Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Bharatha reveals his state of mind to the Sages and wanted to put an end to his grief by bringing Rama back to Ayodhya


Chapter – 205– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Bharatha reveals his state of mind to the Sages and wanted to put an end to his grief by bringing Rama back to Ayodhya


Bharatha spoke in tears “Oh! Mahathma, I lament on the hardships of my beloved brother Rama Lakshman and Devi Sita in the forest, attired in the bark of trees, and leaves, living on fruits, surviving in the extreme climates of heat and cold, sleeping under the shade of a tree, spreading the Kushagrass as a bed. The mere thought of these hardships of my brothers and Devi Sita, taking away my sleep in the night and appetite on the day, there is no cure for my illness, I have exhausted mentally and physically. My mother’s evil attendant was the sinful hunchback, like a wicked carpenter, who utilized the destructive tool on the inauspicious wood for my interest, and ultimately, she had designed fourteen years of exile for Rama. The woman carved out the plan for the welfare of me thereby put the whole world into grief, and this disaster will cease only when Rama returns to Ayodhya, and there are no other means the Kingdom of Ayodhya can thrive again.” Sage Bharadhwaja was highly pleased to listen to the wise and compassionate words of Bharatha, the Sages and Rishis assembled were applauded in bliss and pacified “Oh! Dear child, do not grieve. All your agonies and grief would disappear at the very moment you behold Rama’s lotus feet.”

Ajina Basana Phala Asana Mahi  Sayana Dasi Kusa  Patha | Basi Tharu Thara  Nitha Sahatha Hima  Aathapa Barasha Bath |||

Yehi Dhukha Dhaha Dhahayi Dhina Cchathi | Bhookh Na Basara Needha Na Rathi || Yehi Kuroga Kara Aushadhu Nahi | Sodhau Sakala Biswa Mana Mahi || Mathu Kumatha Badayi Adhamoola | Thehi Hamara Hitha Keenha Basoola || Kali  Kukata Kara keenha Kujanthru | Gadi Avadhi Padi Kadina Kumanthru || Mohi Lagi Yahu Kudatu Thehi  Data | Ghalesi Sab Jagu Barahabata || Mitayi Kujogu Rama Phiri Aaya | Basayi Avadha Nahi Aana Upaya || Bharatha Bachana Suni Muni Sukhu Payi | Sabahi Keenhi Bahu Bhanthi Badayi || Thatha Karahu Jani Sochu Biseshi | Sab Dhukhu Mitihi Rama Paga Dhekhi ||

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