Friday, June 4, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The splendor of demon King Ravana


Chapter – 173– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda - The splendor of demon King Ravana


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, the valor of Ravana was well-known to three worlds, he was too proud of his might and grown arrogant, enthusiastically approached Mount Kailash, and made a failing effort to elevate the Mount. Ravana achieved immense wealth, fame, offspring, a huge army of men, won many battles, expanded his Kingdom, every day turned out to be most promising to him, his might and intelligence got the attention of the whole Universe, thus he has achieved remarkable growth of possession, wealth, richness, fame, etc., on the other hand, his arrogance and self-love grown out of reach. His brother Kumbhakarnna buried himself into a deep sleep for six months, after consuming voraciously for six months, harassing the deities and Rishis and Sages while he was awake. The world quivered while gets out of the sleep possessed gigantic form and the might of several thousands of worriers.  If he was awake for a whole year, the Universe would have emptied with no grains. Meghanatha who is the elder son of Ravana possessed equal might of his father, charming and, skillful in the war field, was a renowned warrior, unconquerable in the battlefields, hence the deities found difficult to surpass the might of him.”


Kauthukahi Kailasa Puni Leenhesi Jayi Udayi | Manahu Thauli NijaBahubala Chala  Bahuth Sukhapayi ||

Sukha Sampathi Sutha Sena Sahayi | Jaya Prathapa Bala Budhdhi Badayi || Nitha Noothana Sab Badath Jayi | Jimi Prathilab Lobha Adhikayi || Athibala Kumbakarana Asa  Bhratha | Jehi Kahu Nahi Prathibhat Jaga Jatha || Karayi Pana Sovayi Shat Masa | Jagatha Hoyi Thihu Poora Thrasa || Jau Dhin Prathi  Ahara Kara Soyi | Bisva Begi Sab Chaupat Hoyi || Samara Dheera Nahi Jayi Bakhana | Thehi Sama  Amitha Beera Balavana || Baridhanadha Jed Sutha Thasu | Bhat Mahu Prathama Leeka Jaga Jasu || Jehi Na  Hoyi Rana Sanmukha Koyi | Surapura Nithahi Paravana Hoyi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Ravana captures the stunning fortresses on the peak of Chitrakoot and the Pushpakavimana/flower chariot owned by Kubera


Chapter – 172– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda - Ravana captures the stunning fortresses on the peak of Chitrakoot and the Pushpakavimana/flower chariot owned by Kubera


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, the stunning fortress on the peak of Chithrakoot was surrounded by a vast ocean, stood as a stronghold, unapproachable to enemies. The beauty of the fortresses constructed with precious gem and gold was beyond description. This is the fortress where the illustrious King of demons of different periods of time lived with their army men and took great pleasure in the luxuries, which were preordained by Lord Hari. These magnificent fortresses were occupied by the most powerful demon Kings who were exterminated by deities in the battle. Previously, it was occupied by Yaksha Lord Kubera with ten million army men, ordained by Lord Indra. Ravana came to know about the splendor of this fortress, approached the Yakshas with his multitudes of army men, defeated them, and took over the possession of the fortress. Thus, Ravana confiscated the stunning Kingdom of Kubera, took a detailed inspection of the magnificent city, immediately all his anxiousness flew away. Shortly, Ravana with his entire clan moved to the glorious fortresses which are inaccessible, declared as the capital city, the entire region of Lanka was occupied by his men and ruled it as he desired. Later, Ravana came to know about the marvelous Pushpakavimana/flower chariot of Kubera, made of ever-fresh flowers of alluring with rich scent, competent to pick and drop at passenger’s mind voice, and capable to minimize and maximize its size according to the number of passengers. Ravana did not wait too long, conducted a chase with his army men after Kubera, and confiscated that flower chariot too.”

Khayi Sindhu Gambheera Athi Charihu Dhisi Phiri Aava | Kanaka Kot Manikhachitha Doond Barani Na Jayi Banava || Hari Preritha Jehi Kalapa Joyi Jathudhanapathi Hoyi| Sura Prathapi Athulabala Dhala Sametha Basa Soyi ||


Rahe Thaha Nisichara Bhat Bhare | The Sab Suranha Samara Sandhare || Ab Thaha Rahahi Sakra Ke  Prere | Racchaka Koti Jacchapathi Kere || Dhasamukha Kathahu Khabari Asi Payi| Sena Saji Gad Dheresi Jayi || Dhekhi Bikat Bhat Badi Katkayi| Jaccha Jeeva Lai Gaye Parayi || Phiri Sab Nagara Dhasanan Dhekha | Gayau Soch Sukha Bhayau Bisesha || Sundhara Sahaja Agama Anumani | Keenhi Thaha Ravana Rajadhani || Jehi Jasa Joga Banti Griha Dheenhe | Sukhi Sakala Rajanichara Keenhe || Yek Bar Kubera Par Dhava | Pushpaka Jana Jithi Lai  Aava ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Ravana’s marriage to Devi Mandodhari who represents jewel among the women


Chapter – 171– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda - Ravana’s marriage to Devi Mandodhari who represents jewel among the women


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, finally Lord Bhrama approached Vibheeshana who is a staunch devotee of Lord Hari and spoke “Oh! Vathsa, ask for a boon, I am pleased with your penance,” soon Vibheeshana asked for Ananyabhakthi, pure love and devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Hari as a boon. Lord Bhrama was highly pleased watching the devotion of Vibheeshana. Thus, the three brothers rejoiced over their boons and returned to their Kingdom happily. In due course of time, Ravana met the beautiful daughter Mandodhari of demon Maya, who has possessed, beauty, virtues, and devotion, represent jewel among the women, immediately he fell in love with her, the demon Maya knew that the mighty Ravana would become the powerful Kings of demons in the future, therefore married off his daughter to Ravana.  Thus, Ravana led an extremely happy married life with Devi Mandodhari, who is chaste and devoted, later the two brothers Kumbhakarnna and Vibheeshana got married.  Oh! Mune, there was a magnificent fortress built by Lord Bhrama on the peak of Thrikoota, and the demon Maya a famous architect of demons carried out the decorations and stunning architectural works of the fortress, with the precious yellow metal and gems, excelled the beauty of the city of  Amaravathi of Lord Indra later came to know as the City of Lanka.”


Gaye Bibeeshana Pas Puni Kaheau Puthra Bar Magu | Thehi Mageau Bhagavanth Padhakamala Amala Anuragu ||

Theenhahi Dheyi Bar Bhrama Sidhaye | Harashith The Apane Griha Aaye || Maya Thanuja Mandhodhari Nama | Parama Sundari Nari  Lalama|| Soyi MayaDheenhi Ravanahi Aani | Hoyihi Jathudhanapapthi Jani || Harashith Bhayau Nari Bhali Payi | Puni Dhoau Bandhu Biahesi Jayi || Giri Thrikoot Yek Sindhu Majjari | Bidhi Nirmitha Dhurgama Athi Bhari || Soyi Maya Dhanava Bahuri Savara | Kanaka Rachtiha Manibhavana Apara || Bhogavathi Jasi Ahikula Basa | Amaravathi Jasi  Sakranivasa || Theenha The  Adhika Ramya Athi Banka | Jaga Bikhyatha Nama Thehi Lanka ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Tapasya of the Three brothers – Lord Bhrama’s unique boon to Ravana and Kumbhakarnna


Chapter – 170– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – Tapasya of the Three brothers – Lord Bhrama’s unique boon to Ravana and Kumbhakarnna


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “ Oh! Mune, King Prathapbhanu and Arimardhana and Minister Dharmaruchi  took birth as Ravana, Kumbhakarnna and Vibheeshana respectively, in the illustrious clan of Pulasthya, due to the curse of twice-born they have possessed the demonic nature, were the embodiment of sins. Oh! Mune, these three brothers undertook extreme penance and pleased Lord Bhrama. Ravana had great confidence in his might, never expected to be killed by humans or animals, he had no respect for the humans or Vanaras, clasped the feet of Lord Bhrama, and appealed to him “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Jagadheesha, kindly provide me a unique boon, I should get killed only by the Vanaras or humans.” Lord Bhrama replied “Let it be. I am pleased with your penance.” The next, Bhrama approached Kumbhakarnna who was conducting severe Tapasya, his appalling gigantic form forced him to think “If this demon of the gigantic body begins to consume meals on a regular basis, the whole world would get emptied in no time.”, soon Lord Bhrama remembered Devi Sarada to influence the mind of Kumbhakarnna, eventually,  the demon forgot to ask for a fruitful boon, instead asked for six months deep sleep.”


Upaje Jadhapi Pulasthyakula Pavana Amala Anoopa | Thadhapi Maheesur Shrap Bas Bhaye Sakala Adharoopa ||

Keenha Bibidha Thapa Theenihu Bhayi | Parama Ugra Nahi Barani So Jayi ||Gayau Nikata Thapa Dhekhi Bidhatha | Magahu Bar Prasanna Mei Thatha || Kari  Binathi Padha Gahi Dhasaseesa | Boleau Bachana Sunahu Jagadheesa || Hama KahuKe Marahi Na Mare | Banar Manuja Jathi Dhuyi Bare || Yevamasthu Thumha Bada Thapa Keenha| Mei  Bhrama Mili Thehi Bar Dheenha || Puni Prabhu Kumbhakarana Pahi Gayau | Thehi Biloki Man  Bismaya Bhayau || Jau Yehi Khala Nitha Karab Aharu | Hoyihi Sab  Ujari Samsaru || Saradh Preri Thasu Mahi Pheri | Magesi Needh Mas Shat  Keri ||


Thursday, June 3, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – King Prathapbhanu and his brother Arimardhana takes birth as mighty Ravana and Kumbhakarnna respectively – The minister Dharmaruchi born as Vibheeshana a staunch devotee of Lord Sri Hari

Chapter – 169– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – King Prathapbhanu and his brother Arimardhana takes birth as mighty Ravana and Kumbhakarnna respectively – The minister Dharmaruchi born as Vibheeshana a staunch devotee of Lord Sri Hari


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Bharadhwaja, the unfortunate Jeeva perceives the hardships as huge as Mount Meru, even if it is light as a dust particle. The ill-fate of the Jeeva misidentifies his own father as Yama/Lord of death. Oh! Mune, King Prathapbhanu, and his younger brother Arimardhana and the entire clan took rebirth in the Rakshasa Yoni, the two valorous brothers took birth as ten-headed powerful demon Ravana and Kumbhakarnna respectively. His Minister Dharmaruchi was born as the younger brother Vibheeshana to them, a staunch devotee of Lord Hari, possessed immense virtue and wisdom. The King Prathapbhanu’s entire clan took birth as demons of dreadful appearance and served the mighty Ravana, these demons were possessed immense courage, and strength, engaged in slaughters, immoral and sinful deeds against the deities, and noble-souls, Mahatmas, they tormented all the creatures on the Earth which were beyond description.”

Bharadhwaja Sunu Jahi Jab Hoyi Bidhatha Bama |Dhoori Merusama Janaka Jama Thahi Byalasama Dhama ||

Kala Payi Muni Sunu Soyi Raja | Bhayau Nisachara Sahitha Samaja || Dhasa  Sira Thahi Beesa Bhujadhanda | Ravana Nama Beera Baribanda || Bhoopa Anuja  Arimardhana Nama | Bhayau So Kumbhakarna Baladhama || Sachiva  Jo Raha Dharmaruchi Jasu | Bhayau Bimathra  Bandhu Laghu Thasu || Nama Bibheeshana Jehi Jaga Jana | Bishnubhagath Bigyana Nidhana || Rahe Je  Sutha Sevak Nripa Kere | Bhaye Nisachar Ghora Ghanere || Kamaroopa Khal Jinasa Aneka | Kutila Bhayankara Bigatha Bibeka ||Kripa Rahitha Himsaka Sab Papi | Barani Na  Jahi Biswa Parithapi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The obliteration of the clan of King Sathyakethu of the Kingdom of Kaikeya


Chapter – 168– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The obliteration of the clan of King Sathyakethu of the Kingdom of Kaikeya


The Brahmins surrounded the King pacified “Oh! Bhoopathi, even though you are innocent, the curse pronounced cannot be redeemed, whatever destined cannot be rewritten, especially the curse of the Brahmins cannot be taken back, hence you have to follow the curse, sadly you and your entire clan would take birth as demons.” Thus, all the Bhramins left the palace, soon the incident happened in the Kingdom of Kaikeya spread all over the neighboring countries. The Kings who were conquered by Prathapbhanu were seeking an opportunity to reclaim their regions, wealth, and power, returned with great vengeance followed by huge armies. The Kingdom of Kaikeya witnessed the worst period of time, constant battles caused huge loss of army men, little by little, the Kingdom of Kaikeya began to perish, due to constant battles, famine, drought, etc. finally the whole clan of King Sathyakethu of Kaikeya, destroyed by the curse of twice-born. The Kings of neighboring countries regained their regions and power, returned with a huge victory.


Bhoopathi Bhavi Mitayi Nahi Jadhapi Na Dhooshan Thora | Kiya Anyatha Hoyi Nahi Biprashrapa Athi Ghora ||

Asa Kahi Sab Mahideva Sidhaya | Samachar Puraloganha Paye || Sochahi Dhooshan Dhaivahi Dhehi| Birachath Hamsa Kaga Kiya Jehi || Uparohithahi Bhavan Pahuchayi | Asura  Thapasahi Khabari Janayi || Thehi Khala Jaha Thaha Pathra Padaye | Saji Saji Sena Bhoop Sab Dhaye || Dherenhi Nagar Nisana Bajayi | Bibidha Bhanthi Nitha Hoyi Larayi || Joojje Sakala Sumata Kari Karani | Bandhu Sametha Pareau Nripa Dharani || Sathyakethu Kula Koau Nahi Bancha | Biprashrapa Kimi Hoyi  Asancha || Ripu Jithi Sab Nripa  Nagara Basayi | Nija Pura  Gavane  Jaya Jasu Payi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The wrath and the curse of twice-born


Chapter – 167– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The wrath and the curse of twice-born

The thousands of Brahmins and their families assembled were furious, flee to different directions in dismay, shrieked in utter disappointment and anger “Oh! Wicked Kshatriya, you have invited the illustrious twice-born who have undertaken austerities, Swadhyaya, vows, penance, observance of celibacy, conducted Athmavichara, for several years, and achieved Bhramajjana. You had evil intentions to destroy their austerities and diligence, you have lost your good sense, hence you and your entire clan would take birth as demons. Lord has protected us from falling from our vows and austerities, thus preserved our sanctity. Listen to us, you and your entire clan will perish, not a single soul would be available to perform the ancestral rites or offer water to your Pithrus.” King Prathapbhanu could not control his grief, was confused rushed to the kitchen where the meals were prepared. Soon another voice heard from the sky “Oh! Brahmins, you have committed a grave mistake, you have cursed the King and his clan without the knowledge of the incident took place, the King Prathapbhanu is innocent, he did not commit any sin.” The assembled Bhramins were stunned, the King rushed to the kitchen found no meal or cook, he returned to the Brahmins exhausted and anguish. King Prathapbhanu explained all that happened to him in the past few days and collapsed on the floor.


Bole Bipra Sakopa Thab Nahi Kacchu Keenha Bichara | Jayi Nisachar Hohu Nripa Mooda Sahitha Parivar ||

Chathrabandhu Thai Bipra  Bolayi | Dhalai Liye  Sahitha Samudhayi | Eswar Rakha Dharama Hamara | Jahasi Thei Sametha Parivara || Sambath Madhya Nasa Thava Hoau| Jaladhatha Na Rahihi Kula Koau || Nripa Suni Shrapa Bikala Athi Thrasa | Mei  Bahori Bar  Gira  Akasa || Biprahu Shrapa Bichari Na Dheenha | Nahi Aparadha Bhoopa Kacchu Keenha || Chakitha Bipra Sab Suni Nababani | Bhoopa Gayau Jaha Bhojan Khani || Thaha Na  Asana Nahi Bipra  Suara | Phireau Rau Man Soch Apara || Sab Prasanga Mahisuranha Sunayi | Thrasitha Pareau Avani Akulayi ||