Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Aranya Kanda – Lord Sri Ramachandra seeking permission to leave Chithrakoot


Chapter – 5 (2)– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Aranya Kanda– Lord Sri Ramachandra seeking permission to leave Chithrakoot from Sage Athri


Devi Anasuya speaks “Oh! Devi, women are born impure by birth, she attains purity and bliss by serving her wedded husband. Devi Tulsi was beloved of Lord Hari, hence her glories are sung in praise in all the Yugas, even the Vedas highly eulogizes the virtues of Devi Tulsi. Oh! Devi Sita, the women may achieve faithfulness to their husbands and virtues mere remembering your name. Lord Sri Ramachandra is dear as life to you, it is good that I have detailed the Sthreedharma/Pathivratha Dharma to you for the welfare of the world.” Devi Janaki was extremely happy to listen to the discourse of Devi Anasuya, she repeatedly prostrated before her feet. The merciful Lord Sri Ramachandra spoke to Sage “Oh! Prabho, with your permission, I shall take leave from Chitrakoot and settle in some other part of the woods, kindly shower your perpetual grace on us, knowing me as your sincere servant, and never stop loving us.” The enlightened Sage who is a champion of virtues spoke fervently “Oh! Prabho, Sri Ramachandra, you are that supreme Bhramam which is unblemished, pure, dispassionate, neither birth nor death, changeless, free from afflictions, you are too kind and compassionate to your devotees. You are sought after by Lord Bhrama, Lord Shiva, Sanakadhis, and Bhramajjanis, yet you are humble and meek to me. Oh! Prabho, now I have understood why Goddess Mahalakshmi has chosen you as her beloved consort, leaving all the deities. Oh! Prabho, you are beyond comparison and perception as well. How could I say leave Chithrakoot, after knowing you as the all-pervasive supreme Bhramam resides as a soul in the Jeeva.” Sage Athri paused for a while staring at the charming appearance of Prabhu Sri Ramchandra, his body quivered in extreme bliss, eyes were overflown with the tears of love.


Sahaja Apavani Nari Pathi Sevath Subhagathi Lahayi | Jasu Gavath Shruthi Chari Ajahu Tulasika Harihi Priya || Sunu Seetha Thava Nama Sumiri Nari Pathibratha Karahi | Thohi Pranapriya Rama Kahiau Katha Samsara Hitha ||

Suni Janaki Parama Sukhu Pava | Sadhar Thasu Charana Siru Nava || Thab  Muni San Kaha Kripanidhana | Aayasu Hoyi Jau Bana Aana || Santhatha Mo Par Kripa Karehu | Sevaka Jani Thajehu Jani Nehu || Dharma Dhurandhara Prabhu Kai Bani | Suni Saprema Bole Muni Gyani || Jasu Kripa Aja  Siva Sanakadhi | Chahath Sakala Paramaratha Badhi || The Thumha Rama Akama Piare | Dheenabandhu Mridhubachana Uchare || Ab Jani Mei Shri Chathurayi | Bhaji Thumhahi Sab Deva Bihayi || Jehi Samana Athisaya Nahi Koyi | Tha Kara Seela Kasa Na Asa Hoyi || Kehi Bidhi Kahau Jahu Ab Swami | Kahahu Natha Thumha Antharjami || Asa Kahi Prabhu Biloki Muni Dheera | Lochana Jala Baha Pulaka Sareera ||


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