Friday, May 28, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Shivashcha Hridhyam Vishnu| Vishnushcha Hridhayam Shiva: || - Hari and Hara are not different from one another


Chapter – 132– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – Shivashcha Hridhyam Vishnu| Vishnushcha Hridhayam Shiva: || - Hari and Hara are not different from one another

Lord Hari gracefully accepted the curse of Maharishi Narada, and pacified him and brought him out of the Maya. Maharishi Narada was spell-bound to watch the Maya of Lord Hari, there was no Lord Rama, or the princess Vishwamohini, in utter shock Maharishi Narada fallen at the feet of Lord Hari, and shed tears “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Kripalu, Oh! Dheenadhayala, kindly do something to annual the curse I have pronounced, kindly protect me from the grave sin. Oh! Prabho, I have mistreated you, called you jealous and deceitful, how did I protect myself from the grave sins committed on you?” Lord Hari pleasingly replied “Oh! Mune, it was my will, you are showered curse on me. It was not your fault, kindly engage in the contemplation and meditation of supreme Lord Mahadeva who is my beloved Lord, you will get rid of the anxiousness by reciting his sacred name hundreds of times. Oh! Mune, there is no one is beloved as Lord Mahadeva to me, hence do not give up belief and faith in that Lord, and do not differentiate us. Oh! Mune, who does not have faith and belief in Lord Shiva cannot achieve my grace or devotion upon me, it is impossible to achieve my grace without the devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Shiva. Oh! Mune, always remember my words and begin to explore the three worlds at your will, you will not get besieged with my Maya, you are freed from my Maya forever.”


Shrapa Seesa Dhari Harashi Hiya Prabhu Bahu Binathi Keenhi | Nija Maya  Kai Prabalatha Karashi Kripanidhi Leenhi ||

Jab Harimaya Dhoori  Nivari | Nahi Thaha Rama Na  Rajakumari || Thab Muni Athi Sabeetha Haricharana| Gahe  Pahi Pranatharitha Harana || Mrisha HOau Mama Shrapa Kripala | Mama Iccha Kaha Dheenadhayala || Mei Dhurbachana Kahe  Bahuthere | Kaha Muni Papa Mitihi Kimi Mere || Japahu  Jayi Sankara Sath Nama | Hoyihi Hridhaya Thurath Bishrama || Koau  Nahi  Siva Samana Priya More | Asi  Parathithee Thajahu Jani  Bhore || Jehi Par Kripa Na Karahi Purari | So Na  Pava Muni Bhagathi Hamari || Asa Ura  Dhari  Mahi  Bicharahu Jayi | Ab Na  Thumhahi Maya  Niarayi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Maharishi Narada’s curse on Lord Hari


Chapter – 131– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – Maharishi Narada’s curse on Lord Hari


Maharishi Narada continued “Oh! Lord, you have offered the Varuni/ intoxicated drinks to the demons, and toxic Halahal poison to Rudra, and you have been way too intelligent to accept Goddess Lakshmi and the precious gem Kausthubha emerged out of the ocean while churning, in this way, you have been very astute and selfish in all your dealings with the deities and demons. Oh! Prabho, you are independent to act, you are not answerable to anyone. You have always been free-willed, and have performed whatever pleases your mind. You don’t take pleasure or grieve on the occasion when the noble gets tarnished or the wicked get praised, Oh! Prabho, you are not worried or alarmed of anything, you are not affected by good or evil, but you have played the trick on me, for that you will reap the fruit of it.  You have provided me with the appearance of a monkey, for that you will survive with the help of them in the future. You have fooled me, and put me in deep distress, hence you will suffer the pain of separation from your consort.”


Asura Sura Bisha Sankariha Aapu Rama Manicharu | Swaratha Sadhaka Kutila Thumha Sadha Kapata Byavaharu ||

Parama Swathanthra Na Sira Par Koyi | Bhavayi Manahi KarahuThumha Soyi || Bhalehi Mandha Mandhehi Bhala Karahu | Bisamaya Harasha Na Hiya  Kacchu Dharahu || Dahaki Dahaki Parichehu Sab Kahu | Athi Asamka Man Sadha Ucchahu || Karama Subhasubha Thumhahi Na Badha | Ab Lagi Thumhahi Na Kahu Sadha || Bhale Bhavana Ab Bayana Dheenha | Pavahugo Phala Aapana Keenha || Bachehu Mohi  Javani  Dhari Dheha | Soyi Thanu Dharahu  Shrapa Mama Yeha || Kapi Akruthi Thumha Keenhi Hamari | Karihahi Keesa Sahaya Thumhari || Mama Apakara Keenha Thumha Bhari | Nari  Biraha Thumha Hoba Dhukhari ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The curse of Maharishi Narada on Shiva Ganas – Maharishi Narada’s heated conversation with Lord Hari


Chapter – 130– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The curse of Maharishi Narada on Shiva Ganas – Maharishi Narada’s heated conversation with Lord Hari


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, Maharishi Narada got infuriated and cursed the Shiva Ganas who were laughing and passing funny remarks on attention-seeking acts of Narada in the grand assembly, to take birth in the Rakshasa Yoni, “Oh! Kapati/wicked ones, Oh! Sinful, you will repeat the fruit for your mockery of a sage/twice-born, you will be born as Nishachara.” Maharishi Narada repeatedly looked at the reflection of his face on the water, soon regained his normal form, but his mind was so agitated, could not find peace. His heart was burning with humiliation and lips quivered in anger rushed to the abode of Lakshmiramana, he was completely dejected and embarrassed, “I have become a laughing stock in the assembly of the King, I have trusted Lord Hari and made myself fool before the grand assembly, I can’t bear the pain of humiliation and grief, either I shall curse him or give up my life before Lakshmiramana.”  On his way, Maharishi Narada met Lord Hari along with Goddess Lakshmi and the princess, Lord Hari approached Narada and spoke in a gentle tone “Oh! Maharishi, where are you hurrying? Are you anxious about anything?” As soon as he heard the pleasant voice of Lord Hari, the Maharishi Narada who was already besieged by the Maya, couldn’t control his anger, “Oh! Lord, I know you are jealous of other’s welfare and happiness, you can’t put up with the progress of others, we have witnessed that while churning the milky ocean by the deities and demons, you have influenced Lord Mahadeva to consume the toxic poison to save the Universe, thus you have employed Rudra to safeguard the Universe and its living beings, and you have taken full credit of the occasion.”

Hohu Nisachara Jayi  Thumha Kapati Papi Dhoau| Hasehu Hamahi So Lehu Phala Bahuri Hasehu Muni Koau ||

PUni Jala Dheekha Roopa Nija Pava | Thadhapi Hridhaya Santhosha Na Ava || Pharakath Adhara Kopa Man Mahi | Sadhapi Chale Kamalapathi Pahi || Dhehau Shrapa Ki Marihau Jayi | Jagath Mori Upahasa Karayi || Bichahi Pantha Mile Dhanujari | Sanga Rama Soyi Rajakumari || Bole  Madhura Bachana Surasayi | Muni Kaha Chale Bikala Ki Nayi || Sunatha Bachana Upaja Athi Krodha | Maya Bas Na Raha  Man Bodha || Para  Sampadha Sakahu Nahi Dhekhi | Thumhare Ersha Kapat Biseshi || Mathath Sindhu Rudrahi Bairayahu | Suranha Preri Bisha Pana Karayahu ||

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Princess Vishwamohini who is Vishnumaya adorn the Jayamala on Lord Vishnu – The disappointment of Maharishi Narada


Chapter – 129 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – Princess Vishwamohini who is Vishnumaya adorn the Jayamala on Lord Vishnu – The disappointment of Maharishi Narada


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, Vishwamohini along with her female companions glided majestically through the vast assembly, beautifully moved like a swan, holding the Jayamala searching for an appropriate groom. She did not pay attention to the corner where Sage Narada was seated full of pride and expectation. Sage Narada became restless could not be seated, often rose from the seat inviting the attention of all, but miserably failed to get noticed by the princess. The Shivaganas couldn’t control their laugh, thoroughly enjoyed the gimmicks of Maharishi Narada, who made a laughing stock in the assembly. Surprisingly, there was Lord Hari disguised as a King was present in the assembly seated in one of the thrones, the princess cheerfully moved to Lord Hari and adorned the Jayamala on his neck. The people in the assembly cheered in extreme joy, soon Lakshmikantha carried the princess on his arm and left the assembly while the other kings were watching in despair. Maharishi Narada could not control his anguish and frustration, felt as if the safely kept the gem tied on the upper clothe slipped away out of the knot, the Shivaganas could not stop laughing and said “Oh! Maharishi, kindly look at your face in the mirror”, soon they ran out of the assembly. Maharishi Narada looked at the reflection of his face in the water, was alarmed and could not control his rage, further cursed the Shivaganas who were laughing from the beginning.”

Sakhi Sanga Lai Kuari  Thab Chali Janu Rajamarala | Dhekhath Phirayi Maheepa Sab Kar Saroja Jayamala ||

 Jehi Dhisi Baite Narada Phooli | So Dhisi Thehi Na Biloki Bhooli || Puni Puni Muni Akasahi Akulahi | Dhekhi Dasa Hara Gana Musukahi || Dhari Nripathanu Thaha Gayau Kripala | Kuari Harashi Meleau Jayamala || Dulahini Lai Go Lacchinivasa| Nripa Samaja Sab  Bhayau Nirasa || Muni Athi Bikala Moha Mathi  Nadi | Mani Giri Gayi  Chooti Janu Gati || Thab Hara Gan Bole Musukayi | Nija  Mukha Mukura Bilokahu Jayi || Asa Kahi Dhoau Bhage Baya Bhari | Badhana Dheekha Muni Bari Nihari || Beshu Biloki Krodha Athi Bada | Theenhahi Sarapa Dheenha Athi Gada ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The description of incidents took place in the large assembly of King Sheelanidhi


Chapter – 128 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The description of incidents took place in the large assembly of King Sheelanidhi


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, there were two Shivaganas disguised as a twice-born taken seat in the assembly of the King, immediately recognized the atrocious facial appearance of Maharishi Narada and thoroughly enjoyed watching it, moved closer to the Sage to have more fun with him. The two Ganas were seated on the same row of the Sage who was already occupied in various thoughts, the two Ganas could not control their laugh watching the unusual look of the Sage, began to speak “The supreme Lord Hari who is the epitome of charm, wisdom, and virtues, had provided a charming appearance to Sage Narada, which is beyond description, hence the princess will not overlook his charisma, definitely, she will adorn the Sage with the Jayamala/garland of flowers.” The Sage overheard the comments of Ganas and rejoiced at heart, he was completely under the spell of Maya, tormented by the cupid of love impatiently waited for the arrival of the princess. The Ganas were thoroughly enjoyed passing sarcastic comments, no one could perceive the monkey-face of Narada except these Ganas in the assembly. Soon, the princess appeared in the grand assembly holding Jayamala in the hands, beautifully walking like a swan with her companions, the moment she reached near Sage Narada, she was taken aback watching the monkey-face of the Sage, thrown a contemptuous look at the Sage and moved forward.”


Rahe Thaha Dhuyi Rudra Gana The Janahi Sab Bheau | Bipra Besha Dhekhath Phirahi Parama Kauthuki Theau ||


Jehi Samaja Baite  Muni Jayi | Hridhaya Roopa Ahamithi Adhikayi || Thaha  Baite Mahes Gana Dhoau | Biprabesha Gathi Lakhayi Na Koau || Karahi Kooti Naradhahi Sunayi | Neeki Dheenhi Hari  Sundharathayi|| Reejjihi Rajakuari  CchabiDhekhi | Inhahi Barihi Hari Jani Biseshi || Munihi Moha Man Hath Paraya | Hansahi Sambhu Gana Athi  Sachu Paya || Jadhapi Sunahi Muni  Atpati Bani | Samujji Na Parayi Budhdhi Bhrama Sani || Kahu Na Lakha So Charitha Bisesha | So Saroopa Nripakanya Dhekha || Markat Badhana Bhayankara Dhehi | Dhekhath Hridhaya Krodha Bha Thehi ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Lord Hari’s decision to remove the trepidations and distress caused by Harimaya on Sage Narada


Chapter – 127 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – Lord Hari’s decision to remove the trepidations and distress caused by Harimaya on Sage Narada


Lord Hari spoke pleasantly “Oh! Narada, you are my sincere devotee, I shall do all that good for you, my promise wouldn’t go untrue. Oh! Mune, I have decided to do whatever good for you, a physician will not prescribe a medicine that is harmful to his patients, always seeks the welfare of the patient, even if the patient asks for something poisonous which may sound promising at that moment of crisis.” Thus, Lord Hari disappeared from the sight of Maharishi Narada who was besieged by the Maya, couldn’t get the inner meanings of the dialogue.  Soon Maharishi Narada rushed to the place where the Swayamvara of Vishwamohini was held, found the huge assembly of King Sheelanidhi was decorated in a grand manner, with expensive pieces of the throne, exquisite sculptures, and artifacts, extravagant arrangements for the guests, etc. A large number of Kings and princes from the neighboring countries were already taken seats in the assembly, the arrangements made for the guests were beyond description.  Maharishi Narada took a seat on one of the thrones and thought “My loveliness won’t go unnoticed, definitely the princess would adorn me with the Jayamala, and declare me as a wedded husband. I have achieved the grace of Lord Hari who is the epitome of beauty and virtues.” Everyone greeted the Sage with great respect, alas! the Sage does not know the trick of Mayapathi who had provided an atrocious look to him which was not visible to all.

Jehi Bidhi Hoyihi Parama Hitha  Narada Sunahu Thumhara | Soyi Ham Karab Na  Aana Kacchu Bachan Na  Mrisha Hamara ||

Kupatha Maga Ruja Byakula Rogi | Baidh Na Dheyi Sunahu Muni Jogi || Yehi Bidhi Hitha Thumhara  Mei Dayau | Kahi Asa Antharhitha Prabhu Bhayau || Maya  Bibasa Bhaye Muni Mooda | Samujji Nahi Hari  Gira Nigooda || Gavane Thurath Aasan Baite  Raja | Bahu Banav Kari Sahitha Samaja || Muniman Harasha Roopa Athi Mere | Mohi Thaji Aanahi Barihi Na Bhore || Muni Hitha Karana  Kripanidhan | Dheenha Kuroop Na Jayi Bakhana || So Charithra Lakhi Kahu Na Pava | Narada Jani Sabahi Sir Nava ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Maharishi Narada tormented by the cupid of Love with a desire to marry the princess Vishamohini, praying to Lord Hari


Chapter – 126 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – Maharishi Narada tormented by the cupid of Love with a desire to marry the princess Vishwamohini, praying to Lord Hari


Maharishi Narada was completely tormented by the cupid of love, could not contemplate upon the Lord, immersed in various thoughts “How did I influence Vishwamohini who is the epitome of loveliness, fortune, fame, and wealth, to choose me as her wedded husband? How can I impress her? Definitely, she would select the most charming and attractive young one as her wedded husband, but I haven’t possessed any of those qualities in me, how did I achieve the loveliness to persuade her? Whom I could rely on to achieve a charming appearance and a complete transformation in my look? How could I get the Jayamala/garland of the wedding, adorned around my neck? I don’t have the qualities in me to achieve the princes as a wedded wife, hence I should seek help from Lord Hari who is the most charming and compassionate, and I would request him to gift me his loveliness so that I could achieve Vishwamohini in this race. Lord Hari is my beloved Lord; he can’t leave me unnoticed.” Maharishi Narada engaged in meditation praying to Lord Hari, soon Lord Hari appeared before him, Narada felt immensely pleased watching the mesmerizing appearance of the Lord, wished to have the same appearance for him to impress the princess. Maharishi Narada described all that happened to him while returning from Sri Vaikunda and his meeting with King Sheelanidhi and his beautiful daughter Vishwamohi who has stolen his heart. Lord Hari was smiled at heart after listening to the Sage.  Further, Narada pleaded “Oh! Prabho, kindly be gracious to me, offer all your loveliness to me to achieve Vishwamohini as my wedded wife. Oh! Prabho, I am your sincere servant, kindly fulfill my desire.” Lord Vishnu stunned watching the influence of Vishnumaya that put the Sage Narada in deep distress, slowly the compassionate Lord Hari began to speak.


Yehi Avasar  Chahia Parama  Sobha Roopa Bisala | Jo Biloki Reejjai Kuari  Thab Melai Jayamala ||

Hari San Mangai Sundharathayi | Hoyihi Jatha Gaharu Athi  Bhayi || Mere Hitha Hari Sama Nahi Koau | Yehi Avasar Sahaya Soyi Hoau|| Bahubidhi Binaya Keenahi Thehi Kala | Pragateau Prabhu Kauthuki Kripala || Prabhu Biloki Muni Nayana Judane| Hoyi Hi Kaju Hiya Harshane || Athi Arathai Kahi Katha Sunayi | Karahu Kripa  Kari Hohu Sahayi || Aapan Roopa Dhehu Prabhu Mohi | Aana Bhanthi Nahi  Pavai Auhi || Jehi Bidhi Natha Hoyi HithaMora | Karahu So Begi  Dasa Mei  Thora || Nija Maya  Bal Dhekhi Bisala | Hiya Hasi Bole Dheenadhayala ||