Sunday, September 5, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Sage Bharadhwaja pronounce that Bharatha is the personification of love for Rama


Chapter – 201– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Sage Bharadhwaja pronounce that Bharatha is the personification of love for Rama


Sage Bharadhwaja spoke “Oh! Bharatha, you have made the right choice, your visit to Rama, Lakshman, and Devi Sita made it clear that you are guileless. You have proved that the pure love and devotion at the lotus feet of Rama is supreme bliss, moreover, the auspiciousness, and happiness lies at the lotus feet of Lord Rama. Oh! Son, devotion is your wealth, happiness and Prana, hence no one is fortunate than you. You are the son of the righteous King Dhasharatha, and beloved brother Rama, you are Bhakti/devotion personified. Oh! Bharatha, there is no one dear as you to the Lord of Raghus. During their visit, Rama, Lakshman, and Devi Sita praised your virtues and amiabilities abundantly in the whole night.  Oh! Son, I came to know while they were bathing in Prayaga, Rama loves you dear as his life. Oh! Bharatha, in my opinion, you are the very incarnation of love for Rama.”

Ab Athi  Keenhehu Bharatha Bhala Thumhahi Uchitha Math Yehu | Sakala Sumangala Moola Jaga Raghubara Charana Sanehu ||

So Thumhara Dhanu Jeevanu Prana | Bhooribhaga  Ko Thumhahi Samana || Yaha Thumhara Aacharaju Na Thatha | Dhasharatha Suana Ramapriya Bhratha || Sunahu Bharatha Raghubara Manamahi | Premapathru Thumha Sama Koau Nahi || Lakhana Rama Seethahi Athi Preethi | Nisi Sab Thumhahi Sarahatha Beethi || Jana Maramu Nahatha Prayaga | Magana Hohi Thumhare Anuraga || Thumha Para Aasa Sanehu Raghubara Ke | Sukha Jeevana Jaga  Jasa Jada Nara Ke || Yaha Na  Adhika Raghubeera Badayi | Pranatha Kudumba Pala Raghurayi || Thumha Thau Bharatha Mora Matha Yehu | Dhare Dheha Janu Rama Sanehu ||

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