Friday, October 22, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Kishkindha Kanda – Sampathi encourages the Vanaras to cross the ocean of hundred Yojanas – Jambavan speaks about the Thrivikrama incarnation of Lord Sri Hari


Chapter – 29– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Kishkindha Kanda– Sampathi encourages the Vanaras to cross the ocean of hundred Yojanas – Jambavan speaks about the Thrivikrama incarnation of Lord Sri Hari


Sampathi spoke grimly “Oh! Vanaras, I have grown too old to render any kind of service in search for Devi Sita, but I have strong eyesight, we eagles are famous for that, I could see Devi Sita seated under the Shimshupa tree, in a wretched state, grieving over the separation from Rama. Oh! Vanaras, I remind you, who has possessed the might and intelligence to cross the hundreds of Yojana of the vast ocean can reach on the other side of the seashore. You can take my life story as an inspiration to fulfill the task of Rama, see how I have got rejuvenated with the fresh wings with the grace of Lord Rama. Oh! Vanaras, Jeevas who utter the sacred ‘Ramanama’ would easily cross the unfathomable ocean of worldly existence and repeated births. Do not lose the courage, contemplate upon that supreme Lord Rama and proceed to accomplish the task.” Sage Kakabhusundi speaks “Oh! Garuda, Sampathi left the army of Vanaras, giving enough inspiration and courage, soon all the Vanaras began to speak of their ability to cross the ocean, some expressed concern over it, others were overconfident, and some of them were anxious without knowing their inner strength.” The elderly Jambavan spoke “Oh! Vanaras, I have grown too old to perform any mighty task like the way as I was used in olden days. I still remember, when Lord Kharari, assumed the form of Thrivikrama while crushing the pride of demon Bali, he has assumed a mighty form to count the entire Universe in three strides, I have circumambulated that mighty Lord Thrivikrama reverentially, I was young at that time and had immense strength in me.”

Mei Dhekheau Thumha Nahi Geedhahi Dhrishti Apara | Booda Bhayau Na Tha  Karatheau Sahaya Thumhara ||

Jo Naghayi Sath Jojana Sagara | Karayi So Rama Kaja Mathi  Aagara || Mohi Biloki Dharahu Manadheera | Ramakripa Kasa Bhayau Sareera || Papiau Ja Kara Nama Sumirahi | Athi Apara Bhavasagara Tharahi || Thasu Dhootha Thumha Thaji Kadharayi | Rama Hridhaya Dhari Karahu Upayi || Asa Kahi Garuda Geedha Jab Gayau | Thinha Ke Man Athi Bisamaya Bhayau || Nija Nija Bala Sab Kahau Bhasha | Par Jayi Kara Samsaya Rakha || Jarada Bhayau Ab Kahayi Richesa | Nahi Than Raha Prathama Bala Lesa || Jabahi Thribikrama Bhaye Kharari | Thab Mei Tharuna Raheau Bala Bhari ||

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