Friday, October 22, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Kishkindha Kanda – Samapathi offers homage to younger brother Jatayu with the help of Vanaras – Sampathi describes the whereabouts of Devi Sita in Ashoka Vatika


Chapter – 28– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Kishkindha Kanda– Samapathi offers homage to younger brother Jatayu with the help of Vanaras – Sampathi describes the whereabouts of Devi Sita in Ashoka Vatika


Sampathi spoke in tears “Would you kindly take me near the seashore so that I can offer water and sesame seeds to my departed soul of the younger brother, I can help you verbally, as I am too old to take a flight, but I have the sharp eyesight so that I can clearly advise the whereabouts of Devi Sita.” Sampathi performed homage to his younger brother and described his story “Oh! Vanaras, Jatayu, and I are brothers, once we flew to the heavens and made an attempt to enter into the orbit of the sun, Jatayu could not bear the heat of the Sun, so he returned back to Earth, I was so youthful and haughty, advanced the orbit of the sun, soon my wings got burned into ashes and returned to Earth with a painful scream. There was a compassionate Sage Chandrama who saw the miserable state of mine,  imparted spiritual wisdom to remove my afflictions, and concluded “In the Thretha Yuga, the supreme Lord Hari will incarnate as the son of King Dhasharatha to eradicate the wicked demon Ravana and his entire clan. Ravana would abduct the beloved consort of Rama, and the Lord will appoint several monkey warriors in search for Devi Sita, I would get rid of all my sins mere witnessing the monkey warriors, and I would achieve fresh wings, all I need to help you with the information of Devi Sita.” Sampathi spoke in ecstasy “The predictions of Sage Chandrama have come true, I have got rid of my sins, and achieved fresh wings, hence follow my instructions and proceed to accomplish the task of Lord Rama. Oh! Vanaras, on the summit of Thrikoot, is the City of Lanka, the fortress of demon King Ravana situated. I could see there is a beautiful garden Ashoka Vatika, where Devi Sita is lodged, surrounded by dreadful female demons, she is too fearful and in extreme agony.”


Mohi Lai Jahu Sindhuthat Dheau Thilanjali Thahi | Bachana Sahayi Karabi Mei Paihahu Khojahu Jahi ||

Anuja  Kriya Kari Sagara Theera | Kahi Nija Katha Sunahu Kapi  Beera || Hama Dhvau Bandhu Prathama Tharunayi | Gagana Gaye Rabi Nikata Udayi || Thej Na  Sahi Saka So  Phiri Aava | Mei Abhimani Rabi Niarava || Jare Pankha Athi Thej Apara | Pareau Bhoomi Kari Ghora Chikara || Muni Yek Nama Chandhrama Auhi | Lagi Dhaya Dhekhi Kari Mohi || Bahu Prakara Thehi Gyana Sunava| Dheha Janitha Abhimana Cchadava || Thretha Bhrama Manuja Thanu Dharihi | Thasu Nari  Nisichara Pathi Harihi || Thasu Khoja Padayihi Prabhu Dhootha | Thinhahi Mile Thai Hoba Puneetha || Jamihahi Pankha Karasi Jani Chintha | Thinhahi Dhekhayi Dhehesu Thai Seetha || Muni Kayi Gira Sathya Bhayi Aaju | Suni Mama Bachana Karahu Prabhu Kaju|| Giri  Thrikoota Oopara Basa Lanka | Thaha Raha Ravana Sahaja Amsaka || Thaha Asoka Upaban Jaha Rahayi | Seetha Baiti Socha Ratha Ahayi ||

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