Chapter – 16– Sri Ramacharitha Manas –
Ayodhya Kanda– Manthara’s sweet coated words to Devi Kaikeyi
Devi Kaikeyi spoke passionately “Oh!
Manthara, I urge you to promise on Bharatha, leave all your cunningness and
tell me the truth, why are you so upset about the whole happening while the subjects
of the Kingdom are rejoicing at the coronation of Rama as the King of Ayodhya?
What is the reason for your grief at the moment of celebration in the Kingdom?”
Manthara began to speak fervently “Oh! Devi Kaikeyi, I have fulfilled all my
desires though I have uttered once, I shall continue to speak, my ill-fated
head is deserved to be smashed if you have offended with my sharp words. Oh!
Devi Kaikeyi, you have grown a favorite of people who speak sweet words, not the
ones who have the courage to speak right is right, and wrong is wrong, hence I
am disagreeable to you. I have decided from this day onwards, I will speak only
words which are favorable for my Master and mistress, otherwise, I will keep
silent for twenty-four hours. God has given me a hunch on back, an ugly
appearance, and made me dependent on others, it is true that one has to reap
the fruit sown, whatever is given has to come back. Oh! Devi, whoever may be the
ruler of Ayodhya, my status as a maidservant will not change, can’t be queen
overnight. I have nothing to lose, it was my pitiable nature, I could not stand
watching your ill fortune, I can’t be kept quiet when you get offended, I can’t
bear watching you in trouble, that was the reason I have brought the topic of the coronation of Rama and shed tears before you. Oh! Devi, kindly forgive me, it
was my foolishness to speak ill about Rama and the family.”
Sapatha Thohi Sathya Kahu Parihari Kapata Dhurau | Harasha Samaya
Bisamayau Karasi Karana Mohi Sunau ||
Yekahi Bar Aasa Sab Pooji | Ab Kacchu Kahab
Jeeb Kari Dhooji || Phorau Jogu Kaparu
Abhaga | Bhaleau Kahatha Dhukha Raurehi Laga || Kahahi Jooti Phuri Bath Banayi|
The Priya Thumhahi Karuyi Mei Bhayi || Hamahu Kahabi Ab Takurasohathi |
Nahi Tha Mauna Rahab Dhinu Rathi || Kari
Kuroopa Bidhi Parasab Keenha | Bava So Lunia Lahia Jo Dheenha || Koau Nripa Hoau Hamahi Ka Hani |
Cheri Cchadi Ab Hoba Ki Rani || Jarai
Jogu Subhau Hamara | Anbhala Dhekhi Na Jayi Thumhara || Thathe Kacchuka
Bath Anusari | Cchamia Debi Badi Chooka Hamari ||