Sunday, September 19, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Bharatha eulogizes the kindness and compassion of Rama


Chapter – 261– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Bharatha eulogizes the kindness and compassion of Rama


Bharatha spoke with folded hands “Oh! Prabho, Lord of Devi Sita, Sithapathi has done an abundance of grace and auspiciousness to me, he is the ocean of compassion, and knower of all. My preceptor and my Lord Sri Ramachandra are most promising to me; thus, I have got rid of all my anxiousness and grief with their blessings. I was spending days of extreme fear and distress, it was my ill fortune that added up my mother’s deceitful act and the cruelty of the fate ruined my peace of mind. Oh! Prabho, Lord of Raghu, you are Pranathapala/protector of distressed Jeeva, though it is not a new thing for you, the Veda highly eulogizes your kindness and compassion to Jeeva. Oh! Prabho, even if the whole world may go against me, your grace is enough to protect me from all the troubles. Oh! Prabho, you are that divine Kalpatharu/wish-fulfilling tree in the celestial abode of Indra, nothing can be accomplished without your grace.”

Keenha Anugraha Amitha Athi Sab Bidhi Seethanatha | Kari Pranamu Bole Bharathu Jori Jalaja Juga Hath ||

Khau Kahavau Ka Ab Swami | Kripa  Ambunidhi Antharjami || Guru Prasanna Sahib Anukoola | Miti Malina Mana  Kalapithamoola || Apadara Dareau Na Soch Samoole | Rabihi Na Dhosu Deva Dhisi Bhoole || Mor Abhagu Mathu Kutilayi | Bidhi Gathi Bishama Kala Kadinayi || Pau Ropi Sab Mili Mohi  Dhala |  Pranathapala Pan Aapana Pala || Yaha Nayi Reethi Na  Rauri Hoyi | Lokahu Bedha Bidhitha Nahi Goyi || Jagu Anabhala Bhala Yeku Gosayi | Kahia Hoyi Bhala Kasu Bhalayi || Dheau Dhevatharu Sarisa  Subhau | Sanmukha Bimukha Na Kahuhi Kau ||

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