– 328– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– The people of Mithila waits to get a glimpse of four charming princes
Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, the queens were reluctant to leave their daughters
from their lap, it was the exact moment, Rama gladly entered into the palace of
Janka, followed by his three brothers to take away the brides to Ayodhya. A
huge crowd people of Mithila assembled in the courtyard to witness the charming
personalities of the four brothers, they spoke in a soft tone “The guests of
King Janaka is leaving today, King of Vidheha had made all arrangements for
their safe journey, let us devour the beauty of these four princes and achieve
the fruitfulness of our lives. We must have performed several pious deeds in
our previous births, we have achieved the result of that in the form of most
welcoming guests before us. We have achieved the supreme bliss in our lives, as
if a dying person stumbled on the pot of nectar, a starving person found the wish
fulfilling tree, Jeeva undergoing hellish torture attained the abode of Lord Sri
Hari, we have achieved all those fortunes with the mere sight of these four
princes, let us devour the beauty of the dark cloud complexioned Rama, and contemplate
upon him, like the serpent cherishes the gem on its hood.” While the crowd was
witnessing, Rama, Lakshman, Bharatha, and Shathrughna entered inside the Palace
of King Janaka.”
Thehi Avasara Bhayinha Sahitha Ramu Bhanu
Kula Kethu | Chale Janaka Mandhira Mudhitha Bidha Karavana Hethu ||
Chariau Bhayi Subhaya Suhaye | Nagara Nari Nara Dhekhana Dhaye || Koau Kaha Chalana
Chahatha Hahi Aaju | Keenha Bidheha Bidha Kara Saju || Lehu Nayanabhari Roopa Nihari
| Priya Pahune Bhoopa Suthachari || Ko Janai Kehi Sukritha Sayani | Nayana
Athithi Keenhe Bidhi Ani ||Maranaseelu Jimi Pava Piyusha | Suratharu Lahai Janama Kar
Bhookha || Pava Naraki Haripadhu Jaise | Inha Kara Dharasanu Ham Kaha Thaise
|| Nirakhi Rama Sobha Ura Dharahu | Nija Mana Phani Moorathi Mani Karahu ||
Yehi Bidhi Sabhi Nayana Phalu Dhetha | Gaye
Kuara Sab Raja Niketha ||