Friday, July 30, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – The Vandhigana, Suthaganas, and the Ministers eulogizes the glories of the King at the day-break


Chapter – 37– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– The Vandhigana, Suthaganas, and the Ministers eulogizes the glories of the King at the day-break


King Dhasharatha and Devi Kaikeyi continued to argue for crores of time, King made all efforts to bring peace between them were failed miserably, soon the King lost consciousness, and fallen on the floor. He wept bitterly and spoke “Why are you bringing destruction to the entire clan?”, she did not utter a word, as though she was preparing to meet the possibilities of the cremation. King Dasaratha was grief-stricken, cried out ‘Oh! Rama, Oh! Rama, Oh! Rama’ all his efforts to raise from the floor went in vain like the bird lost its wings, all the trials to raise from the floor were failed. He sincerely prayed at heart “May the night never ends or the daybreak does not arrive so that no one would inform about the painful news to Rama. Oh! Lord Surya, the Lord of the Raghu clan, you would be disheartened to see the plight of Ayodhya tomorrow.” The affection of the King and the resentment of Devi Kaikeyi was beyond description, the whole night was passed the King lying on the floor wailing and thinking about the destiny of Rama and the people of Ayodhya. Finally, the daylight has arrived, there were sounds of divine music instruments, conch, flute, etc. was heard at the doorstep. The Vandhiganas, Suthaganas, and ministers sing in praise of the glories of the Lord of Raghu clan, but those were piercing the heart of the King, earlier the sounds of divine music brought boundless joy in him stirred an extreme dislike, that was not pleasant as the way it was for the past several years. That night was sleepless for the people of Ayodhya and in the palace, everyone was eagerly waiting to have a glimpse of Rama in the morning.

Pareau Rau Kahi Koti Bidhi Kahi Karasi  Nidhanu | Kapata Sayani Na  Kahathi Kacchu Jagathi Manahu Masanu ||

Rama Rama Rata Bikala Bhualu | Janu Binu Pankha Bihanga Behalu || Hridhaya Manava Bhoru Jani Hoyi | Ramahi Jayi Kahai Jani  Koyi || Udhau Karahu Jani Rabi  Raghukula Guru | Avadha Biloki Soola Hoyihi Ura || Bhoopa Preethi Kaikayi Kadinayi | Ubhaya Avadhi Bidhi Rachi Banayi || Bilapatha Nripahi Bhayau Binusara | Beena Benu Sankha Dhuni Dhvara || Padahi Bhata Guna Gavahi Gayaka | Sunatha  Nripahi Janu Lagahi Sayaka || Mangala Sakala Sohahi Na Kaise | Sahagaminihi  Bibhooshana Jaise || Thehi Nisi Needha Pari Nahi Kahu | Rama Dharasa Lalasa Ucchahu ||

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – King Dhasharatha orders Devi Kaikeyi to keep out of his sight


Chapter – 36– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– King Dhasharatha orders Devi Kaikeyi to keep out of his sight


King Dasaratha was pained to listen to the harsh words of Devi Kaikeyi and spoke “Oh! Devi, you can speak as you wish, you are not to blame for it, I understand it was my bad luck that I have possessed a wife of devilish nature to speak against me. Bharatha would never allow himself to crown as the King of Ayodhya, but my ill-fortune and your association with the wicked sinful Manthara has completely taken control of your mind. I believe all that happened was the result of my sins, the tide has turned against me at the unfortunate moment. Oh! Devi, I was dreamt of the Kingdom of Ayodhya flourish under the regime of Rama, who is the symbol of virtues. I wished for all the brothers would serve Rama relentlessly, and they collectively bring fame to the Kingdom, and their reputation will spread across the three worlds. I am certain that the stain on your reputation and my grief will not disappear even after our death. Do whatever you feel, but the least, do not show your face to me. Keep yourself out of my sight, I pray with folded hands, do not show your face to me as long as am alive. You will reap the fruit of your misdeeds and you will repent for it. Oh! Unfortunate woman, you have taken out the life of a cow.”

 Marama Bachana Suni RauKaha Kahu Kacchu Dhoshu Na Thora | Lageau Thohi Pisacha Jimi Kalu Kahavath Mora ||

Chahatha Na  Bharatha Bhoopathi Bhore | Bidhibasa Kumathi Basi Jiya Thore || So Sabu Mora Papa Parinamu | Bhayau Kudahara Jehi  Bidhi Bamu || Subasa Basihi Phiri Avadha Suhayi | Sab Guna Dhama Rama Prabhuthayi || Karihahi Bhayi Sakala Sevakayi | Hoyihi Thiha Pura Rama Badayi || Thora Kalanku Mora Pacchithau | Muyeha Na Mitihi Na Jayihi Kau || Ab Thohi Neeka  Laga Karu Soyi | Lochana Auta Baitu Muhu Goyi || Jab Lagi Jiau Kahau Kara Jori | Thab Lagi Jani Kacchu Kahasi Bahori|| Phiri Pacchithaihasi Antha  Abhagi | Marasi Gayi Naharu Lagi ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Devi Kaikeyi continues to hurt the King

Chapter – 35– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Devi Kaikeyi continues to hurt the King


King Dhasharatha could not control his grief, fell on the ground, hit his head with both hands, and sobbed “Oh! Rama, Oh! Rama, Oh! Rama, Oh! Raghunatha!” soon all his limbs became motionless, lost his speech, voices were broken, lips were dried, felt miserable like the fish out of the water. Thus, the wish-fulfilling tree/Kalpatharu was thrashed by an untamed female elephant, Devi Kaikeyi burdened him with the sword-like toxic words, “Oh! Rajan, if you were not intended to fulfill the promises given to me, why did you encourage me to ask for the boon? Oh! Emperor on the Earth, how could you do that to me? You were so kind to the distressed and poor, and you had the reputation of being generous and enjoyed the fame, yet you are miserly to me? Is it possible to remain unhurt while playing the role of a hero? Oh! Rajan, either keep up your promise and follow my words, do not wail like a woman, it does not suit you. A noble person does not show interest in wealth, richness, money, fame, possessions, life, wife, sons, etc. An honest, Viraktha/renounced person considers the material pleasures as straw, takes no interest in it.”

Dhekhi Byadhi Asadha Nripu Pareau Dharani Dhuni Matha | Kahatha Parama Bachana Rama Rama Raghunatha ||

Byakula Rau Sithila Sab Gatha |Karini Kalpatharu Manahu Nipatha || Kandu Sukha Mukha Aava Na  Bani | Janu Padinu Dheena Binu Pani || Puni Kaha Katu Kadora  Kaikeyi| Manahu Dhaya Maha Mahura Dheyi || Jau Anthahu Asa Karathabu Raheau | Magu Magu Thumha Kehi Bala Kaheau || Dhuyi Ki Hoyi Yek Samaya Bhuala | Hasab Dadayi Phulaub Gala || Dhani Kahauab Aru Kripanayi | Hoyi Ki Khema Kusala Rauthayi || Cchadahu Bachanu Ki  Dheeraju Dharahu | Jani Abala Jimi Karuna  Karahu || Thanu Thiya Thanaya Dhamu Dhanu Dharani | SathyaSandha Kaha Thrina Sama Barani ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – King Dhasharatha pleads to Devi Kaikeyi to change her mind

Chapter – 34– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– King Dhasharatha pleads to Devi Kaikeyi to change her mind


Devi Kaikeyi voiced “Oh! Rajan, remember my words if Rama does not retire to woods before the daybreak, leaving all the royal comforts, attired in a saffron robe of a hermit, and matted hair locks, I promise you that you will not see me alive, and you will bear the ill reputation of it.” Thus, Devi Kaikeyi rose on her feet resembled the brimming water of anger splashed down from the mountain of sin, and the overflowing water broken all the boundaries gave out a terrible appearance. The two boons she has asked were the coronation of Bharatha as the King of Ayodhya and the exile of Rama from the Kingdom resembled the two banks of the river, her anger resembled the whirlwind in the water caused by the wicked influence of Manthara, uprooted the King who appeared as a giant tree on the bank, and the wickedness of Kaikeyi like muddy water rushed towards the ocean of adversity. Finally, King Dhasharatha understood that all that was spoken were real, the demand of Devi Kaikeyi was true, in a moment the King felt that his death is dancing above his head in the form of his beloved consort. Suddenly, King fell down at the feet of Devi Kaikeyi, and tightly clasped her feet, and begged with teary eyes “Oh! Devi, do not be an ax on the clan of Raghu, kindly show some respect to the solar race. Oh! Devi, you can ask for my head, I am readily offering it to you, but do not separate me from Rama while I am alive. Kindly leave Rama with me, otherwise, you will burn with anguish and grief all your life.”

Hotha Prathu Munibesha Dhari Jau Na Ramu Ban Jahi | Mora Maranu Raura  Ajasa  Nripa Samujjia Manmahi ||

Asa Kahi Kutila Bhayi Udi Dadi | Manahu Rosha Tharangini Badi || Papa Pahara Pragata Bhayi Soyi || Bhari Krodha Jala Jayi Na Joyi || Dhoau Bara Koola Kadina Hat Dhara | Bhavara Kubari Bachana Prachara || Dahath Bhooparoopa  Tharumoola | Chali Bipathi Baridhi Anukooola || Lakhi Naresa  Bath Phuri Sanchi | Thiya  Misa  Meechu Seesa Para Nachi || Gahi Padha Binaya Keenha Baitari | Jani Dhinakara Kula Hosi Kudari ||Magu Matha Abahi Dheau Thohi | Rama Biraha Jani Marasi Mohi || Rakhu Rama Kahu Jehi Thehi Bhanthi | Nahi Tha Jarihi Janama Bhari Cchathi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – King Dhasharatha pleads to Devi Kaikeyi to leave anger


Chapter – 33– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– King Dhasharatha pleads to Devi Kaikeyi to leave anger


King Dhasharatha pleaded “Oh! Devi, kindly leave your anger and ask for a reasonable boon, so that I could witness the coronation ceremony of Bharatha with my own eyes. Oh! Devi, a fish may continue to live without water, or the serpent may get along without the gem on its forehead, but I promise you, I can’t live without Rama. Oh! Beloved one, kindly understands the fact that my very existence depends on Rama.” Devi Kaikeyi could not control her rage after listening to the most sensitive declaration by the King, which worked as the ghee added to the sacrificial fire. Devi Kaikeyi shrieked out of anger “Oh! Rajan, you may adopt thousands of pretexts, none of them are not going to work with me. You have two choices before you, either you grant me the boon I have asked, or refuse it and earn a bad reputation in the clan, I am not interested in any more arguments with you. Rama is virtuous, and you too virtuous and wise, and same with Devi Kausalya too. I have known all of you, I will definitely settle the scores with you all, especially to Devi Kausalya who has adopted to confer upon me for every single issue.”

Priya Hasa Risa  Pariharahi Magu Bichari Bibeku | Jehi Dhekhai Ab Nayana Bhari  Bharatharaja Abhisheku ||

Jiye Meena Baru Bari Biheena | Mani Binu Phaniku Jiye Dhukha Dheena || Kahau Subhau Na Cchalu Manamahi | Jeevanu Mora  Ramabinu Nahi || Samujji Dhekhu Jiya Priya Prabeena | Jeevanu Rama Dharasa Adheena || Suni Mridhu Bachana Kumathi Athi Jarayi | Manahu Anala Aahuthi Dhritha Parayi || Kahayi Karahu Kina Koti Upaya | Iha Na Lagihi Rauri Maya|| Dhehu Ki Lehu Aajasu Kari Nahi | Mohi Na  Bahuth Prapancha Sohahi || Ramu Sadhu Thumha Sadhu Sayane | Ramamathu Bhali Sab Pahichane || Jasa Kausaliya Mora Bhala Thaka | Thasa Phalu Unhahi Dheau Kari Saka ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – King Dhasharatha pacifies Devi Kaikeyi with the first boon, and praising the virtues of Rama

Chapter – 32– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– King Dhasharatha pacifies Devi Kaikeyi with the first boon, and praising the virtues of Rama


King Dasaratha solemnly spoke “Oh! Devi, Rama has no greed for the Kingdom or the crown. He is deeply attached to his younger brother Bharatha, I was sincerely following the rule of the scriptures, thus I have chosen the elder one Rama to perform the coronation ceremony, still, I shall promise you Rama and Bharatha are two eyes of mine. I have not found any difference between them. One more thing, I promise on Rama hundredth time, there is no influence or intervention of Devi Kausalya in this matter, she is innocent and she has not spoken a single word about it. Definitely, I have announced for the celebration and preparation for the event without discussing with you, that’s why my long-cherished wish to crown Rama as the King of Ayodhya was unaccomplished. Oh! Devi, leave your resentment and anger, get yourself ready with the auspicious clothe and ornaments, your wish is going to fulfill in a few days. Oh! Devi, your second boon was taken my life out of me, that was not at all agreeable, still, I could not believe it, my heart is aching, was that your anger or is it true? Oh! Devi, kindly tell me the fault of Rama, the whole world is praising the virtues and kindness of Rama. I am certain that you too spoke about his gentleness several times, admired and loved him, but after listening to your second boon, I believe all that love and affection to Rama was a pretense. Rama is kind and compassionate to all, even to his enemies, how could he act against the will of his mother?”

Lobhu Na Ramahi Raju Kara Bahuth Bharatha Para Preethi | Mei Bada Cchotta Bichari Jiya Karatha Raheau Nripaneethi ||

 Rama Sapatha Sath Kahau Subhau| Ramamathu Kacchu Kaheau Na Kau || Mei Sabu Keenha Thohi Binu Pooche | Thehi The  Pareau Manorathu Chooche || Risa Pariharu Ab Mangala Saju | Kacchu Dhina Gaye Bharatha  Jubaraju || Yekahi Bath Mohi Dhukhu Laga | Bara Dhoosara Asamanjasa Maga || Ajahu Hridhau Jaratha Thehi Aancha | Risa  Parihasa Ki Sanchehu Sancha || Kahu Thaji Roshu Rama Aparadhu | Sabu Koau Kahayi Rama Sudi Sadhu || Thuha Sarahasi Karasi Sanehu | Ab Suni Mohi Bhayau Sandhehu || Jasu Subhau Arihi Anukoola | So Kimi Karihi Mathu Prathikoola ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – King Dhasharatha promises to crown Bharatha as the King of Ayodhya to Devi Kaikeyi

Chapter – 31– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– King Dhasharatha promises to crown Bharatha as the King of Ayodhya to Devi Kaikeyi


King Dhasharatha who is the essence of righteousness took the courage to open his eyes, heavily banged his head on both hands, and cried out “I am completely trapped, finding no way to get out.” Looked at Devi Kaikeyi who was fuming in extreme rage, resembled his powerful sword out of the sheath, her malicious mind as the edges that was sharpened in the grindstone like the wicked mind of hunch-back Manthara. Every single word spelled has the sharpness of the powerful sword of the King, he understood the boon she was asked to fulfill were enough to take away his life, began to speak to her gently “Oh! Devi, your sharp and inauspicious words are puffing away the affection and confidence shared between us. Oh! Timid lady, Bharatha, and Rama are two eyes of mine, I promise the same on Lord Shankara. I shall make all the arrangements to send the messengers to bring back Bharatha and Shathrughna to the Kingdom before the daybreak, after that we can fix an auspicious day and time to perform the coronation of Bharatha as the King of Ayodhya. I shall promise you; we will arrange for a grand ceremony and crown Bharatha as the King of Ayodhya.”


Dharma Dhurandhara Dheera Dhari Nayana Udhare  Raya | Siru  Dhuni Leenhi Usasa Asi Maresi Mohi Kudaya ||

Aagey Dheekhi Jaratha Risa Bhari | Manahu Rosha Tharavari Udhari || Moodi Kubudhdhi Dhara Nidurayi | Dhari  Koobari Sana Banayi || Lakhi Maheepa Karala  Kadora | Sathya Ki Jeevanu Leyihi Mora || Bole  Rau Kadina  Kari Cchathi | Bani Sabinaya Thasu  Sohathi || Priyabachana Kasa Kahasi Kubhanthi | BheeraPratheethi Preethi Kari Hathi || More Bharathu Ramu Dhuyi Aankhi | Sathya Kahau Kari  Sankaru Sakhi || Avasi  Dhoothu Mei Padayiba Pratha | Yehahi Begi Sunatha Dhoau Bhratha || Sudhina Sodhi Sabu Saju Sajayi | Dheau Bharatha Kahu Raju Bajayi ||