Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – King Janaka and his family, preceptors, and people of Mithila engulfed in sorrow


Chapter – 270– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– King Janaka and his family, preceptors, and people of Mithila engulfed in sorrow


The hermitage of Rama resembles the ocean of austerities, and vows, which was brimming with the assemblage of King Janaka and his family, hermits, and preceptors, that gave out the appearance of the union of several water-courses in the ocean. The whole atmosphere reverberated with the austerities, lectures on scriptures, and Veda. The union of the two families, ascetics, preceptors of wisdom and dispassion produced deep sighs of grief, lamentation, and utterance of sorrowful words resembled the waves in the ocean, the fear and anxiousness of the family members represent the whirlpool in the ocean were prepared to calm down by the wise, learned, noble souls, preceptors resembled the ferryman, waiting for the families to board into the ferries to get rid of the grief and sufferings of Samsarasagara/ocean of grief,  alas! They had no clue of the depth like the pain of the people. The Kolas, Kiratha, Bhilas wandering in the woods resembled the travelers who were horrorstruck by the turbulence in the ocean water. As soon as the water-courses like the two families of King Dhasharatha and King Janaka met, the ocean like the hermitage of Rama swelled up with various emotions. The two families were engulfed with sorrows and grief of separation, they have praised the virtues, courage, amiability, nobleness of King Dhasharatha and wept bitterly.

Ashrama Sagara Santh Rasa Poorana Pavana Pathu | Sena  Manahu Karuna Saritha Liya Jahi Raghunathu ||

Borathi Gyana Biraga  Karare | Bachana Sasoka Milatha  Nadha Nare || Socha Usasa Sameera Tharanga | Dheeraja Thata  Tharubara Kara Bhanga|| Bishama Bishadha Thoravathi Dhara | Bhaya Bhrama Bhavara Arbath Apara || Kevat Budha Bidhdhya Badi Nava |Sakahi Na Kheyi Yek Nahi Aava || Banachara  Kola Kiratha Bichare | Thake  Biloki Pathika Hiya Hare || Ashrama Udhadhi Mili Jab Jayi | Manahu Udeau Ambudhi Akulayi || Soka Bikala Dhoau Raja Samaja | Raha Na  Gyanu Na Dheeraju Laja || Bhoopa  Roopa Guna Seela Sarahi | Rovahi Soka Sindhu Avagahi ||

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