Chapter – 166– Sri Ramacharitha Manas –
Bala Kanda – The demon Kalakethu prepares an extravagant meal for the twice-born
and their families – The fear and fury of twice-born
King Prathapbhanu cordially invited the
preceptor to the palace, soon made all arrangements to receive thousands of
Brahmins and their families for the grand feast which was already planned and
declared by the King’s men. The twice-born were invited with utmost reverence,
provided them an abundance of charities, as per the Veda, in the meantime, the
demon Kalakethu arranged for an extravagant meal of countless menus of Shadrasa/six
types of tastes, in a large quantity to serve the thousands of twice-born and
their families. Alas! the prepared meal included the meat of various species of
animals and flesh of twice-born too. The Brahmanas invited for the meal were
respectfully led to the large dining area, washed their feet, and provided a decent
seat. King Prathapbhanu began to serve the meal, soon a voice echoed in the
sky, it was demon Kalakethu “Oh! Bhramins, do not taste the meal served, get out
of the place immediately. The meal served includes the flesh of animals and
twice-born, it will take away all your Tapasya.” The Brahmins were alarmed,
rose on their feet, hurried out of the dining area, with intense fear and fury.
King Prathapbhanu horrified to watch the huge rush of twice-born in dismay,
lost his consciousness in extreme terror, became speechless.
Nripa Harsheau Pahichani Guru Bhrama Basa
Raha Na Cheth | Bare Thurath Satha Sahasa Bara Bipra Kudumba Sametha ||
Uparohitha Jevanara Banayi | Ccharasa Chari Bidhi Jasi Shruthi
Gayi || Mayamaya Thehi Keenhi Rasoyi | Bijana Bahu Gani Sakayi Na Koyi || Bibidha Mriganha Kar
Aamisha Radha | Thehi Muha Bipra
Masu Khal Sandha || Bhojan Kahu Sab Bipra Bolaye | Padha Pakhari
Sadhar Baitaye || Parusan Jabahi Laga Mahipala | Mei Akasabani Thehi Kala || BiprabrindhUdi Udi
Griha Jahu | Hai Badi Hani Anna Jani
Khahu || Bhayau Rasoyi Bhoosura
Masu | Sab Dhvija Ude Mani Bisvasu || Bhoopa Bikala Mathi Moha
Bhulani | Bhavi Basa Na Aava Mukha Bani ||