Chapter – 315– Sri Ramacharitha Manas –
Bala Kanda–
The touch at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra who is Paramathma Parambhramam incarnated as the son of Dhasharatha brought sheer joy in the heart of King Janaka and Devi Sunayana, while the huge crowd was watching the marriage ceremony in immense pleasure, the divine music instruments echoed from all over the place, there were cheers raised from the heaven, amidst the crowd and cheers, the couple washed the feet of Lord Rama whose lotus feet resides in the lake like the heart of Lord Shambhu, the mere contemplation upon that lotus feet removes the impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Madha, Moha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara of the Jeeva and removes the impurities of the Kali era, the lotus feet which removed the curse of Gauthamapathni Devi Ahalya, the lotus feet which caused to descend Devanadhi Ganga on the Earth which was taken hold of Lord Shambhu on his matted hair locks, Ganga considered the holiest river who is the purifier of souls which is the shelter homes for the bee-like minds of illustrious Sages and Rishis to achieve the Bhramanandham. The family priests joined the palm of the couple Devi Sita and Rama, and joyously recited the Pravara/the details of the clan of bride and groom, watching the bride was accepted in the hands of the groom, Lord Bhrama and deities cheered in intense joy. The King and Queen gazed at the newly wedded couple in extreme delight, tears welled up, bodily hairs stood upright, were transported to a state of supreme bliss. Thus, followed by the rites in the family, and the rites prescribed in the Veda, all the wedding rites were carried out by Sage Vashishta and Sage Shathanandha, while King Janaka offered Devi Janaki as a wife in marriage to Lord Rama, like Himavan offered Devi Parvathi as wedded wife to Lord Mahadeva, and the King of the ocean offered Devi Sri Mahalakshmi as wedded wife to Lord Sri Hari. Further, the newly wedded couple together performed various ceremonial rites, fire sacrifices, and circumambulated the Agni.
Lage Pakharana Pathapankaja Prema Than
Pulakavali | Nabha Nagara Gana Nisana Jaya Dhuni Umagi Janu Chahu Dhisichali ||
Je Padha Saroja Manoja Ari Ura Sara Sadhaiva Birajahi | Je Sakrita Sumirath
Bimalatha Mana Sakala Kalimala Bhajahi || Je Parasi Munibanitha Lahi Gathi Rahi
Jo Pathakamayi | Makarandhu Jinha Ko Sambhu Sira Suchitha Avadhi Sura Baranayi || Kari Madhupa
Manamuni Jogijana Je Seyi Abhimatha Gathi Lahai |The Padha Pakharatha
Bhagyabhajanu Janaku Jaya Jaya Sab Kahai
|| Bar Kuari Karathala Jori Sakhecharu Dhoau Kulaguru Karai | Bhayo Panigahanu
Biloki Bidhi Sura Manuja Muni Anandha Bharai || Sukhamoola Dhulahu Dhekhi
Dhampathi Pulaka Thana Hulasyo Hiyo | Kari Loka Bedha Bidhanu Kanyadhanu Nripabhooshana
Kiyo || Himavanth Jimi Girija Mahesahi Harihi Sri Sagar Dhayi | Thimi Janaka
Ramahi Siya Samarapi Bisva KalaKeerathi
Nayi || Kyo Karai Binaya Bidhehu Kiyo Bidhehu Moorathi Savari | Kari Homu
Bidhivath Gati Jori Hona Lagi Bhavari ||