Thursday, August 5, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Devi Sita declares her willingness to join with Rama to travel to the woods


Chapter – 67– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Devi Sita declares her willingness to join with Rama to travel to woods


Devi Sita continues “Oh! Dheenabandhu, if you leave me in Ayodhya and proceed to woods, I promise you, I shall not survive without you. Oh! Prabho, you are the remover of distress, you are supreme Lord, knower of all, charming and compassionate, you are the storehouse of virtues and amiability. Oh! Prabho, as I walk behind you following your lotus footsteps, I shall forget the hunger and exhaustion. Oh! Prabho, I shall render relentless service to remove your exhaustion from the journey to woods. Oh! Prabho, I shall remain at the lotus feet, fanning you while you take rest under the shades of the trees. I shall forget all my grief watching your lotus face, following your footsteps. Oh! Prabho, I shall massage your lotus feet while taking a rest on the grass mattress during the night hours, so that you may get rid of the exhaustion of the journey. The scorching heat or chillness of the weather cannot harm me while I take pleasure contemplating and serving at your lotus feet. None of the wild creatures would dare to look at me in the presence of my Lord, how did the jackal and wolves withstand in the presence of a lion? Oh! Prabho, it is true that my limbs are delicate and fragile, but my beloved Lord is capable to carry the whole weight of the Universe and its hardships, hence it is appropriate for me to leave all the luxuries of the palace and follow your footsteps while you undertake penance.”

Rakhia Avadha Jo Avadhi Lagi Rahatha Na Janiahim Prana | Dheenabandhu Sundhara Sukhadha Seela Saneha Nidhana ||

Mohi Maga  Chalatha Na  Hoyihi  Hari | Cchinu Cchinu Charana Saroja Nihari || Sabahi Bhanthi Piya Seva Karihau | Maraga Janitha Sakala Sharama Harihau || Paya  Pakhari Baiti Tharu Cchahi| Karihau Bau Mudhitha Manmahi || Shrama Kana Sahitha Syama Thanu Dhekhe| Kaha Dhukha Samau Pranapathi Pekhe || Sama Mahi Thrina Tharupallava Dasi | Paya  Palotihi Sab Nisi Dhasi || Bar Bar Mridhu Moorathi Johi | Lagihi Thatha Bayari Na Mohi || Ko Prabhu Sanga Mohi Chithabanihara | Sindhabadhuhi Jimi  Sasaka Siara || Mei Sukumari Natha Bana Jogu | Thumhahi Uchitha Thapa Mo Kahu Bhogu ||

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