hiya Sochu | Bhayau Kuavasara Kadina Sankochu || Jani Garuyi Guru Gira Bahori | C harana Bandhi Bole Kara Jori || Sira Dhari Aayasu Karia Thumhara | Paramadharama Yahu Natha Hamara || Bharatha Bachana Munibara Man Bhaye | Suchi Sevaka Sisha Nikata  Bolaye || Chahia Keenhi Bharatha Pahunayi | Kandhamoola Phala Anahu Jayi || Bhalehi Natha Kahi Thinha Sira Naye | Pramudhitha Nija Nija Kaja Sidhaye || Munihi Socha Pahuna Bada Nevatha | Thasi Pooja  Chahia Jasa Dhevatha || Suni Ridhi Sidhi Animadhika Aayi | Aayasu Hoyi So Karahi Gosayi ||

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