Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The mendicant advises the King about the terrible consequences of the curse of twice-born/Bhramin and preceptor


Chapter – 160– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The mendicant advises the King about the terrible consequences of the curse of twice-born/Bhramin and preceptor


The wicked mendicant replied “Let it be!” and added cunningly “If you reveal the meeting with me in the forest to others, it would bring troubles to you, hence the risk is yours. Oh! King, I warn you, do not share the piece of information I have shared with you to none, if so, it would bring destruction to you and your entire clan, make sure the conversion took place between us remain confidential forever, do not invite trouble for you. Oh! Prathapbhanu, if you reveal the information about our conversation or receive the curse of twice-born, you cannot achieve auspiciousness, on the other hand, the destruction of you and your clan is definite. Oh! Rajan, remember the eternal truth, the wrath of Hari and Hara can be get eliminated, not of the twice-born.” King Prathapbhanu fell at the feet of the wicked mendicant and spoke “Oh! Noble one, kindly advise me who can remove the curse of the twice-born, I have heard the preceptor only can remove the curse of a twice-born, if the Jeeva becomes ungrateful and disrespectful to one’s own preceptor, no one can save him from the destruction. Oh! Ascetic, I am certain that if I did not follow your words, I would perish with my entire clan, I am not worried of anything other than the curse of twice-born, hence I sincerely wish to keep away myself from that sin.”


Yevamasthu Kahi Kapatamuni Bola Kutila Bahori | Milab Hamara Bhulaba Nija Kahahu Tha  Hamahi Na Khori ||

Thathe  Mei Thohi Barjau Raja | Kahe Katha Thava Parama Akaja || Cchate Shravana  Yaha Paratha Kahani | Nasa Thumhara  Sathya Mama Bani || Yaha Pragate Athava  Dhvijashrapa | Nasa Thora Sunu Bhanuprathapa || Aana Upaya Nidhana Thava Nahi | Jau  Hari Hara  Kopahi Man Mahi || Sathya Natha  Padha Gahi NripaBhasha | Dhvija  Guru Kopa Kahahu Ko Rakha || Rakhayi Guru Jau Kopa Bidhatha | Guru Birodha Nahi Koau Jagathratha || Jau Na  Chalab Hama Kahe  Thumhare | HoauNasa Nahi Soch Hamare ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The mendicant gives lectures on the significant role Bhoodevatha/twice-born on the Earth– No one can protect from the wrath of Bhramin


Chapter – 159 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The mendicant gives lectures on the significant role Bhoodevatha/twice-born on the Earth – No one can protect from the wrath of Bhramin


King Prathapbhanu repeatedly prostrate before the hermit and spoke “Oh! Sage, kindly provide me a boon to get freed from Jara/aging, Marana/death, Dhukha/grief, of Samsara, kindly bless me to remain unconquerable and take great pleasure in the immense wealth, possession, fame, richness, for hundreds of Kalpa and bless me to remain free from foes.”


The hermit spoke “Oh! Rajan, death is inevitable, but the Lord death would bow before the twice-born who are Bhramajjanis, courageous, possesses immense prowess, undertake various austerities, vows, celibacy, Tapasya is Bhoodevatha/deities on the Earth, hence no one can save from the wrath of the twice-born. If you propitiate the twice-born by relentlessly serving them, even the Lord Bhrama, Lord Vishnu and Lord Rudra would follow your command. I shall raise both the hands to the sky and promise you and declare the absolute truth that there is no one superior to twice-born/Bhoodevatha, and no might will work against them. Oh! Rajan, if you propitiate the twice-born all your desires would get fulfilled, all the grief and sufferings of mundane existence would get removed, hence protect yourself from the curse of twice-born.” King Prathapbhanu highly pleased to listen to the hermit and spoke “Oh! Noble one, you have taught me the greatest lesson, therefore all that I have desired would get fulfilled with your grace. I shall strive to achieve the blessings of the twice-born and remain unconquerable always.”


Jara Marana Dhukharahitha Thanu Samara Jithai Jani Koau | Yeakcchathra Ripuheena Mahiraja Kalapa Satha Hoau ||

Kaha Thapasa Nripa Yeseyi Hoau | Karana Yek Kadina  Sunu Soau || Kalau Thua Padha Nayihi Seesa | Yeka Biprakula Cchadi Maheesa || Thapabala Bipra Sadha Bariara | Theenha Ke Kopa Na Koau Rakhavara || Jau Bipranha Bas Karahu Naresa | Thau Thua Bas Bidhi Bishnu Mahesa || Chala Na  Bhramakula San  Bariayi | Sathya Kahau Dhoau Bhuja  Udayi || Bipra  Shrapa Binu Sunu Mahipala | Thora Nasa Nahi KavanehuKala || Harasheau Rau Bachana Suni Thasu | Natha Na  Hoyi Mora  Ab Nasu || Thava Prasadha Prabhu Kripanidhana | Mo Kahua Sarb Kala Kalayana ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The mendicant gives wonderful lectures on Raja dharma/political science


Chapter – 158– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The mendicant gives wonderful lectures on Rajadharma/political science


The mendicant spoke “Oh! Maheesa, you have sincerely followed the Rajadharma, you did not reveal your true identity to me, a king should not reveal his true identity in any suspicious circumstances, especially while he is in foreign lands/unknown lands and your adherence to Dharma and Neethishashtra multiplied my respect for you. Oh! Rajan, you are Prathapbhanu, son of King Sathyakethu, I could perceive everything with the grace of my preceptor and Tapasya, I have revealed all about myself to you seeing your innocence, I am highly impressed with your steadfastness, political wisdom and truthfulness, hence I had that spontaneous connection with you, considered you as my son.” King Prathapbhanu admired the hermit prostrated before him and spoke affectionately “Oh! Noble one, your very sight would do auspiciousness to the Jeeva, and capable to remove the impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara and Mamakara, and the sufferings and grief of Samsara. Kindly shower your auspicious grace on me, and freed me from the sufferings and grief.”


Sunu Maheesa  Asi Neethi Jaha Thaha Nama Na  Kahahi Nripa | Mohi Thohi Para Athipreethi Soyi Chathuratha Bichari  Thava ||

Nama Thumhara Prathapa Dhinesa | Sathyakethu Thava Pitha Naresa || Guru Prasadha Sab Jania Raja | Kahia Na Aapana Jani Akaja || Dhekhi Thatha Thava  Sahaja Sudhayi | Preethi Pratheethi Neethi Nipunayi || Upaji Pari  Mamatha Man More | Kahau Katha  Nija Pooche  Thore || Ab Prasanna Mei  Samsaya Nahi | MaguJo Bhoopa Bhava Man Mahi || Suni Subachana Bhoopathi Harshana | Gahi Padh Binaya Keenhi Bidhi Nana || Kripasindhu Muni Dharasan Thore | Chari  Padharath Karathala More || Prabhuhi Thadhapi Prasanna Biloki | Magi Agama Bar  Hoau Asoki ||


Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The mendicant explains the significance of Tapasya and austerities


Chapter – 157– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The mendicant explains the significance of Tapasya and austerities


The hermit spoke “Oh! Son, I am Ekathanu and I was born at the initial period of creation, since that I haven’t shed my mortal coil or assume another body, hence my name is Ekathanu. Oh! Son, do not get surprised to hear me, Tapasya is a powerful instrument, you could achieve all that desired from it, and it would make you feel that nothing is impossible to achieve. Tapasya is a marvelous practice, Lord Bhrama achieved the power of creation of the Universe and its living and non-living things, with the Tapasya, and Lord Vishnu protects the Universe and its living beings with the might of Tapasya and Lord Rudra dissolves the Universe and the entire creations at the end of Kalpa with the might of Tapasya, hence, nothing is impossible with the fruit of extreme penance.” Further, the hermit continued to give an excellent speech on Karma, and Dharma, and various legends comprehend the creation of the Universe, maintenance and dissolution of the same, and the needs to follow austerities, truthfulness, vows, dispassion, Swadhyaya, etc. King Prathapbhanu was highly impressed with the knowledge of the hermit, fallen under the spell of him, decided to reveal his true identity to the hermit who was already known it. The hermit spoke “Oh! King, I know who you are, even though you have introduced yourself as the minister of the Kingdom of Kaikeya, and hid your real identity, I shall appreciate your innocence and truthfulness.”

Adhishrishti Upaji Jabahi Thab Uthpathi Bhai Mori | Nama Yekathanu Hethu Thehi Dheha Na Dhari Bahori ||

Jani Acharaju Karahu Man Mahi | Sutha Thapa The  Dhurllabh Kacchu Nahi || Thapabal The Jaga Sujayi Bidhatha | Thapabal Bishnu Bhaye Parithratha || Thapabala Sambhu Karahi Sandhara | Thapa The Agama Na Kacchu Samsara || Bhayau Nripahi Suni Athi Anuraga | Katha PUrathan Kahai So Laga || Karama Dharama Ithihasa Aneka | Karayi Niroopan Birathi Bibeka || Udhbhava Palan Pralaya Kahani | Kahesi Amitha Aacharaja Bakhani | Suni Maheepa Thapasa Bas Bhayau | Aapana Nama Kahana Thab Layau || Kaha Thapasa Nripa  Janau Thohi | Keenhehu Kapata Laga Bhal Mohi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The wicked mendicant introduces himself as ‘Ekathanu’


Chapter – 156– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The wicked mendicant introduces himself as ‘Ekathanu’


The wicked ascetic spoke “Oh! son, all these years, no one has approached me in the dense forest, nor I did take the initiative to approach them. I am living alone in the forest and conducting Tapasya for several years now, and the isolation serves its purpose very well.”


Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “No one is free from delusion, even the wise get illusioned by the outward appearances, like the peacock, resemble the epitome of loveliness and possess nectar-like cries, but meets its appetite hunting on venomous snakes.”


The wicked hermit continues “Oh! Son, I have preferred to live in solitude to keep me away from the people’s eye, I have absolutely nothing to do with them, other than contemplating and meditating upon Lord Sri Hari. The supreme Bhramam resides as a soul in us knows everything, so there is no point in entertaining myself into the material world. Oh! Son, you are innocent, wise, and truthful, you have been too honest and dear to me, hence If I keep anything secret within me, that would hurt me.” Thus, the hermit began to speak cleverly to impress King Prathapbhanu, did not leave any opportunity to portrait himself as noble before the King, eventually, he has achieved great trust from the King, the hermit continued “Oh! Son, my name is Ekathanu.” King listened to all those sweet coated lies of the hermit, was highly pleased with him, and revealed his curiousness to know the original meaning of his name.


Ab Lagi Mohi Na  Mileau Koau Mei Na  Janavau Kahu | Lokamanyatha Anala Sama Kar Thap Kanan Dhahu ||

Tulasi Dhekhi Subeshu Boolahi Mooda Na  Chathura  Nara | Sundara Kekihi Pekhu Sudha Sama Asana Ahi ||

Thathe Guputh Rahau Jaga Mahi | Hari Thaji Kimapi Prayojan Nahi || Prabhu Janath Sab  Binahi Janaya | Kahahu Kavani Sidhi Loka  Rijjaya || Thumha Suchi Sumathi Paramapriya More | Preethi Pratheethi Mohi Par Thore || Ab Jau Thatha Dhuravau Thohi | Dharuna Dhosha Ghatayi Athi Mohi || Jimi Jimi Thapasu Kathayi Udhasa | Thimi Thimi Nripahi Upaja Bagadhyani || Nama Hamara Yekathanu Bhayi | Suni Nripa  Boleau Puni Siru Nayi || Kahahu Nama Kar Aratha Bakhani | Mohi Sevak Athi Aapana Jani ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – King Prathapbhanu gets highly impressed with the way of living of mendicant


Chapter – 155– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – King Prathapbhanu gets highly impressed with the way of living of mendicant


The wicked ascetic spoke dexterously “I am a mendicant, I don’t have a home, wealth, possession, fame, money, richness, and people as my family, and relatives.” King Bhanuprathap was highly pleased with the well-spoken words of the ascetic, began to speak innocently “Oh! Mune, you are speaking wise words, which is difficult to understand for the people who are drenched in the Samsara, you are a mendicant by words, deeds, and thought, living in isolation for the welfare of the Universe and its living beings. The Saints, noble-souls, and Mahatmas do not take pride in material matters or possession, they are pure by heart, free from Ahamkara and Mamakara. These ascetics possess immense knowledge and wisdom, always appear in tattered clothes, do not take pleasure in worldly matters, live and practice as prescribed in the Veda and scriptures. These ascetics are most beloved of supreme Lord Hari, their mind is devoted at the lotus feet of Bhrama, Vishnu, and Maheshwara. Oh! Mune, whoever you are, I offer my humble salutation to you, kindly be gracious to me.” The wicked ascetic understood that King Prathapbhanu completely fallen under his spell, watching his faith and nobility, took great pleasure in the heart that he has won over enemy forever, began to speak affectionately “Oh! Rajan, I am living in this dense wood all alone for several thousands of years.”


Kapata Bori Bani Mridhula  Boleau Juguthi Sametha | Nama Hamara Bhikhari Aba Nirdhana Rahitha Niketha ||

Kaha Nripa Je Bigyana Nidhana | Thumha Sarikhe Galitha Abhimana || Sadha Rahahi Apanapau Dhuraya | Sab Bidhi Kusala Kubesha Banaya || Thehi The  Kahahi Santha Shruthi Dere | Parama Akinchana Priya Hari Kere || Thumha Sama Adhana Bhikhari Ageha | Hotha Biranchi Sivahi Sandheha || Josi Sosi Thava Charana Namami | Mo Par Kripa Karia Ab Swami || Sahaja Preethi Bhoopathi Kai Dhekhi | Aapu Bishaya Biswasa Biseshi || Sab Prakar Rajahi Apanayi | Boleau Adhika Saneha Janayi || Sunu Sathbhau Kahau Mahipala | Iha Basath Beethe Bahu Kala ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The innocence of King Prathapbhanu mounting troubles - The mendicant’s decisive plans against the King


Chapter – 154– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The innocence of King Prathapbhanu mounting troubles - The mendicant’s decisive plans against the King



The hermit spoke “Oh! Wise, listen to me carefully. It is not advisable to take up a journey through the dense forest during the dark hours of the night, you will end up in trouble, can’t locate the track where you have left behind, hence, kindly stay in my hermitage for a night, and as soon as the arrival of daylight, you can proceed to your city.”

Sri Tulsidas Maharaj says ‘opportunities arise all of a sudden as a curse or success in the life of an individual.

King Prathapbhanu amiably replied, “I shall obey your orders.” He went out and tied the horse safely to the nearby tree and returned to the hermitage, sat with the ascetic. Soon, they have engaged in conversation, King Prathapbhanu felt passionate to know more about the ascetic spoke in a soft tone “Oh! Mune, you are too kind to me as my father, kindly consider me as your sincere servant, I would like to know more about you. Why did you choose to live in the dense wood? Kindly introduce me in detail.” King Prathapbhanu has no knowledge of the ascetic who is in disguise is a valorous King, fought against him, lost his Kingdom and glories to him, flee to the forest, and was waiting to strike back. The ascetic already recognized the person sitting before him as none other than King Prapthapbhanu, his enemy whom he was waited for several years to settle scores with him. The ascetic recollected all those moments of humiliation and disgrace, forced him to flee from the middle of the battlefield, leaving his entire army men to die in the battle. As he was born Kshatriya, the ascetic had several plans rose in his mind to rip-off the pride of King Prathapbhanu, he felt jealousy of royal luxuries and life of the King, his heart started fuming like a furnace. The ascetic pretends to be observant to the innocent King Prathapbhanu, while his mind was full of traitorous plans to put the King in deep trouble, his heart rejoiced at the opportunity.


Nisa Ghora Gambeera Ban Panth Na Sunahu Sujana | Basahu Aaju Asa Jani Thumha Jayahu Hotha Bihana ||

Thulasi Jasi  Bhavathabhyatha Thaisi Milayi Sahayi | Aapunu Aavayi Thahi Pahi Thahi Thaha Lai Jayi ||

Bhalehi Nath AayasuDhariSeesa | Bandhi Thuraga Tharu Baita Maheesa || Nripa Bahu Bhanthi Prasmseau Thahi | Charana Bandhi Nija  Bhagya Sarahi || PUni Boleau Mridhu Gira Suhayi | Jani Pitha Prabhu Karau Didayi || Mohi Muneesa Sutha Sevaka Jani | Natha Nama Nija Kahahu Bakhani || Thehi  Na Jana Nripa Nripahi So Jana | Bhoopa Suhridha So Kapata Sayana || Bairi Puni Cchathri PUni Raja | Cchala Bala Keenha Chahayi Nija Kaja || Samujji Rajasukha Dhukhitha Aarathi | Aava Anala  Iva  Sulagayi Cchathi || Saralabachana Nripa Ke  Suni Kana | Bayar Sambhari Hridhaya Harshana ||