Chapter – 18– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Manthara’s wicked comment on Devi Kausalya
spoke “Oh! Devi Kaikeyi, you are innocent, you were living a happy and
comfortable life under the wrong impression that your husband is favorable to
you, but your King has possessed a sweet tongue and a malicious mind. Rama’s mother
Devi Kausalya is clever, taken the advantage of King’s love, and turned the
opportunity most favorable to her. Who knows, it must be the mischievous plan
of Devi Kausalya to send Bharatha to his maternal uncle’s Kingdom, she must be
jealous of your closeness to the King, the rest of the queens are ready to serve
Devi Kausalya, you are the proud one, have more influence on the King. Oh!
Mother, Devi Kausalya must have conceived the plan beforehand, she is too
secretive and smart. The King is particularly fond of you, that might have annoyed
Devi Kausalya and is quite natural in the royal families. Devi Kausalya must
have persuaded the King to perform the coronation of Rama as the King of
Ayodhya, and to follow all the rites according to family custom, so that it
would bring fame to herself and her son. I however refrain from thinking the
consequences of it, whoever planted the mischievous deeds would suffer from it.”
Thumhahi Na sochu Sohaga Bala Nija Basa
Janahu Rau | Man Maleena Muha Meeta Nripu Raura Sarala Subhau ||
Chathura Gambheera Rama Mahathari | Beechu
Payi Nija Bath Savari || Padaye Bharathu
Bhoopa Naniaure | Rama Mathu Mah Janab Raure || Sevahi Sakala Savathi Mohi
Neeke | Garabitha Bharatha Mathu Bala Pi Ke || Salu Thumhara Kausilahi
Mayi | Kapata Chathura Nahi Hoyi Janayi || Rajahi Thumha Para Premu Bisheshi | Savathi Subhau Sakayi
Nahi Dhekhi || Rachi Prapanchu Bhoopahi Apanyi | Rama Thilaka Hitha Lagana
Dharayi || Yaha Kula Uchitha Rama Kahu Teeka | Sabahi Sohayi Mohi Soodi Neeka
|| Agili Bath Samujji Daru Mohi | Dheau Dhau Phiri So Phalu Auhi ||