Sunday, May 30, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Lord Hari pleased with the devotion and Tapasya, and appears before the couple


Chapter – 139– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – Lord Hari pleased with the devotion and Tapasya, and appears before the couple


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, the divine couple Manu and Shatharoopa who were conducting penance consuming water for several thousands of years, after some time stopped that too depending on the air for another thousand of years. Later, they have refused the consumption of air for ten thousand years and meditated upon Lord. The trinities were deeply anxious about the couple and prompted them to ask for a boon, the bodies of the couple were already shrunk to the skeleton, were grown beyond body consciousness. Lord Hari was highly pleased watching the pure love, intense devotion, and faith of his devotee, realized this divine couple have nothing to rely on other than him, the compassionate Lord spoke in nectar-like words “Oh! Manu, Devi Shatharoopa, kindly ask for a boon, I am highly pleased with your devotion.”, the sweet nectar-like voice steeped into the ears of the couple who were immersed in Tapasya for several thousands of years, the compassionate voice of Lord Hari, rejuvenated the body that was almost perished due to extreme Tapasya. The nectar-like voice gushed through the ears settled in their hearts, could experience the most beautiful form of Lord Hari that they have in mind while leaving the Kingdom.”

Yehi Bidhi Beethe Barasha Shat Sahasa Bari Aahara | Sambath Saptha Sahasra Puni Rahe  Sameera Adhara ||

Barasha Sahasa Dhas  Thyageau | Dade Rahe  Yeak Padh Dhoau || Bidhi Hari Hara Thap Dhekhi Apara | Manu Sameepa Aaye Bahu Bara || Bhagahu Bar Bahu Bhanthi Lobhaye| Paramadheera Nahi Chalahi Chalaye|| Asthithamathra Hoyi Rahe Sareera | Thadhapi Managa Manahi Nahi Peera || Prabhu Sarbagya Dhasa Nija Jani | Gathi Ananya Thapasa Nriparani|| Magu Magu Baru Bei Nabha Bani | Paramagambeera Kripamritha Sani || Mrithaka Jiavani Gira Suhayi | Shravana Randhra Hoyi Ura Jab Ayi || Hrishtapushta  Than Bhaye Suhaye| Manahu Abahi Bhavana The Aye ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Devi Shatharoopa and Manu undertakes extreme Tapasya, abandoning the necessities of life


Chapter – 138– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – Devi Shatharoopa and Manu undertakes extreme Tapasya, abandoning the necessities of life


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “ Oh! Bharadhwaja, the divine couple Manu and Shatharoopa who resemble the austerities personified immersed in various vows, meditation, and Tapasya contemplating upon the Dwadhashamanthra ‘Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya’. They depend on fruits, vegetables and fiber roots and conducted Tapasya contemplating upon the supreme Bhramam which is eternal bliss, further they have abandoned all those and consumed water. Thus, the penance continued for several thousands of years with a deep desire to envision the supreme Lord, the Saguna Nirgunaswaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam resides as a soul in the Jeeva, attributeless, free from afflictions, changeless, unblemished, pure, free from the impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, Mamakara. The omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient Lord who was eulogized by the Veda as ‘Na: Ithi, Na: Ithi’, the incomparable supreme Bhramam, beyond description, which is the essence of the Universe and its living and non-living things holds infinite Nama Roopa Dhrishya, as Shambhu, Virinchi, and Vishnu. The Supreme Lord has assumed various form and conducted amusements for the welfare of the Universe, reduce the burden of the Earth, and re-instate the Dharma. ”

Dhvadhasa  Acchar Manthra Puni Japahi Sahitha Anuraga| Basudeva  Padha Pankaruha  Dhampathi Man Athi Laga ||

Karahi Ahara  Saka Phala Kandha | Sumirahi Bhrama Sacchidhanandha || Puni Hari Hethu Karana Thapa Lage | Bari  Adhara Moola Phala Thyage || Ura  Abilasha Niranthara Hoyi | Dhekhia  Nayana Parama Prabhu Soyi || Aguna Akhanda Anantha Anadhi | Jehi Chinthahi Paramarththabadhi || Nethi Nethi Jehi Bedha Niroopa | Nijanandha Nirupadhi Anoopa || Sambhu Biranchi Bishnu Bhagavana | Upajahi Jasu Amsa  The Nana || Yeseau Prabhu Sevaka Bas  Ahayi | Bhagath Hethu Leelathanu  Gahayi || Jau Yaha Bachana Sathya Shruthi Bhasha | Thau  Hamara  Poojihi Abhilasha ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The grief of Manu - The extreme austerities and Tapasya of Devi Shatharoopa and Manu


Chapter – 137– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The grief of Manu - The extreme austerities and Tapasya of Devi Shatharoopa and Manu


Raja Manu of exemplary character spoke “I have been in my latter years of age /Sanyasa, still my attachments to family, children, relatives, companions, interest in worldly matters, possession, richness, wealth, fame, money, and bodily pleasures have not curtailed. Otherwise, I would not choose to live under the roof of Grahasthashrama, and relish matters to add happiness to my sense.” Manu felt disheartened, “I have wasted whole life without striving to achieve Bhagavath Prapthi or devotion to Lord Hari, even after achieving the rarest birth as a human”. Immediately, Manu called out for his sons, handed over the regime, and left the palace and stately pleasures, proceeded to wood along with his wife. They have arrived in the dense wood of glorious Thapasthali Naimisharanya, which is the sacred land on the Earth where the austerities and penance provides immediate results, where a flock of saints, Sandhu Santh Mahathma assemble in large numbers, engages in austerities, celibacy, vow, meditation, contemplation, Swadhyaya, Athmavichara, contemplation, etc. Manu and Shatharoopa were determined to take up Tapasya, resembled the austerities personified, arrived on the riverbank of Gomathi, they took bath in the beautiful river. Soon several thousands of saints and ascetics assembled on the riverbank were well aware of the nobility of the King. The Sages and Mahatmas guided this divine couple to all the sacred places in the dense forest, conducted extreme austerities and Tapasya with the Mahatmas, listening to the glories of supreme Bhramam and various legends of Lord, in due course of time, their bodies began to emaciate by taking up various austerities and Tapasya resembled skeletons, attired in a saffron robe, conducted worship of Lord, meditation, and contemplation meticulously.

Hoyi Na Bishaya Biraga Bhavana Basath Bha Chauthapan  | Hridhaya Bahuth Dhukh Laga Janama Gayau Hari Bhagathi Binu ||

 Barbas Raja Suthahi Thab Dheenha | Nari Sametha Gavan Ban Keenha || Theerath Bar  Naimisha Bikhyatha | Athi Puneetha Sadhaka Sidhi Dhatha || Basahi Jaha Muni Sidhdha Samaja | Thaha Dhiya Harashi Chaleau Manu Raja || Panth Jath Sohahi Mathidheera | Gyana Bhagathi Janu Dhare Sareera || Pahuche Jayi Dhenumathi Theera | Harashi Nahane Niramala Neera || Aye Milana Sidhdha Muni Gyani | Dharama Dhurandhara Nriparishi Jani || Jaha Jaha Theerath Rahe Suhaye| Muninha Sakala Sadhara Karavaye || Krisa Sareera Munipat Paridhana | Santh Samaja Nitha Sunahhi Purana ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The description of the clan of Manu and Devi Shatharoopa


Chapter – 136– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The description of the clan of Manu and Devi Shatharoopa


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Bharadhwaja, listen to me carefully. The legend of Rama is capable to remove all the impurities, Kama/lust, Krodha/anger, Lobha, Moha/desire, Madha/arrogance, and Mathshcharya/yearning, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, it would destroy the evilness of the Kali era, and it provides all kinds of auspiciousness to the worshiper. The Human race came into existence from the noble couple Raja Manu and Devi Shatharoopa, who are the creations of the supreme Bhramam. The piousness, nobility, devoutness, Tapasya, austerities, conducted by this virtuous couple were highly praised by the scriptures and Veda. This couple gave birth to Uththanapadha, who became the father of illustrious Dhruva has achieved the highest of the honor/pole star, with his extreme Tapasya and devotion at the young age of five. The other son of this couple was Priyavratha, and the daughters were Devahuthi, Ahoothi and Prasoothi. Devi Devahoothi married to the illustrious Sage Kardhamaprajapathi and this couple gave birth to the most celebrated incarnation of Lord Vishnu as Kapilavasudeva who imparted the knowledge of Sankhya Philosophy to his mother to achieve liberation. Manu ruled the Kingdom wisely for several thousands of years for the welfare of the human race.”

So Mei Thumha San Kahau Sabu Sunu Muneesa Man Layi | Ramakatha Kalimala Harani Mangala Karani Suhayi ||

 Swayambhu Manu Aru Satharoopa | Jinha The Mei Narashrishti Anoopa || Dhampathi Dharama Aacharana Neeka | Ajahu Gava Shruthi Jeenha Kai  Leeka || Nripa  Uthanapadha Sutha Thasu | Dhruva Hari Bhagathi Bhayau Sutha Jasu || Laghu Sutha Nama Priyabratha Thahi | Beda Purana Prasamsahi Jahi || Devahoothi PUni Thasu  Kumari | Jo Muni Kardhama Kai Priya Nari || Adhideva Prabhu Dheenadhayala | Jadara Dhareau Jehi Kapila Kripala || Sankhya Sashthra Jinha Pragat Bakhana | Thaththva  Bichara  Nipuna  Bhagavana || Thehi Manu Raja Keenha Bahu Kala | Prabhu Aayasu Sab Bidhi Prathipala ||

Friday, May 28, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The significance of the practice of devotion – Brishakethu describes the Harikatha


Chapter – 135– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The significance of the practice of devotion – Brishakethu describes the Harikatha


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, the Harimaya is so powerful to win, hence the worship of Lord Hari is significant to get rid of the sufferings and grief of Samsara, the impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara  and ultimately from the repeated births.”

Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Bhavani, I shall narrate the reason why did the supreme Bhramam incarnate on the Earth. The supreme Bhramam free from afflictions, pure, unblemished, attributeless, changeless has neither beginning nor end, eternal bliss has personified as Lord Rama to the King Dhasharatha and Devi Kausalya, I shall describe the marvelous legend of that supreme Lord Rama who discarded the stately pleasures to follow the promise to his father, attired in saffron robe journeyed to the dense wood, with his younger brother Lakshman and Devi Sita. It was one of the occasions you have met that supreme Lord Rama lamenting over the separation from his beloved consort and conducted search all over the forest, and you have got delusional, assumed the form of Devi Sita and appeared before him to put on a test, the terrible consequences of your delusion heaved you in deep distress and you are still carrying with you, hence mere listening to the endless glories of that Lord will remove all that ignorance in you. Oh! Shailakumari, I shall describe the glorious myths of Lord Sri Rama and his various amusements best to my knowledge.” Oh! Bharadhwaja, Goddess Uma blushed in intense love listening to the wise words of Lord Mahadeva, thus Brishakethu began to explain the birth of Lord Hari as the Dhasharatha Kumara, and the various amusements.”


 Sura Nara  Muni Koau Nahi JehiNa Mohamaya Prabala | Asa Bichari Mana Mahi Bhajia Mahamaya Pathihi ||

Apara Hethu Sunu Sailakumari | Kahau Bichithra Katha Bisthari || Jehi Karana Aja Aguna Aroopa | Bhrama Bhayau Kosalapoor Bhoopa || Jo Prabhu Bipina Phirath Thumha Dhekha | Bandhu Sametha Dhare  Munibesha || Jasu Charitha Avaloki Bhavani | Sathi Sareera Rahihu Bairani || Ajahu Na Cchaya Mitathi Thumhari | Thasu Charitha Sunu Bhrama Ruja Hari || Leela Keenha Jo  Thehi Avathara | So Sab Kahihau Mathi Anusara || Bharadhwaja Suni Sankara Bani | Sakuchi Saprema  Uma Musukani || Lage  Bahuri  Baranai Brishakethu | So Avathara Bhayau Jehi  Hethu ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Hari is Anantha/eternal and Hari Katha is Anantha – The listening and reading the glorious myths of that Lord is enough to remove the sufferings of Samsara


Chapter – 134– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – Hari is Anantha/eternal and Hari Katha is Anantha – The listening and reading the glories of that Lord is enough to remove the sufferings of Samsara


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Bharadhwaja, thus the supreme Lord Hair incarnated as Rama in one Kalpa to reduce the burden of mother Earth, reinstate the Dharma by destroying the wicked demons, and provide serenity, delight, and peace to the noble-souls and Mahathma. The personification of Lord Hari as Rama was sung in praise by many intellectuals, Rishis, Sages, scriptures, and Veda, ‘Hari is Anantha and Harikatha is Anantha’ the supreme Lord Hari has several incarnations are endless like his glorious myth. Oh! Mune, in every Kalpa the supreme Lord Hari assumes various incarnations which are beyond description and comparison, to reinstate the righteousness, and the great Sages and Rishis, noble-souls, sung in praise of his virtues according to their intellect, and all of them are equally mesmerizing and worth listening to, hence Hari and Harikatha are eternal. Lord Mahadeva speak to Devi Bhavani “Oh! Devi, the various passionate sports of Lord Hari is beyond description, can’t be completed in crores of Kalpa. Oh! Bhavani, I have described the powerful Harimaya with a single incident to prove that none is free from the illusion/delusion of Lord Hari, even the enlightened souls have not spared from it. The supreme Lord Hari gets highly pleased with the pure love and devotion at his lotus feet, mere describing his endless legends, remembering the various amusements are enough to get rid of sufferings and grief of Samsara.”

Yek Kalapa Yehi Hethu Prabhu Leenha Manuja  Avathara | Sura Ranjan Sajjana Sukhadha Hari Bhanjan Bhuvi Bar ||

Yehi Bidhi Janama Karama Hari  Kere | Sundhar Sukhadha Bichithra Dhanere || Kalapa Kalapa Prathi Prabhu Avatharahi | Charu Charitha Nanabidhi Karahi || Thab Thab Katha Munisanha Gayi| Parama Puneetha Prabandha Banayi || Bibidha Prasanga Anoopa Bakhane | Karahi Na  Suni Acharaju Sayane || Hari Anantha Harikatha Anantha | Kahahi Sunahi Bahubidhi Sab Santha ||Ramachandhra Ke  Charitha Suhaye | Kalapa Koti Lagi Jahi Na Gaye || Yaha Prasanga Mei Kaha Bhavani | Harimaya Mohahi Muni Gyani || Prabhu KauthukiPranatha Hithakari | Sevath Sulabha Sakala Dhukha Hari||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Shiva Ganas meets Maharishi Narada and requests to redeem the curse


Chapter – 133– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – Shiva Ganas meets Maharishi Narada and requests to redeem the curse


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, Lord Hari gracefully accepted the curse of Narada and disappeared from his sight. Maharishi Narada moved to Sathyaloka singing in praise of Hari, he was in utter despair and gloomy about the aftermath of Harimaya. The Shiva Ganas found the Maharishi low-spirited, soon approached him with fear and fallen at his feet “Oh! Maharishi, we are Ganas of Lord Shiva, sincere attendants of Lord Mahadeva, Oh! Compassionate Sage, we have insulted a twice-born and reaped the fruit of it, kindly protect us from the curse.” Maharishi Narada advised them compassionately “Oh! Ganas, the curse already pronounced can’t be taken back, hence you have no other choice, you both will be born in the Rakshasa Yoni.  I assure you that you will be born as powerful, affluent, famous with great splendor in the three worlds, you will win over the entire Universe. Finally, Lord Hari incarnate on the Earth, and you will achieve liberation from the supreme Lord Hari, in a vicious battle. Thus, you will get rid of Samsara and Samsarachakra forever.” The two Ganas prostrated before the sage, later these two have taken birth as powerful demons.

Bahubidhi Munihi Prabhodhi Prabhu Thab Bhaye Anthardhana | Sathyaloka Narada Chale  Karath Rama Gunagana ||

Hara Gana Munihi Jatha Path Dhekhi | Bigathamoha Man Harasha Biseshi || Athi Sabheeth Narada Pahi Aye | Gahi Padha Aarath Bachana Sunaye || Hara Gana Ham Na  Bipra  Muniraya | Bada Aparadha Keenha Phala Paya || Shrapa Anugraha Karahu Kripala | Bole Narada Dheenadhaya || Nisichara Jayi Hohu Thumha Dhoau | Baibhav Bipula Theja Bala Hoau || Bhujabal Biswa Jithab Thumha Jahia |   Dharihahi Bishnu Manuja Thanu Thahia || Samara Marana Hari Hath Thumhara | Hoyihahu Mukutha Na PUni Samsara || Chale Jugala MunipadhaSira Nayi | Bhaye Nisachara Kalahi Payi ||