Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The pleasant conversation between King Prathapbhanu and the mendicant


Chapter – 153– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The pleasant conversation between King Prathapbhanu and the mendicant


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, King Prathapbhanu was respectfully invited by the mischievous King in disguise of a hermit, he led the King to a beautiful lake nearby the hermitage, King Prathapbhanu gladly took bath, and gave a bath to his horse as well, and satiated the thirst. Immediately, the weariness of hunger and thirst disappeared, regained enthusiasm, heaved a sigh of relief. It was the hours of sunset, the mendicant amiably led the King to his hermitage, offered him a seat, and spoke to him pleasantly “Oh! Master, who are you? Where are you from? Why are you alone in the dense forest? You are young, handsome, enthusiastic, I guess you are from a noble and rich family, I feel sad for you, what made you to wander alone in the dangerous woods?” King Prathapbhanu replied “Oh! Mune, I am the minister of the mighty King Prathapbhanu, I was accompanying the King for a hunting expedition, while the chase for the prey, we parted ways, lost track and time, fortunately, I have ended up here in your hermitage. It was my privilege, I could meet a great ascetic in the dense forest, I strongly believe that the sight of a noble person like you would bring good luck to me.” The hermit spoke “Oh! Son, it is the hours of nightfall, your city is five hundred and sixty miles away from the forest.”


Bhoopathi Thrishitha Biloki Thehi Sarbaru Dheenha Dhekhayi | Majjana Pan Sametha Haya Keenha Nripathi Harashayi ||

Jau Shrama Sakala Sukhi Nripa Bhayau | Nija Ashrama Thapasa Lai  Gayau || Asana Dheenha Astha Rabi Jani | PUni Thapasa Boleau Mridhu Bani || Ko Thumha Kasa Ban Phirahu Akele | Sundhar Juba Jeeva Parahele || Chakrabarththi Ke Lacchana Thore | Dhekhath Dhaya Lagi Athi More|| Nama Prathapabhanu Avaneesa | Thasu Sachiva  Mei  Sunahu Muneesa || Phirath Ahere Pareau Bhulayi | Bade Bhaga Dhekheau Padha Ayi || Ham Kaha Dhurllabha Dharasa Thumhara | Janath Hau Kacchu Bhala Honihara || Kaha Muni Thatha  Bhayau Andhiaara | Jojana Saththari Nagaru Thumhara ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – King Prathapbhanu meets his opponent in the guise of a mendicant


Chapter – 152– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – King Prathapbhanu meets his opponent in the guise of a mendicant


The King was all exhausted, tired of hunger and thirst kept searching for water-course to quench thirst, while the search for the water he fainted several times. Finally, he spotted a small hermitage in the middle of dense forest, there lived a King who was in the guise of a hermit, was fled from the battlefield leaving his army men to die in the vicious battle with the army of King Prathapbhanu, ultimately, he won over the Kingdom of the latter. The king who lost in the battle was failed to meet the requirements of King Prathapbhanu, swollen with pride, anger, and jealousy, forced him to flee from the city took shelter in the dense wood, eventually adopted the life of a mendicant and was waiting for an opportunity to settle scores with the King Prathapbhanu. It was the exact moment King Prathapbhanu arrived in the hermitage, the mendicant immediately recognized him as his opponent felt immensely delighted, but King Prathapbhanu who was already tired of the long expedition could not recognize the King in disguise as a mendicant. King Prathapbhanu had the impression that the hermitage is occupied by a noble saint, he reverentially prostrated before him, and introduced him as the Minister of Kingdom of Kaikeya, revealed his harsh experiences in the woods to the mendicant.


Kheadh Khinna Chudhdhitha Thrishitha Raja Baji Sametha | Khojath Byakula Saritha  Sarajala Binu Bhayau Achetha ||

Phiratha Bipina Aashrama Yek Dhekha | Thaha Bas Nripathi Kapat Munibesha || Jasu Desa Nripa Leenha Cchadayi | Samara Sena Thaji Gayau Parayi || Samaya Prathapabhanu Kara Jani | Aapana Athi Asamaya Anumani || Gayau Na Griha Man Bahutha Galani | Mila Na  Rajahi Nripa Abhimani || Risa Ura Mari Ranka Jimi Raja | Bipina Basayi Thapas Ke  Saja || Thasu Sameepa Gavana Nripa Keenha| Yaha Prathaparabi Thehi Thab Cheenha || Rau Thrishitha Nahi So Pahichana | Dhekhi Subesha Mahamuni Jana || Uthari Thuraga The Keenha Pranama | Parama Chathura Na Kaheau Nija Nama ||


Monday, May 31, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – King Prathapbhanu’s hunting expedition left him deserted in the dense forest


Chapter – 151– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – King Prathapbhanu’s hunting expedition left him deserted in the dense forest


King Prathapbhanu mounted on the horse speeded close to the huge sized boar resembled the mountain peak with great enthusiasm, he was determined not to leave the prey, proceeded where the giant boar stood majestically. The neighing and snorting of the horse frightened the boar, it dashed to the dense forest, like wind and disappeared from his sight. King Prathapbhanu continued to follow the boar, every time the shot of arrows aimed to hit the object was gone astray, the excitement to chase the boar kept the King away from his men left him all alone in the middle of the dense forest, completely isolated, lost track to get back to his destination, but his steadfastness did not leave him there, he went on and, on the chase, forced the wild boar to take shelter in an unapproachable rock cave. King Prathapbhanu made all efforts to get into the deep cave, but returned with utter disappointment, soon he realized that he has lost track of time, deserted all alone in the dense wood.


Neela Maheedhara Sikhara Sama Dhekhi Bisala Barahu | Chapari Chaleau Hatha Suduki Nripa Hanki Na Hoyi Nibahu ||

Aavath Dhekhi Adhika Rava Baji | Chaleau Baraha Marutha Gathi Bhaji || Thuratha Keenha Nripa Sara Sandhana | Mahi Mili Gayau Bilokatha Bana || Thaki Thaki Theera  Maheesa Chalava | Kari Cchala Suara Sareera Bachava || Pragatath Dhoorath Jayi Mriga Bhaga | Risa BasaBhoopa Chaleau Sanga Laga|| Gayau Dhoori Dhana Gahana Barahu | Jaha Nahina Gaja Baji Nibahu || Athi Akela Ban Bipula Kalesu | Thadhapi Na Mriga Maga Thajayi Naresu || Kola Biloki Bhoopa Bada Dheera | Bhagi Paita Giriguha Gambheera || Agama Dhekhi Nripa Athi Pacchithayi | Phireau Mahabana Pareau Bhulayi ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – King Prathapbhanu’s hunting expedition


Chapter – 150– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – King Prathapbhanu’s hunting expedition


King Prathapbhanu conducted several Yajja and Yaja for the welfare of the Universe and its people sincerely followed the Vedic rites and performance of religious and spiritual rites. He was a noble, wise, learned, contented always performed tasks for the welfare of the Kingdom and his subjects, whatever pious deeds performed were surrendered to the all-pervasive Supreme Lord Vasudeva. One day, King Prathapbhanu conducted a hunting expedition to the dense wood of Vindhyachala, followed by his men. They have enthusiastically moved on horseback all over the dense forest and hunted a large number of animals on their way.  Suddenly, the King noticed a giant wild boar, with sharp tusks that resembled a crescent moon, slipped out of his sight. King Prathapbhanu was determined to chase after the boar, it was huge-sized, growling revealing its teeth, and the large white tusks were frightening, fixed its gaze at the King.


Jaha Lagi Kahe Purana Shruthi Yek Yek Sab Jaga | Bar  Sahasra Sahasra Nripa Kiya Sahitha Anuraga ||

Hridhaya Na  Kacchu Phala Anusandhana | Bhoopa Bibeki Parama Sujana || Karayi Je  Dharma Karama Man Bani | Basudeva Arpitha Nripa Gyani || Chadi Bara Baji Bara Yek Raja | Mrigaya Kar Sab Saji Samaja || Bindhyachala Gambeera Ban Jayau | Mriga Puneetha Bahu Baratha Bhayau || Phiratha Bipina Nripa  Dheekha Barahu | Janu Ban Dhureau Sasihi Grasi Rahu || Bada Bidhu Nahi  Samath Mukha Mahi | Manahu Krodha Basa Ugilatha Nahi || Kola Karala Dasana Chabi Gayi | Thanu Bisala Peevara Adhikayi || Dhurudhurath Hatha Aarau Paya | Chakitha Bilokath Kan Udaya ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The righteousness of King Prathapbhanu kept the subjects happy and contented


Chapter – 149– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The righteousness of King Prathapbhanu kept the subjects happy and contented


King Prathapbhanu expanded his Kingdom, won over several battles, ruled the Kingdom wisely for the welfare of his subject, sincerely followed the righteousness, took great pleasure in the stately wealth and possessions. As a result of the prowess, righteousness, and might of King Prathapbhanu the Earth flourished with rich natural and mineral wealth in abundance, the subjects were immensely happy, and the wellbeing prevailed all over the Kingdom. The subjects were virtuous, sincerely followed the prescribed rites that kept them free from the sufferings and grief, men and women were stunningly gorgeous. The minister Dharmaruchi who is an ardent devotee of Lord Hari, immersed in guaranteeing the happiness, peace, security, and welfare of the subjects, and duly informed the King for further amendments for progress. The preceptors, twice-born, Rishis, Sages, Santh, Mahatmas, Pithrus, and deities were highly pleased with the service and regime of King Prathapbhanu. There were several religious and spiritual rites that were conducted according to Veda and scriptures to please the deities, were sincerely performed by King Prathapbhanu, provided an abundance of wealth, money, gifts, as a contribution to the twice-born, Mahatmas. He practiced listening to the Vedas and scriptures, and sincerely followed the rites, provided an abundance of charities, constructed several shelter homes, pleasure gardens, wells, ponds, shrines, etc. in abundance to keep his subjects happy and contented.

Swabasa Biswa Kari Bahubala Nija Pura KeenhaPrabesu | Aratha Dharma Kamadhi Sukha Sevayi Samaya Naresu ||

Bhoopa Prathapabhanu Bala Payi | Kamadhenu Bhai Bhoomi Suhayi || Sab Dhukha Barajitha Praja Sukhari | Dharmaseela Sundhara Nara Nari || Sachiva Dharmaruchi Haripadha Preethi | Nripa Hitha Hethu Sikhava Nitha Neethi || Guru Sura Santh Pithara Mahideva | Karayi Sadha Nripa Sab Kai Seva || Bhoopa Dharama Je Bedh Bakhane | Sakala Karayi Sadhar SukhaMane || Dhina Prathi Dheyi Bibidha Bidhi Dhana | Sunayi Sasthra Bara Bedha Purana || Nana Barpi Koopi Thadaga | Sumana Batika  Sundhara Baga || Biprabhavana Surabhavana Suhaya | Sab  Theerthanha Bichithra Banaye ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The legend of King Prathapbhanu


Chapter – 148– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The legend of King Prathapbhanu


The newly appointed King Prathapbhanu of Kingdom of Kaikeya was highly honorable, virtuous, wise, intelligent, as his father King Sathyakethu, ruled the kingdom wisely for the welfare of its people. In a short period of time, he achieved great admiration from his subjects, ruled the kingdom according to rules and regulations prescribed in the scriptures and Veda, and there were no sinful deeds that took place in the entire Kingdom during his regime. The people were extremely virtuous, sincerely followed the Dharma, spiritual and religious rites, lived a happy and contented life. His minister Dharmaruchi was equally competent wise as Shukra and virtuous as the King. Thus, King Prathapbhanu with the assistance of a competent minister and brother of virtues and excellent skills in armaments ruled the Kingdom successfully. King Prathapbhanu was owned a huge efficient army of men, chariots, horses, and elephants, they have constantly engaged in the battle with the neighboring countries, defeated them all, and expanded his kingdom. In this way, he fought several battles and brought down the enemies on his knees, the seven continents/Sapthadhveepa were captured and brought under his regime, and the rulers of the seven continents have to pay off taxes to the Kingdom of Kaikeya.  King Prathapbhanu amassed huge wealth, possession of army, prowess, etc. remained as the most powerful ruler/Mahipala on the Earth, relentlessly serving his subjects and take great care of welfare and happiness of them.”


Jab Prathaparabi Bhayau Nripa Phiri Dhohayi Desa | Prajapala Athi  Bedhabidhi Kathahu Nahi Adha Lesa ||

 Nripa Hithakaraka Sachiva  Sayana | Nama Dharmaruchi Sukra Samana|| Sachiva  Sayana Bandhu Balabeera | Aapu Prathapapunja Ranadheera || Sena Sanga Chathuranga Apara | Amitha  Subhat Sab Samara Joojjara || Sena  Biloki Rau Harshana | Aru  Baje  Gahagahe  Nisana || Bijaya Hethu Katakayi Banayi | Sudhina Sadhi Nripa  Chaleau Bajayi || Jaha Thaha Pari Aneka Larayi | Jeethe Sakala Bhoop Bariayi || Saptha Dheepa Bhujabala Bas Keenhe | Lai Lai Dhanda Cchadi Nripa  Dheenhe || Sakala Avani Mandala Thehi Kala | Yek  Prathapabhanu Mahipala ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The legend of King Sathyakethu of Kingdom of Kaikeya

Chapter – 147– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The legend of King Sathyakethu of Kingdom of Kaikeya

Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Bharadhwaja, all that I have explained was Lord Mahadeva narrated to Goddess Bhavani, I shall describe another reason for the incarnation of the supreme Lord Vishnu as Rama, the son of King Dhasharatha and Devi Kausalya, listen to me carefully. Lord Shambhu described a marvelous legend of Sathyakethu to Goddess Bhavani. There was the magnificent Kingdom of Kaikeya ruled by King Sathyakethu who is virtuous, symbolized wisdom, intellect, and prowess. King Sathyakethu had two sons, who were equally virtuous, powerful, and unconquerable in all the battle, the elder son was Prathapbhanu and the younger one was Arimardhana, they were highly intelligent, learned, has possessed great skills in the usage of armaments, powerful in the battlefields, shared a noble and affectionate relationship with each other. King Sathyakethu ruled the Kingdom of Kaikeya for several thousand years, after some time, he assigned the stately duties to the heir to the throne to his elder son Prathapbhanu and retired to woods to conduct Tapasya and meditation upon the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari.”


Yaha Ithihasa  Puneetha Athi Umahi Kahi Brishakethu | Bhradhwaja Sunu  Apara PUni Rama Janama Kara Hethu ||

Sunu Muni Katha Puneetha PUrani | Jo Girija  Prathi Sambhu Bakhani || Biswa  Bidhitha Yek Kaikaya Desu | Sathyakethu Thaha Basayi Naresu || Dharama Dhurandhara  Neethi  Nidhana | Theja Prathapa Seela Balavana || Thehi Kei Bhaye  Jugala Sutha Beera | Sab Guna Dhama  Maha Ranadheera || Rajadhani Jo Jet Sutha Aahi | Nama  Prathapabhanu Asa Thahi || Apara  Suthahi Arimardhana Nama | Bhujabala Athula Achala Sangrama|| Bhayihi Bhayihi Parama Sameethi | Sakala Dhosha Cchal Barajitha Preethi || Jete Suthahi Raja Nripa Dheenha | Hari Hitha Aapu Gavana Ban Keenha ||