Chapter – 302– Sri Ramacharitha Manas –
Bala Kanda– The beautiful women assembled relentlessly praised the charm of
four sons of King Dhasharatha
The damsels continued “Oh! Dear ladies,
after the wedding of the pair, King Janaka will invite his daughter and
son-in-law very often to the city of Mithila, hence we could get a glimpse of
the two charming brothers who excels the appearance of Kamadeva as well. King Janaka is too gracious, there will be
several ceremonial rites in the coming days, and who will get tired of
extravagant hospitality of fathers-in-law? I expect these charming youth wouldn’t
refuse the invitation of King Janaka, would love to stay in the city of Mithila
quite often, so that the people of Mithila could witness the charm of Rama and
Lakshman too. Oh! Dear ladies, King Dhasharatha has brought another two
charming youths same as Rama and Lakshman with him, one has the dark cloud
complexioned and another one in fair, have an attractive appearance, now declare
who have obtained the sight of two charming youths accompanied with King
Dasaratha?” One of the young ladies cheered in bliss “I have seen them today,
appears as the creator has put all the loveliness in his creation of these two
youths, Bharatha resembled Rama and Shathrughna to his elder brother Lakshman,
these charming youths are indistinguishable appearance, steals the heart of the
people and they are beyond comparison and words. I would say there is no one attractive
as these pairs in the three worlds.”
Barahi Bar Saneha Bas Janaka Bolauab Siya |
Lena Ayihahi Bandhu Dhoau Koti Kama Kamaneeya ||
Bibidha Bhanthi Hoyihi Pahunayi | Priya
Na Kahi Asa Sasura Mayi || Thab Thab
Rama Lakhanahi Nihari | Hoyihahi Sab Pura Loga
Sukhari || Sakhi Jasa Rama Lakhana Kara Jota | Thaiseyi Bhoop Sanga
Dhuyi Dota || Syama Gaura Sab Anga
Suhaye | The Sab Kahahi Dhekhi Je Aye || Kaha Yek Mei Aju Nihare | Janu
Biranchi Nija Hath Savare || Bharathu Ramahi Ki Anuhari | Sahasa Lakhi Na
Sakahi Nara Nari || Lakhanu Sthrusudhanu Yekaroopa | Nakha Sikha The Sab Anga
Anoopa || Mana Bhavahi Mukha Barani Na Jahi | Upama Kahu Thribhuvana Koau Nahi